this image contains text
ok first some words. this ascii was made along time ago and have been released before, but when i was looking at my old pictures i see stuff like this
that not many people got the chance to see because i was in a lame group and
it was a long time ago, so why not show it again, maybe reach out to more
this time. well that was all from me, check out this ascii crap : ..
- Dizzy 98
,: ,a@@a,
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:.aa,., :
:aa, ,aaaaa .
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aaa, a,. ,:,aa: :
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:a:zz,zOa,,: O
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,DiZZYa, :a,@
4:-96: :00@ ,a
@: ,a :0:@ ,a ,..a !! 0 @ ,a
.aaaa @@ ,a.
original made by Dizzy 96 for a bbs called the real action.
that not many people got the chance to see because i was in a lame group and
it was a long time ago, so why not show it again, maybe reach out to more
this time. well that was all from me, check out this ascii crap : ..
- Dizzy 98
,: ,a@@a,
: :@
@ :000: :
: :00:
. : :0000 :
@ 00000 :
:.aa,., :
:aa, ,aaaaa .
:aa, :: o
a: .aaa,aaa,a ,a aaa
aaa, a,. ,:,aa: :
.,. @/a/,maaaaaa,,q :0
:a:zz,zOa,,: O
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,ao@oa, :
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:a:: a:a: a
::: @ a a aa: , @a, ,a@a
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.,a@ a @@@a ::ia
, a,i:ii: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
:@ @@@a:i //@
:, ,, i,a..a@
,DiZZYa, :a,@
4:-96: :00@ ,a
@: ,a :0:@ ,a ,..a !! 0 @ ,a
.aaaa @@ ,a.
original made by Dizzy 96 for a bbs called the real action.
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