this image contains text
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. e n o u g h ! .
// -- i i --
: .: .:: ::::::::::::::::::::: W E L C O M E :::::::::::::::::::: ::
: Welcome to E ! :
: Our goals are very simple: to provide a full-fledged dupe system for :
: music friendly people who require access for DIRECT CONTRIBUTION to the :
: MP3 scene and do all of this while beeing friendly and efficient! :
: We do not make any profit out of this system and beyond this point you :
: will only find music fantatics and infos about old MP3s that are :
: probably not online anymore, beware! NO ILLEGAL ACTIONS ARE TOLERATED :
: You have been granted an account onto this system therefore you agree :
: to the following. :
: 1. NEVER talk about Eircd or give infos to ANYONE! ........... GRPDEL :
: 2. NEVER talk about the STAFF/USERS or leak nicks/groups out! GRPDEL :
: 3. What happens on Eircd remains on Eircd. ................... DiEDiE :
: 4. NEVER log/audit/paste/archive ANYTHING from us! ........... GRPDEL :
: 5. NO echoing/relaying to/from here to/from elsewhere! ...... GRPDEL :
: 6. Distribution of illegal material is NOT tolerated here! ... GRPDEL :
: 7. NO connect floods! ........................................ DELUSR :
: 8. Your account is a priviledge, not a right. ........................ :
: 9. By beeing connected on here you agree to the above rules and pledge :
: that your actions will only be positive and you are no pig AKA cop. :
: EVEN :
: * On top of this, ANY type of negative actions against our users, our :
: ressources and/or any of our staff WILL result in INSTANT REMOVAL of, :
: not only you and you entire group, but also of ALL the groups that :
: you are responsible for and the groups that are responsible of you! :
: ** In the event that you cannot connect, be sure that you reach an :
: admin NOT in plain text over msn but on Link-Net using FISH or any :
: other kind of SECURE medium. :
: *** Again, we are only doing this for fun. :
: If you do not agree with ANY of the above or if you do not wish to be :
: part of this system any longer please let the operators know ASAP. :
:: .: :::::::::: B A C K G R O U N D I N F O :::::::::: ::
: Founded sometimes in february 2004 because of some other major :
: system constantly beeing down and very unreliable for a period of time, :
: Eircd was first and foremostly a gang of friends uniting with small :
: day listings of that major system that was imported into a very good :
: 0day database ran by a 3rd party. :
: Over the time we have back-scanned quite alot and merged in a couple :
: of other databases only to be now working with something that is up to :
: the serious standards of todays dupe requests. However our system :
: currently lacks alot of nuking informations, some old NFOs/SFVs and :
: tracklistings however has been a steadily reliable reference since a :
: couple of moons already. :
: The publicaly available channels on our network are as follow : :
: E for newly imported MP3 releases. :
: F for newly imported releases of ALL sections, MP3 included. :
: N for nuking. :
: Our IRC server is currently : :
: Lastly, you can access our web duping interface via +webbnc. Also, :
: be sure that you check in +help either in PM with Marvin or either :
: in e or f. :
: Have a wonderful stay on Eircd. Enjoy it as we do if not more and :
: be sure to message any crew member if you have any questions. :
:::::: .:: :::::::::::::: T H A N K Y O U :::::::::::::::: ::
. First off, major thanks to our brother Scour@SAC for his amazing talent :
: and for the love that he mixed into this wonderful piece of OS artwork. :
: Quite obviously, thanks to the people making E what it is, if you are :
: or have supplied some kind of ressource to our system over the years, :
: we thank you very much. To our dedicated core of people making this :
: a reality and to the coders who are surely having daily challenges to :
: keeping up with what our users demand: thank you. :
: To those siteops who had no clue what we were talking about before and :
: who are now taking part in our daily activities thank you also. Sites :
: scanning is what keeps dupechecking running and its quite a powerful :
: narcotic. Thanks to all siteops who ever donated an account to our :
: cause. :
: Lastly, thanks to our dear users who have, and sometimes not, greatly :
: inputted in this system, had faith in our work and who just use us for :
: doing great things in the MP3 scene of today. At the end of the day, :
: thats what its all about... :
.i:::: i::::. :::ii..::.
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ii:::: ::: . e i r c d
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iiii::::::... ::
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2 0 0 9 ::.. . . . . ............:::
Slappin P2P round the clock since Feb. 2004!
. e n o u g h ! .
// -- i i --
: .: .:: ::::::::::::::::::::: W E L C O M E :::::::::::::::::::: ::
: Welcome to E ! :
: Our goals are very simple: to provide a full-fledged dupe system for :
: music friendly people who require access for DIRECT CONTRIBUTION to the :
: MP3 scene and do all of this while beeing friendly and efficient! :
: We do not make any profit out of this system and beyond this point you :
: will only find music fantatics and infos about old MP3s that are :
: probably not online anymore, beware! NO ILLEGAL ACTIONS ARE TOLERATED :
: You have been granted an account onto this system therefore you agree :
: to the following. :
: 1. NEVER talk about Eircd or give infos to ANYONE! ........... GRPDEL :
: 2. NEVER talk about the STAFF/USERS or leak nicks/groups out! GRPDEL :
: 3. What happens on Eircd remains on Eircd. ................... DiEDiE :
: 4. NEVER log/audit/paste/archive ANYTHING from us! ........... GRPDEL :
: 5. NO echoing/relaying to/from here to/from elsewhere! ...... GRPDEL :
: 6. Distribution of illegal material is NOT tolerated here! ... GRPDEL :
: 7. NO connect floods! ........................................ DELUSR :
: 8. Your account is a priviledge, not a right. ........................ :
: 9. By beeing connected on here you agree to the above rules and pledge :
: that your actions will only be positive and you are no pig AKA cop. :
: EVEN :
: * On top of this, ANY type of negative actions against our users, our :
: ressources and/or any of our staff WILL result in INSTANT REMOVAL of, :
: not only you and you entire group, but also of ALL the groups that :
: you are responsible for and the groups that are responsible of you! :
: ** In the event that you cannot connect, be sure that you reach an :
: admin NOT in plain text over msn but on Link-Net using FISH or any :
: other kind of SECURE medium. :
: *** Again, we are only doing this for fun. :
: If you do not agree with ANY of the above or if you do not wish to be :
: part of this system any longer please let the operators know ASAP. :
:: .: :::::::::: B A C K G R O U N D I N F O :::::::::: ::
: Founded sometimes in february 2004 because of some other major :
: system constantly beeing down and very unreliable for a period of time, :
: Eircd was first and foremostly a gang of friends uniting with small :
: day listings of that major system that was imported into a very good :
: 0day database ran by a 3rd party. :
: Over the time we have back-scanned quite alot and merged in a couple :
: of other databases only to be now working with something that is up to :
: the serious standards of todays dupe requests. However our system :
: currently lacks alot of nuking informations, some old NFOs/SFVs and :
: tracklistings however has been a steadily reliable reference since a :
: couple of moons already. :
: The publicaly available channels on our network are as follow : :
: E for newly imported MP3 releases. :
: F for newly imported releases of ALL sections, MP3 included. :
: N for nuking. :
: Our IRC server is currently : :
: Lastly, you can access our web duping interface via +webbnc. Also, :
: be sure that you check in +help either in PM with Marvin or either :
: in e or f. :
: Have a wonderful stay on Eircd. Enjoy it as we do if not more and :
: be sure to message any crew member if you have any questions. :
:::::: .:: :::::::::::::: T H A N K Y O U :::::::::::::::: ::
. First off, major thanks to our brother Scour@SAC for his amazing talent :
: and for the love that he mixed into this wonderful piece of OS artwork. :
: Quite obviously, thanks to the people making E what it is, if you are :
: or have supplied some kind of ressource to our system over the years, :
: we thank you very much. To our dedicated core of people making this :
: a reality and to the coders who are surely having daily challenges to :
: keeping up with what our users demand: thank you. :
: To those siteops who had no clue what we were talking about before and :
: who are now taking part in our daily activities thank you also. Sites :
: scanning is what keeps dupechecking running and its quite a powerful :
: narcotic. Thanks to all siteops who ever donated an account to our :
: cause. :
: Lastly, thanks to our dear users who have, and sometimes not, greatly :
: inputted in this system, had faith in our work and who just use us for :
: doing great things in the MP3 scene of today. At the end of the day, :
: thats what its all about... :
.i:::: i::::. :::ii..::.
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........ i::::::........, ... ......... ...... ........ ...........
ii:::: ::: . e i r c d
iii:::: : :.
iiii::::. . :: .
iiii::::::... ::
iiiii:::::::::::::::::::::::: .
iiii:::::::::::::::::: .
2 0 0 9 ::.. . . . . ............:::
Slappin P2P round the clock since Feb. 2004!
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