this image contains text
ii:.. .
: : .. - - ..::iiii:. .
our reign is forever.. . - ::::: . .::::::iiiii: . +
... - . :: .:ii. :::::::::iiii: -.
S! .:::.. . :: . .: ::: :::::::::iii: :
........... ::: ..:::: ::. : . ..:::::iii. ::::::::iii.::ii:.
.iii::::::::::::::::.. .iii:::.:: ,:. ..:. ::::::::::ii:.:::::::ii:.:::iii:
:iii:::::::::::::::::::iii::::::: ::,: :::::::::::::::::i::::::::i::::::ii:
:iiii::::::::::::::::::.i:::::::: : : ::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::i:
:iiiii::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::. ::: :::. ..:iiii.. :::
iiii:::::..::::.. ::: . : .::ii. .::::::::iii:.
.:iii:::::: -. : :::. :: ::::::::::::::.
.i : ! .. .: . ! : i.
. : ..:iii: .
-. .. : :::::ii: . .. .- //
. . :. :::i: . . . /
. . ii. .: . / /. /
/ . iii:.. : .
i : .::: .. : i
- ii.:..: -
.-. i::.. . .-.
! i.:: . . : !
p r e s e m t s . . .
.: - . i i . - :.
: ::::::: :: : : : : Author..: TEAM AGES : : : : :: ::::::: :
: :.::::: :: : : : Type....: Trainer : : : :: :::::.: :
: : ::::: :: : : : : Date....: 30/12/05 : : : : :: ::::: : :
: : : ::: :: : : : . Options.: 22 . : : : :: ::: : : :
: :.:.:,:.::.: .: .: :.. Size....: 1xSmall ..: :. :. :.::.:,:.:.: :
: o p t i o n s .:::: : ::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::
No 01 1 - Infinite Health All In Group
No 02 2 - Infinite Force All In Group
No 03 3 - Infinite Credits
No 04 4 - Infinite Skill Points
YeS 05 5 - Infinite Feats
YeS 06 6 - Infinite Powers
YeS 07 7 - Instant Level Up
YeS 08 8 - Hacked Labs
YeS 09 9 - Peace On
No -- 0 - Peace Off
YeS 10 F3 - Pointer of Healing
YeS 11 F6 - Pointer of Death .
YeS 12 F7 - Pointer of Picklock .
YeS 13 F8 - Pointer of Speed . :
YeS 14 F9 - Pointer of Slow motion
YeS 15 F10 - Pointer of Paralysis
YeS 16 F11 - Duplicate Item
. YeS 17 F12 - Super charge weapon
. YeS 18 B,N - Character Possessionread notes
: n o t e s . . :: ::::: .:::::::::::::::..:::.::.
5 - Infinite Feats
: When you enable this option it will let you select every
. FEAT available for your current level.
6 - Infinite Powers
Exactly the same as the FEAT options only this time it works
for powers instead.
7 - Instant Level Up
When pressing 7 on the keyboard the character you are
controlling at the time will be advanced 1 level forward.
8 - Hacked Labs
All items are not available to you in the labs, they DO NOT
require any chemicals and the skill requisites have been
removed as well, basically this option turns them into
9 - Peace On
When you enable this option EVERYONE has because your friend
not only your friend.. but EVERYONES friend : there will be
no fighting. This option also lets you do certain things you
couldnt do as an enemy such as reprogram enemy robots to
self destruct :
Because all of the next options after this one are controlled
by POINT AND CLICK.. this option returns your pointer back
to normal so that you dont go around killing your own people
etc... :
F3 - Pointer of Healing
Activate this option and whoever you are clicking on will
receive their max amount of health, this is useful for when
people need to stay alive that are not in your party.
F6 - Pointer of Death
Whoever you click on will have their health reduced to 1 this
also includes anything with a health value.
F7 - Pointer of Lockpick
Click on ANYTHING thats locked and this option will open it..
doors,lockers etc..
F8 - Pointer of Speed
Use this option to speed up anyone you want.. probably best
to only speed up your own team members :
F9 - Pointer of Slow Motion
Same as above.. this one is for your enemies.. not likely
to catch you once they get fucked over with this option.
F10 - Pointer of Paralysis
Another option for your enemies.. anyone clicked on while
this option is active will just sit there and do nothing.
F11 - Duplicate Item
OK, this option will duplicate any item you have in your
inventory.. you can use it to horde a shitload of computer
spikes or .. well anything.. I took my lightsaber and made
6 copies and gave everyone double lightsabers : great
option indeed..
This is how you use it :-
1. Click on the inventory screen.
2. Click on the item you want to duplicate.it will flash
3. Press F11
4. Click the RIGHT! mouse button onto the item again.
5. Its now done.. but the screen wont update immediately so..
6. Click ALL on the filter bar at the top.. and you will
see your item has now increased.
SMALL NOTE!! If you are duplicating something that is EQUIPED
then to use the new duplicated items you need to UN-EQUIP
then RE-EQUIP it so the game can update the inventory.
This option enables you to pretty much control any character
in the game..
This is how it works..
First of all you need make SURE!! that you are in a place where
you can dismiss all other party members or it wont work.
So first thing you do is get rid of all other party members so
you are on your own.
Walk up to the character you want to control and make sure he
is highlighted.
PRESS B - This will lock his Structure ID into position.
PRESS F1 - This normalizes the pointer and stops you from
accidentally messing the whole process up.
PRESS N - The camera SHOULD! move to the new character.
PRESS N AGAIN! - You will not return to your normal character
Once you have done the above key presses you will notice that
you have a NEW character added to your screen, it wont have
a picture in general its a GREEN square.. click on this and
you are in control of that character..
THIS OPTION IS FOR FUN!!!! do not use it in serious play
because its very easy to crash the game, especially if
the guy you are controlling dies. You have been warned :
ANOTHER amazing selection from your friends at AGES!
you know who to trust for the COMPLETE trainers :
Contact us at team.ages@hushmail.com
. . .- -.. :. ....::: a g e s
.: Y :::. ::.: :
.i::. .:::: .::ii : ..::::::::..
. iii::::.. ...:::: ..:::iiii . : .:::.... :::.
:: .::: :::::ii: ::::: :::::i:: .::iiii:..:.........
::. : .::.. ::: - .. - ii:: . ::
:: . ,::::.. ::: ii:: :: ::
: . .:: ::::: t:: : :::
. .i:: :::::::.... ::. .::
: iii:. ..:::-.::::::::....:::... ..::
. iiii:::::::::: -. iiiiiiiii::::::::::::::
ii:.. .
: : .. - - ..::iiii:. .
our reign is forever.. . - ::::: . .::::::iiiii: . +
... - . :: .:ii. :::::::::iiii: -.
S! .:::.. . :: . .: ::: :::::::::iii: :
........... ::: ..:::: ::. : . ..:::::iii. ::::::::iii.::ii:.
.iii::::::::::::::::.. .iii:::.:: ,:. ..:. ::::::::::ii:.:::::::ii:.:::iii:
:iii:::::::::::::::::::iii::::::: ::,: :::::::::::::::::i::::::::i::::::ii:
:iiii::::::::::::::::::.i:::::::: : : ::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::i:
:iiiii::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::. ::: :::. ..:iiii.. :::
iiii:::::..::::.. ::: . : .::ii. .::::::::iii:.
.:iii:::::: -. : :::. :: ::::::::::::::.
.i : ! .. .: . ! : i.
. : ..:iii: .
-. .. : :::::ii: . .. .- //
. . :. :::i: . . . /
. . ii. .: . / /. /
/ . iii:.. : .
i : .::: .. : i
- ii.:..: -
.-. i::.. . .-.
! i.:: . . : !
p r e s e m t s . . .
.: - . i i . - :.
: ::::::: :: : : : : Author..: TEAM AGES : : : : :: ::::::: :
: :.::::: :: : : : Type....: Trainer : : : :: :::::.: :
: : ::::: :: : : : : Date....: 30/12/05 : : : : :: ::::: : :
: : : ::: :: : : : . Options.: 22 . : : : :: ::: : : :
: :.:.:,:.::.: .: .: :.. Size....: 1xSmall ..: :. :. :.::.:,:.:.: :
: o p t i o n s .:::: : ::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::
No 01 1 - Infinite Health All In Group
No 02 2 - Infinite Force All In Group
No 03 3 - Infinite Credits
No 04 4 - Infinite Skill Points
YeS 05 5 - Infinite Feats
YeS 06 6 - Infinite Powers
YeS 07 7 - Instant Level Up
YeS 08 8 - Hacked Labs
YeS 09 9 - Peace On
No -- 0 - Peace Off
YeS 10 F3 - Pointer of Healing
YeS 11 F6 - Pointer of Death .
YeS 12 F7 - Pointer of Picklock .
YeS 13 F8 - Pointer of Speed . :
YeS 14 F9 - Pointer of Slow motion
YeS 15 F10 - Pointer of Paralysis
YeS 16 F11 - Duplicate Item
. YeS 17 F12 - Super charge weapon
. YeS 18 B,N - Character Possessionread notes
: n o t e s . . :: ::::: .:::::::::::::::..:::.::.
5 - Infinite Feats
: When you enable this option it will let you select every
. FEAT available for your current level.
6 - Infinite Powers
Exactly the same as the FEAT options only this time it works
for powers instead.
7 - Instant Level Up
When pressing 7 on the keyboard the character you are
controlling at the time will be advanced 1 level forward.
8 - Hacked Labs
All items are not available to you in the labs, they DO NOT
require any chemicals and the skill requisites have been
removed as well, basically this option turns them into
9 - Peace On
When you enable this option EVERYONE has because your friend
not only your friend.. but EVERYONES friend : there will be
no fighting. This option also lets you do certain things you
couldnt do as an enemy such as reprogram enemy robots to
self destruct :
Because all of the next options after this one are controlled
by POINT AND CLICK.. this option returns your pointer back
to normal so that you dont go around killing your own people
etc... :
F3 - Pointer of Healing
Activate this option and whoever you are clicking on will
receive their max amount of health, this is useful for when
people need to stay alive that are not in your party.
F6 - Pointer of Death
Whoever you click on will have their health reduced to 1 this
also includes anything with a health value.
F7 - Pointer of Lockpick
Click on ANYTHING thats locked and this option will open it..
doors,lockers etc..
F8 - Pointer of Speed
Use this option to speed up anyone you want.. probably best
to only speed up your own team members :
F9 - Pointer of Slow Motion
Same as above.. this one is for your enemies.. not likely
to catch you once they get fucked over with this option.
F10 - Pointer of Paralysis
Another option for your enemies.. anyone clicked on while
this option is active will just sit there and do nothing.
F11 - Duplicate Item
OK, this option will duplicate any item you have in your
inventory.. you can use it to horde a shitload of computer
spikes or .. well anything.. I took my lightsaber and made
6 copies and gave everyone double lightsabers : great
option indeed..
This is how you use it :-
1. Click on the inventory screen.
2. Click on the item you want to duplicate.it will flash
3. Press F11
4. Click the RIGHT! mouse button onto the item again.
5. Its now done.. but the screen wont update immediately so..
6. Click ALL on the filter bar at the top.. and you will
see your item has now increased.
SMALL NOTE!! If you are duplicating something that is EQUIPED
then to use the new duplicated items you need to UN-EQUIP
then RE-EQUIP it so the game can update the inventory.
This option enables you to pretty much control any character
in the game..
This is how it works..
First of all you need make SURE!! that you are in a place where
you can dismiss all other party members or it wont work.
So first thing you do is get rid of all other party members so
you are on your own.
Walk up to the character you want to control and make sure he
is highlighted.
PRESS B - This will lock his Structure ID into position.
PRESS F1 - This normalizes the pointer and stops you from
accidentally messing the whole process up.
PRESS N - The camera SHOULD! move to the new character.
PRESS N AGAIN! - You will not return to your normal character
Once you have done the above key presses you will notice that
you have a NEW character added to your screen, it wont have
a picture in general its a GREEN square.. click on this and
you are in control of that character..
THIS OPTION IS FOR FUN!!!! do not use it in serious play
because its very easy to crash the game, especially if
the guy you are controlling dies. You have been warned :
ANOTHER amazing selection from your friends at AGES!
you know who to trust for the COMPLETE trainers :
Contact us at team.ages@hushmail.com
. . .- -.. :. ....::: a g e s
.: Y :::. ::.: :
.i::. .:::: .::ii : ..::::::::..
. iii::::.. ...:::: ..:::iiii . : .:::.... :::.
:: .::: :::::ii: ::::: :::::i:: .::iiii:..:.........
::. : .::.. ::: - .. - ii:: . ::
:: . ,::::.. ::: ii:: :: ::
: . .:: ::::: t:: : :::
. .i:: :::::::.... ::. .::
: iii:. ..:::-.::::::::....:::... ..::
. iiii:::::::::: -. iiiiiiiii::::::::::::::
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