this image contains text
: D M X dIGITAL mUSIC Xtremists
release date : xx / xx / xx genre: ?????????
: artists name : fat boy slim label: ????????? :/
album name : halfway between gutter and the stars
ripped by : whoever
ripping date : xx / xx / xx
: sound quality: ??kbs ??hZ ???
:--------------------: t R A C K l I S T :---------------------:
track o1. weapon of choice. 3:46
: track o2. ya mama. 2.55 :/
track o3.
track o4.
track o5.
track o6. :
. track o7.
track o8.
track o9.
track 1o. :
------------------ g R O U P n E W S -------------------/ /
// ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? /
: ?????????????????????????????????????????? - someone / dmx -
. / g R E E T i N G S //.
: the blagblahblahgroup and blahblahdood / blahblah.. etc.
-:------ h o w t o c o n t a c t d m x ------:-
emails and all the information..
info updated: xx / xx / xx :::::::::: info by don rapello / SAC
release date : xx / xx / xx genre: ?????????
: artists name : fat boy slim label: ????????? :/
album name : halfway between gutter and the stars
ripped by : whoever
ripping date : xx / xx / xx
: sound quality: ??kbs ??hZ ???
:--------------------: t R A C K l I S T :---------------------:
track o1. weapon of choice. 3:46
: track o2. ya mama. 2.55 :/
track o3.
track o4.
track o5.
track o6. :
. track o7.
track o8.
track o9.
track 1o. :
------------------ g R O U P n E W S -------------------/ /
// ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? /
: ?????????????????????????????????????????? - someone / dmx -
. / g R E E T i N G S //.
: the blagblahblahgroup and blahblahdood / blahblah.. etc.
-:------ h o w t o c o n t a c t d m x ------:-
emails and all the information..
info updated: xx / xx / xx :::::::::: info by don rapello / SAC
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