this image contains text
c o n s o l e : : sCr
.sAc : : w o r l d
Gameboy Advance Console World Charts for January 1st through 31st.
Issue Number Eight, Realeased on February 2nd, 2002.
Console World Staff: loaded and ennay.
Featuring Guest Commentary by: Person / Group-X.
/ . I N T R O D U C T I O N . /
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Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
/ .-//-------- R U L E S ---------. /
-1 Point - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
you? -1 point then.
DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesnt work,
-1 time!
+0 Points - BETA: Beta releases are cool to check out, but they are not
the real deal. No points are given or taken for these.
TERRITORY DUPE: If a game is released in Europe first and
contains English, then a following USA release is considered
a territory dupe. If a game is released in the USA first,
and it releases later in Europe with no additional languages,
it is also considered a territory dupe. Games that have
additional game features/levels/etc. added are void from
territory dupe rules. Only Roms that contain differences
when file compared fit into the territory dupe category,
if a Rom is the exact same in 2 territories, it fits into
the -1 dupe category. Territory dupes receive 0 points.
FIX: A non-protection related fix for a released game gets 0
+1 Point - TRAINER: Any selectable trainer including a menu receives
1 point.
MULTI: A European Multi Language release of a previously
available US title.
FOREIGN: A German/French/Spanish/Etc. release of a
previously available English title.
TOOL: A tool for the PC that is useful for Gameboy
Advance purposes gets 1 point.
EEPROM FIX: A fix for games containing EEPROM saves, to
allow the game to run without EEPROM saving on the
current GBA copiers. These get 1 point for now, they
will get 0 once flash-carts featuring EEPROM saving
become more mainstream.
+2 Points - AVERAGE JAPANESE: An average Japanese game. Most RPGS,
Mahjong titles, Slot games, Sims, Adventures, etc. will be
put into this category. These receive 2 points.
FOREIGN WORLD FIRST: If a German/French/Spanish/Etc. game
is out before the English version, it gets 2 points.
CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2
+3 Points - ENGLISH WORLD FIRST: The first release of a game in English.
This is generally the first release of the game available,
either in Europe or the USA. These receive 3 points.
QUALITY JAPANESE: A quality Japanese title that is either
highly awaited or playable will receive 3 points. Generally
games from major companies due out for release later
in English will fit into this category. Most action games,
fighting games, etc. will also fall under this category.
TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English
3 points. The points reflect the major amount of work this
+4 Points - MAJOR: Usually the best/most-anticipated game of the month.
C H A R T S -- J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 2 /
// / RD
----/----- --:---------:----- ---+ Quartex +---------------.
Release Date ::: Game Name / Company :::::::::::: Info :::: Pts. :: Notes
January 20th -- Scour Returns / sCr aRts USA/256 +99 GOTY-1!
January 25th -- Scour Returns 2 / sCr aRts USA/512 +99 GOTY-2!
January 30th -- Scour Dies: Not! / sCr aRts USA/1024 +99 GOTY-3!
----+ Comments +--------------------------------- ------- - - -
Ennay: WOW, another outstanding month for these guys, they grabbed ALL of
the MEGA ELITE Scour titles from this month! We all agreed that Scour owns
all and that these games all deserve +99 points because they are so amazing.
We also all agreed undisputedly that these are the games of the month, hell,
theyre even the games of the decade. Scour: we LOVE you and your games!!
Loaded: Hi Im gay.
Guest: Good job, Quartex!
-rtx! -+ Mode7 -------------------.
Release Date ::: Game Name / Company :::::::::::: Info :::: Pts. :: Notes
January 20th -- Scour Returns +9 / sCr aRts USA/IPS +99
January 25th -- Scour Returns 2 +9 / sCr aRts USA/IPS +99
January 30th -- Scour Dies: Not! +9 / sCr aRts USA/IPS +99
----+ Comments +--------------------------------- ------- - - -
Ennay: What can I say, amazing trainers for the most amazing games ever!
Loaded: Im still gay.
Guest: Good job, Mode7!
- ----//---/ . G R O U P T O T A L S . /---//---- -
::::: Rank :::::: Group ::::: Points ::::: All Time Pts :::::
001 ScourGBA 1,000 1,000,000
002 Sk-Hour 0,835 0,020,000
003 zC0Ur 0,323 0,001,222
004 SScouRR 0,184 0,000,893
005 Scour 0,029 0,000,099
- ScourGBA holds on to an amazing lead with 1 million points!
- blah Blah blah blah blah BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh
- blah Blah blah blah blah BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh
- blah Blah blah blah blah BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh
/ . C O N C L U S I O N . /
It was just another ordinary month for the GBA. The same group dominated
USA releases and the same group dominated Japanese releases. The most
interesting thing to see this month was the groups that started to push
out trainers. It seems that this will be a very competitive aspect of
the scene in the coming ones, and definitely one to keep an eye on.
Next month should be more exciting for American releases, which should
make the scene more lively. See you then!
- Loaded
. / . C U R R E N T L Y P L A Y I N G G R E E T S . / .
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Greetings to : Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, and, oh yeah.. Scour.
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Greetings to : Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, and, oh yeah.. Scour.
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Greetings to : Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, and, oh yeah.. Scour.
-------------+ Console World Issue Number 8 - January 2002 +------------
.sAc : : w o r l d
Gameboy Advance Console World Charts for January 1st through 31st.
Issue Number Eight, Realeased on February 2nd, 2002.
Console World Staff: loaded and ennay.
Featuring Guest Commentary by: Person / Group-X.
/ . I N T R O D U C T I O N . /
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
Start Here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Here.
/ .-//-------- R U L E S ---------. /
-1 Point - DUPE: Released a game, but only after another group already beat
you? -1 point then.
DUPE TRAINER: A Late Trainer with the same or less options.
BROKEN: If you release a game/trainer/crack that doesnt work,
-1 time!
+0 Points - BETA: Beta releases are cool to check out, but they are not
the real deal. No points are given or taken for these.
TERRITORY DUPE: If a game is released in Europe first and
contains English, then a following USA release is considered
a territory dupe. If a game is released in the USA first,
and it releases later in Europe with no additional languages,
it is also considered a territory dupe. Games that have
additional game features/levels/etc. added are void from
territory dupe rules. Only Roms that contain differences
when file compared fit into the territory dupe category,
if a Rom is the exact same in 2 territories, it fits into
the -1 dupe category. Territory dupes receive 0 points.
FIX: A non-protection related fix for a released game gets 0
+1 Point - TRAINER: Any selectable trainer including a menu receives
1 point.
MULTI: A European Multi Language release of a previously
available US title.
FOREIGN: A German/French/Spanish/Etc. release of a
previously available English title.
TOOL: A tool for the PC that is useful for Gameboy
Advance purposes gets 1 point.
EEPROM FIX: A fix for games containing EEPROM saves, to
allow the game to run without EEPROM saving on the
current GBA copiers. These get 1 point for now, they
will get 0 once flash-carts featuring EEPROM saving
become more mainstream.
+2 Points - AVERAGE JAPANESE: An average Japanese game. Most RPGS,
Mahjong titles, Slot games, Sims, Adventures, etc. will be
put into this category. These receive 2 points.
FOREIGN WORLD FIRST: If a German/French/Spanish/Etc. game
is out before the English version, it gets 2 points.
CRACK: A crack for a protected/non-working game gets you 2
+3 Points - ENGLISH WORLD FIRST: The first release of a game in English.
This is generally the first release of the game available,
either in Europe or the USA. These receive 3 points.
QUALITY JAPANESE: A quality Japanese title that is either
highly awaited or playable will receive 3 points. Generally
games from major companies due out for release later
in English will fit into this category. Most action games,
fighting games, etc. will also fall under this category.
TRANSLATION: Translating a non-English game to English
3 points. The points reflect the major amount of work this
+4 Points - MAJOR: Usually the best/most-anticipated game of the month.
C H A R T S -- J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 2 /
// / RD
----/----- --:---------:----- ---+ Quartex +---------------.
Release Date ::: Game Name / Company :::::::::::: Info :::: Pts. :: Notes
January 20th -- Scour Returns / sCr aRts USA/256 +99 GOTY-1!
January 25th -- Scour Returns 2 / sCr aRts USA/512 +99 GOTY-2!
January 30th -- Scour Dies: Not! / sCr aRts USA/1024 +99 GOTY-3!
----+ Comments +--------------------------------- ------- - - -
Ennay: WOW, another outstanding month for these guys, they grabbed ALL of
the MEGA ELITE Scour titles from this month! We all agreed that Scour owns
all and that these games all deserve +99 points because they are so amazing.
We also all agreed undisputedly that these are the games of the month, hell,
theyre even the games of the decade. Scour: we LOVE you and your games!!
Loaded: Hi Im gay.
Guest: Good job, Quartex!
-rtx! -+ Mode7 -------------------.
Release Date ::: Game Name / Company :::::::::::: Info :::: Pts. :: Notes
January 20th -- Scour Returns +9 / sCr aRts USA/IPS +99
January 25th -- Scour Returns 2 +9 / sCr aRts USA/IPS +99
January 30th -- Scour Dies: Not! +9 / sCr aRts USA/IPS +99
----+ Comments +--------------------------------- ------- - - -
Ennay: What can I say, amazing trainers for the most amazing games ever!
Loaded: Im still gay.
Guest: Good job, Mode7!
- ----//---/ . G R O U P T O T A L S . /---//---- -
::::: Rank :::::: Group ::::: Points ::::: All Time Pts :::::
001 ScourGBA 1,000 1,000,000
002 Sk-Hour 0,835 0,020,000
003 zC0Ur 0,323 0,001,222
004 SScouRR 0,184 0,000,893
005 Scour 0,029 0,000,099
- ScourGBA holds on to an amazing lead with 1 million points!
- blah Blah blah blah blah BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh
- blah Blah blah blah blah BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh
- blah Blah blah blah blah BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh BLAH BlaH blah bLAh BlAh
/ . C O N C L U S I O N . /
It was just another ordinary month for the GBA. The same group dominated
USA releases and the same group dominated Japanese releases. The most
interesting thing to see this month was the groups that started to push
out trainers. It seems that this will be a very competitive aspect of
the scene in the coming ones, and definitely one to keep an eye on.
Next month should be more exciting for American releases, which should
make the scene more lively. See you then!
- Loaded
. / . C U R R E N T L Y P L A Y I N G G R E E T S . / .
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Greetings to : Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, and, oh yeah.. Scour.
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Greetings to : Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, and, oh yeah.. Scour.
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Game Name / System : blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Greetings to : Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, Scour, and, oh yeah.. Scour.
-------------+ Console World Issue Number 8 - January 2002 +------------
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