this image contains text
: : : : : : ascii : snsSAC
B A C K F i R E
.-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..RELEASE iNFOS
Artist.: Ripper.:
Album..: Size...: xx Mb
Genre..: Date...: mm/dd/yy
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..TRACk DETAiLS :
Track Track Name Time
01 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
03 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
04 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
0X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..RELEASE NOTES :
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..GROUP NEWS :
Backfire is a group that is on the rise on EFnet today. We are here to
help supply the music that you cant always get your hands on. Like
the old Metallicas and albums of that nature. We allow our rippers to
rip anything that they would like from new to old. We are here for
ourselves and the public. If you are interested in becoming a BKF
member drop by bkf on EFNet and ask about joining. We are still
looking for shell suppliers and rippers, and of course siteops t1+
10gb+, hardware ppl. If you have any others jobs that you think would
help out the group, come see a founder or a high council member.
Also, please visit our domain: www.backfire99.com
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..THE MEMBERS :
Presidents: Jag * troll
Vice-Prez: Madmav
High Council: D-LuX * dilinger * kazyn * rygar * anopski * ryawn
Rippers: Dahmer * eldiablo * fourqui * kabuki * kazyn * saidar
Switch * Acero * molgold * PRS * G0liath * @Li3N * dom
BowZer * QuaKEn311 * jikuu * smooth * filo * porsche * l0ckx
Hydrian * duelz
Siteops: jammaster * WestSyd97 * bjm * empire * feedhog * G0liath
BowZer * QuaKEn311 * smooth * DoDo * porsche * LarYFinT
Shell Providers: Madmav * mnctech * redzz * troll * gmind * CableGuy
Webmasters: dilinger * Madmav
IRC Couriers: BowZer * gmind * duelz * ShocK
FTP Couriers: hoax * Madmav * Acero * PRS * ryawn * QuaKEn311
BeBouL * duelz * CableGuy
Botmaster: redzz
:.......:. . header/nfo: senserSAC update: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . .:.......:
B A C K F i R E
.-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..RELEASE iNFOS
Artist.: Ripper.:
Album..: Size...: xx Mb
Genre..: Date...: mm/dd/yy
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..TRACk DETAiLS :
Track Track Name Time
01 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
03 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
04 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
0X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00:00
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..RELEASE NOTES :
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..GROUP NEWS :
Backfire is a group that is on the rise on EFnet today. We are here to
help supply the music that you cant always get your hands on. Like
the old Metallicas and albums of that nature. We allow our rippers to
rip anything that they would like from new to old. We are here for
ourselves and the public. If you are interested in becoming a BKF
member drop by bkf on EFNet and ask about joining. We are still
looking for shell suppliers and rippers, and of course siteops t1+
10gb+, hardware ppl. If you have any others jobs that you think would
help out the group, come see a founder or a high council member.
Also, please visit our domain: www.backfire99.com
: .-----------------------------------------------------/ . ..THE MEMBERS :
Presidents: Jag * troll
Vice-Prez: Madmav
High Council: D-LuX * dilinger * kazyn * rygar * anopski * ryawn
Rippers: Dahmer * eldiablo * fourqui * kabuki * kazyn * saidar
Switch * Acero * molgold * PRS * G0liath * @Li3N * dom
BowZer * QuaKEn311 * jikuu * smooth * filo * porsche * l0ckx
Hydrian * duelz
Siteops: jammaster * WestSyd97 * bjm * empire * feedhog * G0liath
BowZer * QuaKEn311 * smooth * DoDo * porsche * LarYFinT
Shell Providers: Madmav * mnctech * redzz * troll * gmind * CableGuy
Webmasters: dilinger * Madmav
IRC Couriers: BowZer * gmind * duelz * ShocK
FTP Couriers: hoax * Madmav * Acero * PRS * ryawn * QuaKEn311
BeBouL * duelz * CableGuy
Botmaster: redzz
:.......:. . header/nfo: senserSAC update: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . .:.......:
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