this image contains text
Darktrooper - Speedball - Sketch - t800 - Impulse - Maloo
gabbah - Skuz
Alex25 - Arcus - aWG - Barkeep - Blinky - Cybtropic - Darksoul
Davadian - EtherX - Hades - Jonte - Manic - Morbital - MrDum - Nighty
No1 - Nyke - P-Spike - Raizen - Scions - SkyHawk - Solid - Soul - Spidy
Speed - Stnger - Tragik - Visine - Woodstock - Xneila - Zelixor
Prosperity ................................... Thunder World HQ
-------------- ............................... Thunder HQ
Claws of Death ............................... Thunder HQ
Tombstone .................................... Thunder Membersite
We would like to welcome Stinger, Arcus and nyke to our team! We
would also like to present our new World Headquarters, Prosperity! Its
a new euro site out there which has a very good potential, so lets wish
a good luck to it!
Maloo came out of retirement, he is still getting updated on most
things, but we should see results of his activities on the group very
Also, gabbah has joined a coordination spot in the group. Its like
if it was a council couriers section, its made of people who will
directly help the council with coordinating issues and things like that.
Gabbah and skuz were chosen to be there. Skuz was almost a council
for all the time hes been on the group, and gabbah has been perfectly
helping me, t800 and darktroop with council stuff. Welcome aboard! :
- Sketch / Thunder Council
You can also reach us via email: t-rockets@usa.net
Greetings to: Butcher - Snakeeyes - Lester - Garoto - Gollie - Pozest
Goatass - Tirre - Gimi - Bud - Jamili - Sigma
NFO Layout: Sketch NFO Header: Squizzy of SAC Updated: 04/08/99
Darktrooper - Speedball - Sketch - t800 - Impulse - Maloo
gabbah - Skuz
Alex25 - Arcus - aWG - Barkeep - Blinky - Cybtropic - Darksoul
Davadian - EtherX - Hades - Jonte - Manic - Morbital - MrDum - Nighty
No1 - Nyke - P-Spike - Raizen - Scions - SkyHawk - Solid - Soul - Spidy
Speed - Stnger - Tragik - Visine - Woodstock - Xneila - Zelixor
Prosperity ................................... Thunder World HQ
-------------- ............................... Thunder HQ
Claws of Death ............................... Thunder HQ
Tombstone .................................... Thunder Membersite
We would like to welcome Stinger, Arcus and nyke to our team! We
would also like to present our new World Headquarters, Prosperity! Its
a new euro site out there which has a very good potential, so lets wish
a good luck to it!
Maloo came out of retirement, he is still getting updated on most
things, but we should see results of his activities on the group very
Also, gabbah has joined a coordination spot in the group. Its like
if it was a council couriers section, its made of people who will
directly help the council with coordinating issues and things like that.
Gabbah and skuz were chosen to be there. Skuz was almost a council
for all the time hes been on the group, and gabbah has been perfectly
helping me, t800 and darktroop with council stuff. Welcome aboard! :
- Sketch / Thunder Council
You can also reach us via email: t-rockets@usa.net
Greetings to: Butcher - Snakeeyes - Lester - Garoto - Gollie - Pozest
Goatass - Tirre - Gimi - Bud - Jamili - Sigma
NFO Layout: Sketch NFO Header: Squizzy of SAC Updated: 04/08/99
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