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infofile.. .
how it is, was, and always will be.
whats up everyone. metallic blood here, with
yet another s2p pack. i believe we are getting
much better as the months pass, i dunno, thats
my opinion. one thing, we are NOT a satanic
cult or anything, i just felt like drawing
something different this month, and since slayer
just plain kicks ass.. i decided to draw some
pentagrams. oh well, fuck it. anyways.. on
with the program.
new happenings.
my board, the pharcyde, will be going down VERY
shortly, because of the arise of my new board.
only thing is, i cant decide on a damn software
to run. but thats not important. it will be
up shortly after it goes down.. so as for
submitting, and applying, and whatnot, dont
new members.
well lookie here. i guess i found the reason
we hadnt gotten any new members in the last
months.. probably because we had NO DAMN APP-
GENERATOR! heh, but now we do. and now we
have gotten a few new members.
aeon - coding extraordinairre. his coding in
the application generator was a BIG success.
he is now the head of the coding division..
and has helped me start coding. only thing
is, i can only code in pascal.. this guy can
code in EVERYTHING. im pissed. :
alienated testicle - well, this guy was on
irc, and showed me and the ascii co-ordinator
some of his work, and we let him in. only
thing is, he released that stuff with another
group, and left us with nothing. ill try to
find this guy and see if he still wants in.
phree - last but not least. phree rocks the
house and then some. he was in another local
group, ash gre3tz g0 out t0 y0u do0dz!, and
decided to come over here with s2p. since hes
a friend of mine and hes le3t. i gave him
ascii co-ordinator position. werd.
an idea.
mr. corruption had this idea of having the
whole group take pictures, and hed scan them
so we could release with the pack. heh, when
i heard that, i laughed. but i dont know,
it might be kinda cool. itd be t0t4lly k-r4d
in closing, id like to say that umm, well,
s2ps stayin around, so keep an 3y3 out for
our elite work. later.
mass greets:
bedlam - you know i love you beddy. :
28 - got my menu header yet? heh.
bob the janitor - your group, well, it r0x!
tweed - td!@@!@! irc flashbacks
mrsmiley - i just greeted a bot. ugh.. :
everlast - ill be bahq on inet soon fo0!
stone the crow - where the HELL have you been?!
you change groups too much man.. to solve this
come to s2p and stay there. : you r0q.
eerie - thanks for the ansi! you rule!
mogel - im soooo tempted to give out your
top sekret project. but, i wont.
infofile by metallic blood. s2p prodz 1996. bitch.
sabotage/2 information
how it is, was, and always will be.
whats up everyone. metallic blood here, with
yet another s2p pack. i believe we are getting
much better as the months pass, i dunno, thats
my opinion. one thing, we are NOT a satanic
cult or anything, i just felt like drawing
something different this month, and since slayer
just plain kicks ass.. i decided to draw some
pentagrams. oh well, fuck it. anyways.. on
with the program.
new happenings.
my board, the pharcyde, will be going down VERY
shortly, because of the arise of my new board.
only thing is, i cant decide on a damn software
to run. but thats not important. it will be
up shortly after it goes down.. so as for
submitting, and applying, and whatnot, dont
new members.
well lookie here. i guess i found the reason
we hadnt gotten any new members in the last
months.. probably because we had NO DAMN APP-
GENERATOR! heh, but now we do. and now we
have gotten a few new members.
aeon - coding extraordinairre. his coding in
the application generator was a BIG success.
he is now the head of the coding division..
and has helped me start coding. only thing
is, i can only code in pascal.. this guy can
code in EVERYTHING. im pissed. :
alienated testicle - well, this guy was on
irc, and showed me and the ascii co-ordinator
some of his work, and we let him in. only
thing is, he released that stuff with another
group, and left us with nothing. ill try to
find this guy and see if he still wants in.
phree - last but not least. phree rocks the
house and then some. he was in another local
group, ash gre3tz g0 out t0 y0u do0dz!, and
decided to come over here with s2p. since hes
a friend of mine and hes le3t. i gave him
ascii co-ordinator position. werd.
an idea.
mr. corruption had this idea of having the
whole group take pictures, and hed scan them
so we could release with the pack. heh, when
i heard that, i laughed. but i dont know,
it might be kinda cool. itd be t0t4lly k-r4d
in closing, id like to say that umm, well,
s2ps stayin around, so keep an 3y3 out for
our elite work. later.
mass greets:
bedlam - you know i love you beddy. :
28 - got my menu header yet? heh.
bob the janitor - your group, well, it r0x!
tweed - td!@@!@! irc flashbacks
mrsmiley - i just greeted a bot. ugh.. :
everlast - ill be bahq on inet soon fo0!
stone the crow - where the HELL have you been?!
you change groups too much man.. to solve this
come to s2p and stay there. : you r0q.
eerie - thanks for the ansi! you rule!
mogel - im soooo tempted to give out your
top sekret project. but, i wont.
infofile by metallic blood. s2p prodz 1996. bitch.
sabotage/2 information
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