this image contains text
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ss, s s s s s, ss s,, s, s s, s s, ss ,s s s s s s s s s, ss , s , s , s , s, ,s ss s ss s ss s s , , s, sss ss ss s, s, ,ssSSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS - , ,s s
greetings once again all you asckee lovers... jester back again
fillin in the phunky infoage phile for your reading pleasure. .s
. so for all youz peeps who took the time to read this shit..
s tanx , cuz i dont write it for fun :P.. s
s getting on with things .. s0ap is proud to present its second
: compilation .. and i know how happy it makes you to see that
+ s0ap is releasing once again .. i know i am... youll notice
that in this pack , as opposed to our premier pak , that quantity
has been replaced with a much higher standard of quality. thus
. s. making the compilation that much more enjoyable to view ..
this month we have the welcome addition of prism another 2-0h-4
asckee artist who has plenty of asckee talent .. he is also a .
+ member of ice as well .. so we should be seeing good things from
him .. hell also be taking a stand in the public relations s
s. department .. so check him on the net if yer interested in appin .
to s0ap. prm
we also welcome tetanus of ice as well .. he applied , got in .. .
.+ and has shown that his talent will be a valuable addition to this
group as well .. so .. keep an eye for his work .. te s
we are sorry to announce that isotope i5 has decided to drop
s0ap and out of the scene .. whether er not hes gonna be back
is impossible to know.. but hell be missed in the 2-ow-4 area.
s0ap will live on in his memory ..
. well , i guess thats about it.. s0aps on da rise in ninety five.. o
. so lets not get mental , its only the second pak.. but we gettin
there.. hopefully well recruit some new d00dlers and well grow
to be big healthy asckee d00ds.. so werd 2 me .. heh ..
l8twh0rz ..
jestah prez
: s0ap : Sons 0f Asckee Prophets copyright 1995 .. fool , ,s - SSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS
greetings once again all you asckee lovers... jester back again
fillin in the phunky infoage phile for your reading pleasure. .s
. so for all youz peeps who took the time to read this shit..
s tanx , cuz i dont write it for fun :P.. s
s getting on with things .. s0ap is proud to present its second
: compilation .. and i know how happy it makes you to see that
+ s0ap is releasing once again .. i know i am... youll notice
that in this pack , as opposed to our premier pak , that quantity
has been replaced with a much higher standard of quality. thus
. s. making the compilation that much more enjoyable to view ..
this month we have the welcome addition of prism another 2-0h-4
asckee artist who has plenty of asckee talent .. he is also a .
+ member of ice as well .. so we should be seeing good things from
him .. hell also be taking a stand in the public relations s
s. department .. so check him on the net if yer interested in appin .
to s0ap. prm
we also welcome tetanus of ice as well .. he applied , got in .. .
.+ and has shown that his talent will be a valuable addition to this
group as well .. so .. keep an eye for his work .. te s
we are sorry to announce that isotope i5 has decided to drop
s0ap and out of the scene .. whether er not hes gonna be back
is impossible to know.. but hell be missed in the 2-ow-4 area.
s0ap will live on in his memory ..
. well , i guess thats about it.. s0aps on da rise in ninety five.. o
. so lets not get mental , its only the second pak.. but we gettin
there.. hopefully well recruit some new d00dlers and well grow
to be big healthy asckee d00ds.. so werd 2 me .. heh ..
l8twh0rz ..
jestah prez
: s0ap : Sons 0f Asckee Prophets copyright 1995 .. fool , ,s - SSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS
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