this image contains text
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ss, s s s s s, ss s,, s, s s, s s, ss ,s s s s s s s s s, ss , s , s , s , s, ,s ss s ss s ss s s , , s, sss ss ss s, s, ,ssSSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS - , ,s greetings peeps , this is jester here .. jt .. jus sending out a s
big greet to all you people out there who have taken the tome to
get this pak and read the infophile .. soap is a new asckee group .s
. originating outta good ol area code 2o4 .. we hope to make it good
s and most important , to make this thing fucking last. s
o .
s now that i have introduced myself , this here is our PREMIER pak
: and im sure after taking a look at the qualitee that we have included
o that you will be a soap follower for-EVER.. the group originated
with myself and isotope i5 decided to make an asckee group ..
thus making him and myself co-founders in this group .. and we have
. s worked long and hard to make this pak a success which we hope it is
. . it formed with us first .. and soon to follow : grifter gf ...
thecrow tc and mr.self destruct msd ..
we hope that with this group of talented artists that our group o
o may grow to be a recognized name in the asckee world..
so .. i guess thats it .. enjoy , and feel free to contact us at s
s. any of the board listed in the soap1195.bbs phile.. .
s0ap will be looking for qualitee asckee artists ld or not ..
so if you feel you could fill a role , check the soapapp.exe .
o included in the phile ,fill it out .. add in yer best asckee ..
and ship it off to one of the boards listed in the soap1095.bbs! s o
. lates people .. o
. jt! jester
s0ap : Sons 0f Asckee Prophets copyright 1995 .. fool , ,s - SSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS
big greet to all you people out there who have taken the tome to
get this pak and read the infophile .. soap is a new asckee group .s
. originating outta good ol area code 2o4 .. we hope to make it good
s and most important , to make this thing fucking last. s
o .
s now that i have introduced myself , this here is our PREMIER pak
: and im sure after taking a look at the qualitee that we have included
o that you will be a soap follower for-EVER.. the group originated
with myself and isotope i5 decided to make an asckee group ..
thus making him and myself co-founders in this group .. and we have
. s worked long and hard to make this pak a success which we hope it is
. . it formed with us first .. and soon to follow : grifter gf ...
thecrow tc and mr.self destruct msd ..
we hope that with this group of talented artists that our group o
o may grow to be a recognized name in the asckee world..
so .. i guess thats it .. enjoy , and feel free to contact us at s
s. any of the board listed in the soap1195.bbs phile.. .
s0ap will be looking for qualitee asckee artists ld or not ..
so if you feel you could fill a role , check the soapapp.exe .
o included in the phile ,fill it out .. add in yer best asckee ..
and ship it off to one of the boards listed in the soap1095.bbs! s o
. lates people .. o
. jt! jester
s0ap : Sons 0f Asckee Prophets copyright 1995 .. fool , ,s - SSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS
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