this image contains text
P.,,,,.4!P.,gd!P4!bg. 4PgP 4b.4!P4bg l
!P..,gdbg,. l !P.,gdP .,g lb,.4P .g!b. ,d!b,,dP ,g!!bg,.4P ,lP4P4b,,dP4!bg,.4 !P lP !g,. ,d!P4!g.4! P , P ,gP 4b. ,dP ll .gg. , b ---- ,dP P4!bg,.
login chronic farts l
+ - --- +o is fury lP
aa!@baa!P aa!@baa!P
Pl 4b,. ascii by black knight of s0ap
,d4s,. lb,. P
i :Pb,. P P .,a4b,.bsssl l ,a!P .,gs ,db. l ,db ,g4sb.4ba,,db4a,.. P4ss!bg,.!.,db.!,dSs!s:i4sbaadbaadasP--cut this piece of shit right here.. its not 26 lines dickface!-------------- hAYLO tHER sEGZY.. er.. quit the ansi shit : okay .. this ascii
may be wondering wHAT iN dEE fUQ iS tHIZ pEEZ uF sHITS0RS?! .. er.. okay
if you just get your hand off your coq ill tell you sarkazm
its a guy with his backturned .. and all that shit in between
is his body .. and the muscle development .. no .. uhm..
fuckq you me.. now please
!P..,gdbg,. l !P.,gdP .,g lb,.4P .g!b. ,d!b,,dP ,g!!bg,.4P ,lP4P4b,,dP4!bg,.4 !P lP !g,. ,d!P4!g.4! P , P ,gP 4b. ,dP ll .gg. , b ---- ,dP P4!bg,.
login chronic farts l
+ - --- +o is fury lP
aa!@baa!P aa!@baa!P
Pl 4b,. ascii by black knight of s0ap
,d4s,. lb,. P
i :Pb,. P P .,a4b,.bsssl l ,a!P .,gs ,db. l ,db ,g4sb.4ba,,db4a,.. P4ss!bg,.!.,db.!,dSs!s:i4sbaadbaadasP--cut this piece of shit right here.. its not 26 lines dickface!-------------- hAYLO tHER sEGZY.. er.. quit the ansi shit : okay .. this ascii
may be wondering wHAT iN dEE fUQ iS tHIZ pEEZ uF sHITS0RS?! .. er.. okay
if you just get your hand off your coq ill tell you sarkazm
its a guy with his backturned .. and all that shit in between
is his body .. and the muscle development .. no .. uhm..
fuckq you me.. now please
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