this image contains text
ascii by black knight ,!a.
,! aa. ,a! ,aa!P4b. !aa,aa.
,a!a,ai 4ba,,ab.4 i P4l a.
d4!b,. !P4b P4P aa! i .,i
ba,,ad!. i !, a. 4 .P,a!
b.4bs,. +a i a .,sd!P4
bs, 4!bs,.4., i! ,!s
sP4ba, 4.4aaP, ,P P4
,a!, i !P 4i ,4aa. s
sS ,d 4a a. 4s bk i ,i ,ds
P4. a,a!P.,s!a. . d. a,,a!,iad!
. , P.,d!ba,,db. .,d!P4s
!ba ! sons of ascii prophets i ! baad
4 :
o s0ap september 96 nfo file
and 3.. 2.. 1.. bigd here coming to you live from soap where were
debuting the latest offering from this mad group of ascii stylists weve
come to know and love..
s0ap virgins
pariah - fantabulous coloring ability and other great skillz come to us
with this months only New Edition...
s0ap ghosts
cidica - leaving as mysteriously as he appeared this month was Cidica
who left to perform... other duties..
Well, this months pack was put together by me in a mad dash to quiet
all 348 people who came into soap and asked me pack out yet?? well
boyz and grlz, here yew go.. oh yea. this month has the first ever public
appearance of pInkdraw.. by yours truly.. hope you like it.. :
- bigd : s0AP c0DER bigd@pangea.ca
well.. now really. what the fuck is a sOAP pak without a word from
the zeee-burger himself jestOr?..
ok.. to be honest. i didnt think we were even going to release this
month. but i was proven wrong. so all i can really say is. here we
are. and ph34r the ph34rsome sOap stiles. cuz you know we come thru
to wreck the discotheque. once again...
i got da chills , trank got da pills , but step off kidZ...
cuz sOAP gotz da skillz .... - mADD freestyle artist
- unknown
- jestOr : sOAP pREZMAC .@.ca
y0e this is Prizm- dropping the final bomb, like hir0shima yoe...
ok.. this month.. on the real yoe.. alot of lazyness.. school started
so alot of people slacked including me so the pack was late.. no one
knew who was doing it .. etc. ohwell. you got it. so i guess everythings
alright.. right? ya werdson.
itz the p to the Z, representing the s O A P,
crazy destroying doodlers like hIV ....
- pRIZM : sOAP sEENYEWR barton@pangea.ca
+-- + peacey0esonsofasciiphr0phets1996comingtoanexpl0sionnearyou + ---+
,! aa. ,a! ,aa!P4b. !aa,aa.
,a!a,ai 4ba,,ab.4 i P4l a.
d4!b,. !P4b P4P aa! i .,i
ba,,ad!. i !, a. 4 .P,a!
b.4bs,. +a i a .,sd!P4
bs, 4!bs,.4., i! ,!s
sP4ba, 4.4aaP, ,P P4
,a!, i !P 4i ,4aa. s
sS ,d 4a a. 4s bk i ,i ,ds
P4. a,a!P.,s!a. . d. a,,a!,iad!
. , P.,d!ba,,db. .,d!P4s
!ba ! sons of ascii prophets i ! baad
4 :
o s0ap september 96 nfo file
and 3.. 2.. 1.. bigd here coming to you live from soap where were
debuting the latest offering from this mad group of ascii stylists weve
come to know and love..
s0ap virgins
pariah - fantabulous coloring ability and other great skillz come to us
with this months only New Edition...
s0ap ghosts
cidica - leaving as mysteriously as he appeared this month was Cidica
who left to perform... other duties..
Well, this months pack was put together by me in a mad dash to quiet
all 348 people who came into soap and asked me pack out yet?? well
boyz and grlz, here yew go.. oh yea. this month has the first ever public
appearance of pInkdraw.. by yours truly.. hope you like it.. :
- bigd : s0AP c0DER bigd@pangea.ca
well.. now really. what the fuck is a sOAP pak without a word from
the zeee-burger himself jestOr?..
ok.. to be honest. i didnt think we were even going to release this
month. but i was proven wrong. so all i can really say is. here we
are. and ph34r the ph34rsome sOap stiles. cuz you know we come thru
to wreck the discotheque. once again...
i got da chills , trank got da pills , but step off kidZ...
cuz sOAP gotz da skillz .... - mADD freestyle artist
- unknown
- jestOr : sOAP pREZMAC .@.ca
y0e this is Prizm- dropping the final bomb, like hir0shima yoe...
ok.. this month.. on the real yoe.. alot of lazyness.. school started
so alot of people slacked including me so the pack was late.. no one
knew who was doing it .. etc. ohwell. you got it. so i guess everythings
alright.. right? ya werdson.
itz the p to the Z, representing the s O A P,
crazy destroying doodlers like hIV ....
- pRIZM : sOAP sEENYEWR barton@pangea.ca
+-- + peacey0esonsofasciiphr0phets1996comingtoanexpl0sionnearyou + ---+
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