this image contains text
,. i,aa.
, i i,!P4
, P,a4.
,. ,a!a. ,i si 4sP ,a!a. .,.
ii !. !a,,a!!a.,!i ,ai
a. ,P4a.4 ,iP
4!a. , 4i 4!a!P,P 4a ,a!P
,a!aa!a!P,aa,. !aa,. .,aa, ,aa.4iya!a,.
iaa!i !P,a!y aaii
si4P. i ! ay.4P 4!Pi
4! 4 a . 4
y a,,a,,a,, a
a.4i i
whoa.. hehe.. i know this was originally released in one of the wicked paks
for the next demension opd by bitstream .. hehe.. but, well.. i decided
to RE-RELEASE it .. : hehe.. i got SOOOO much email that i figured it
could use the re-release. i fixed it up.. ALOT .. : hehe.. may look better
may look shittier.. who knows.. all i know is.. i like it : hehe.. anyhow
enjoy this bk-flashback :
,. i,aa.
, i i,!P4
, P,a4.
,. ,a!a. ,i si 4sP ,a!a. .,.
ii !. !a,,a!!a.,!i ,ai
a. ,P4a.4 ,iP
4!a. , 4i 4!a!P,P 4a ,a!P
,a!aa!a!P,aa,. !aa,. .,aa, ,aa.4iya!a,.
iaa!i !P,a!y aaii
si4P. i ! ay.4P 4!Pi
4! 4 a . 4
y a,,a,,a,, a
a.4i i
whoa.. hehe.. i know this was originally released in one of the wicked paks
for the next demension opd by bitstream .. hehe.. but, well.. i decided
to RE-RELEASE it .. : hehe.. i got SOOOO much email that i figured it
could use the re-release. i fixed it up.. ALOT .. : hehe.. may look better
may look shittier.. who knows.. all i know is.. i like it : hehe.. anyhow
enjoy this bk-flashback :
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