this image contains text
.gQQa. .aQQa.
.:..ga..ag. :.
. :::. .::: l
gQa.::.aQg ok, i changed my alias again, its
:::: :: :::. now sarkazm. it used to be jaded.
..,g@Q TT..T ::::. its with a k and z, so i dont kno
:: . TiT TiT ::::::. if theres anyone else with my nick
::.. i:iT i:iT gQ@a. but i sure hope there isnt, i
..,. .:::::: :.:i:.:.:i . . changed it because this nick fits
Q@a. :::::.. :i: . : ...:::..a. me more than jaded, and the fucks
.::::::. .:. . ::: .,d who use jaded on irc are complete
.,db,.:::::::::......:: ..,. fags and sickos, and id get strange .:::::::.::::.. Q@a. messages from them remmember
::...:::..:::..:..,db,. jaded sarkazm
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------greets : well this month I dont feel like greeting many people. lets see, :.......: everyone in the old rival, everyone in soap, rza, soi anyone else ::::::::: who truely understands the true me. the rest of you can just fuck off :-------------------------------------------------:------------------------------ .... ..red zone.:....:.... . : red zone..for
... .gQQ@a. ...:.......:. ..:.. : HmpHood or
.. : .g .:..::. gggg . : someones site, .... ..dQ@a. .::..:. . : i want juarez.. ,. Q@g :::. .gQ .g . jaded . :
.m. ..: .a@QQgy :
:: .:Q@a,. .:. . :
QyyQ :
..............................................: : rms, donut ask :+. .yQQgy. . .-.+: : : what it stands : .,. .g ....gQQy, .: : : for..but its
: , ..,a. : : : for sOi..
: gQ@ay. .,. .,. .,g : : :
: .gQQyQy,. : : :
: . ,a. :+. .: : :
: . .,gQa. : : :
: .+jaded+. rms .,. .,gQ +. : : :
:............... .a@QQa. ..:.. .. .... : wow,
ga. . Qy. .dQ@a. .... : another
..: ,g ,gQy. .... : ascii for
...:. .gQ . . .,g ..:.. : red zone.. ::.: .d gQyy, , ., jaded@s0ap ..:
..:.. QygQ..,d .g. Qy. :...:.. :
::.. .. Qggy@Q ....:. :
r e d . .. ...z o n e .. . . . :
:........... ..: ... ..: ... ... :.. : for
..: ... ..jaded ascii.: ... . ..: ..:.... : the
... :.. d ... :..... :.. d ..: ... : decade ..: ... . de c a d e s. .g@QQy : s bots ..: ... ..: ... : motd.
..: ..g@Q. .g@QQy .g@Q. Q@yy. ..: ... : uhm,
..: . .g. .g .gyy.b...: ... : pure
..: . . yyy . ..: ... : ascii
..: ... a,. gg a,. Qgd..: ... : is
... :.. +. +. ..: ... ........: cool ... :.. welcome to our evil empire ..: ... :
+ .gQQny,. ....... . yyyyy + :rest . .:rival:. gQy .:in
. ::. yyyyy yyyyy yyyyy .y@Q ::. yyyyy .:peez : Qg Qg Qg gQ Qg gQ Qg gQ ::
+..+ g g g+..+:
... .::. ...:::..::........:: gyy .. gQy. gQQy gQQy gyQQy gQQy gyy ,. gyy :::.. ..:. . . ::
. Qy
+ n Qy
.yyy.gQyn yyyQy .yyy Qy .. .yyy ymgn.
:: :: Qy
.. Qy
m m m m m m
................................................................................: thats it. wait no, it isnt.. :...............................................................................: theres something i have to get off my chest. im sick of some people on irc
now a days. no, this isnt one of those SCREW YOU SCENE! STUPID LAMERS GO
AWAY! notes at the bottom of my colly, no, its just something i need to get offmy chest. the first thing that i cant stand is the goddamn people who come
on ansi and then automatically think theyre in the scene, and THEn they need
ops, no not WANT them, no they NEED them. i could give less than a fuck if i
have ops, or if i dont, but some of you sluts are just like whores when it comes to ops on ansi. and now a days it isnt just oh ops! ops! please! you all
kiss the OTHER ops asses. LOOK WHAT I DID! and stupid shit like that, who do
you guys think really cares about that shit? no one. that brings me onto my
next subject. me. if you notice at the top i said the true me what i meant
by that is that barely anyone on irc knows who i really am. sure you might
think im the guy whos annoying on irc, or the too guy whos too hyper or some
other shit like that, but if you want to call me a stupid immature kid because ido, go right fucking ahead, because i dont care, obviously you dont know who iam truely. why cant some of you people lighten the fuck up? why do you have totake irc so fucking seriously, like real life and shit? i mean, are you THAT
pathetic to actually take IRC seriously as in you have no life what so ever in
reality? you need to get out more man. ok im done bitching, enjoy the other
s0ap members work. - jaded
.:..ga..ag. :.
. :::. .::: l
gQa.::.aQg ok, i changed my alias again, its
:::: :: :::. now sarkazm. it used to be jaded.
..,g@Q TT..T ::::. its with a k and z, so i dont kno
:: . TiT TiT ::::::. if theres anyone else with my nick
::.. i:iT i:iT gQ@a. but i sure hope there isnt, i
..,. .:::::: :.:i:.:.:i . . changed it because this nick fits
Q@a. :::::.. :i: . : ...:::..a. me more than jaded, and the fucks
.::::::. .:. . ::: .,d who use jaded on irc are complete
.,db,.:::::::::......:: ..,. fags and sickos, and id get strange .:::::::.::::.. Q@a. messages from them remmember
::...:::..:::..:..,db,. jaded sarkazm
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------greets : well this month I dont feel like greeting many people. lets see, :.......: everyone in the old rival, everyone in soap, rza, soi anyone else ::::::::: who truely understands the true me. the rest of you can just fuck off :-------------------------------------------------:------------------------------ .... ..red zone.:....:.... . : red zone..for
... .gQQ@a. ...:.......:. ..:.. : HmpHood or
.. : .g .:..::. gggg . : someones site, .... ..dQ@a. .::..:. . : i want juarez.. ,. Q@g :::. .gQ .g . jaded . :
.m. ..: .a@QQgy :
:: .:Q@a,. .:. . :
QyyQ :
..............................................: : rms, donut ask :+. .yQQgy. . .-.+: : : what it stands : .,. .g ....gQQy, .: : : for..but its
: , ..,a. : : : for sOi..
: gQ@ay. .,. .,. .,g : : :
: .gQQyQy,. : : :
: . ,a. :+. .: : :
: . .,gQa. : : :
: .+jaded+. rms .,. .,gQ +. : : :
:............... .a@QQa. ..:.. .. .... : wow,
ga. . Qy. .dQ@a. .... : another
..: ,g ,gQy. .... : ascii for
...:. .gQ . . .,g ..:.. : red zone.. ::.: .d gQyy, , ., jaded@s0ap ..:
..:.. QygQ..,d .g. Qy. :...:.. :
::.. .. Qggy@Q ....:. :
r e d . .. ...z o n e .. . . . :
:........... ..: ... ..: ... ... :.. : for
..: ... ..jaded ascii.: ... . ..: ..:.... : the
... :.. d ... :..... :.. d ..: ... : decade ..: ... . de c a d e s. .g@QQy : s bots ..: ... ..: ... : motd.
..: ..g@Q. .g@QQy .g@Q. Q@yy. ..: ... : uhm,
..: . .g. .g .gyy.b...: ... : pure
..: . . yyy . ..: ... : ascii
..: ... a,. gg a,. Qgd..: ... : is
... :.. +. +. ..: ... ........: cool ... :.. welcome to our evil empire ..: ... :
+ .gQQny,. ....... . yyyyy + :rest . .:rival:. gQy .:in
. ::. yyyyy yyyyy yyyyy .y@Q ::. yyyyy .:peez : Qg Qg Qg gQ Qg gQ Qg gQ ::
+..+ g g g+..+:
... .::. ...:::..::........:: gyy .. gQy. gQQy gQQy gyQQy gQQy gyy ,. gyy :::.. ..:. . . ::
. Qy
+ n Qy
.yyy.gQyn yyyQy .yyy Qy .. .yyy ymgn.
:: :: Qy
.. Qy
m m m m m m
................................................................................: thats it. wait no, it isnt.. :...............................................................................: theres something i have to get off my chest. im sick of some people on irc
now a days. no, this isnt one of those SCREW YOU SCENE! STUPID LAMERS GO
AWAY! notes at the bottom of my colly, no, its just something i need to get offmy chest. the first thing that i cant stand is the goddamn people who come
on ansi and then automatically think theyre in the scene, and THEn they need
ops, no not WANT them, no they NEED them. i could give less than a fuck if i
have ops, or if i dont, but some of you sluts are just like whores when it comes to ops on ansi. and now a days it isnt just oh ops! ops! please! you all
kiss the OTHER ops asses. LOOK WHAT I DID! and stupid shit like that, who do
you guys think really cares about that shit? no one. that brings me onto my
next subject. me. if you notice at the top i said the true me what i meant
by that is that barely anyone on irc knows who i really am. sure you might
think im the guy whos annoying on irc, or the too guy whos too hyper or some
other shit like that, but if you want to call me a stupid immature kid because ido, go right fucking ahead, because i dont care, obviously you dont know who iam truely. why cant some of you people lighten the fuck up? why do you have totake irc so fucking seriously, like real life and shit? i mean, are you THAT
pathetic to actually take IRC seriously as in you have no life what so ever in
reality? you need to get out more man. ok im done bitching, enjoy the other
s0ap members work. - jaded
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