this image contains text
bssssssss ssss ssssss sssss ssssssssssssdi
P i n f o f i l e ,i
P4P b,. .,s:
o S@ssssssss@SS .hdr - pc .
7 :s0ap information file: P bkground - msd
. , 4. endfont - cn ,
Sb ss,,....,,s
,dP . i-ight.. this month was pretty slow... i guess 4
. . summers starting to effect all of us, as we are actually i
+. . leaving the computer room shame and doing stuff.. :
.++.j . .
well, this is the breakdown :
. Econochrist decided to pack his bags... due to dual grouping
. conflicts, or something..
. Misc
. hmm yah well with people going to their cabins, and
. graduations, people werent on irc much this month.. so that
. attributes to the lack of captures and dumb shit this month:
. sorry guys..
b. cidica has decided to release some of his artwork with us,
as well as serving us with his pseudo-canuck skills...
. Regulator/Bamboozler have been demoted to inactive members,
. as they seem to have disappeared. If you guys wake up, and
. wanna release again, just contact us and well work it out..
. 0h and werd, we finally got to release mSds 500 liner, even
. tho hes still waiting for his payment from BLATZ FUCK.
,s. k well my mommys calling me so im gonna pass it on to
. 4. jestOre ...
. .d
i ... and now for something we really like
4b. well y03. it seems the month has gone by fast . a lot of shit
happened this month. but its no big deal . fights here and
: there. but ive decided to let it all pass now that ive
.++. . regained my sanity.
. . . not tew much to say this month other then sorry that
+. we once again didnt release on the first . but stop asking
. . on the first when we are releasing . cuz were never on time.
. anyways. to sum it up. im owing a few people asciis. so if
. . eye am. msg me jestOr and eye will remember. i had
,+ . ascii block this month. sew not tew much happened.
. i ohya. thanks to endless nameless. why?.. cuz this is my ..
+. .- -. greet of the month. and he deserved it. aight. ::
. . . enjoy the pack. ss
.. i ... - pRIZM s0ap senior prm@autobahn.mb.ca
. ..: .. ..,d
.+ i. . - jESTOR s0ap prezident ,s+ 4
. .--- . ----- --. ---- - ---.,..d
.+,?Sa . ,?Sa ,a@S?Sa P ,?Sa
. ,a@S: ,a@S: ,a@S: i
1: 1: ,a@S 1: :
yyyyyyyyyy : 1:
y yyyyyyyy : :P? : : y
:P? :a,,,ad :? :
-- :a,,,a : :a,,,aa :P?--
? :P? ? :P? ? :P? ? ..,
? .., ? .., ? .., ?
bssssssss ssss ssssss sssss ssssssssssssdi
P i n f o f i l e ,i
P4P b,. .,s:
o S@ssssssss@SS .hdr - pc .
7 :s0ap information file: P bkground - msd
. , 4. endfont - cn ,
Sb ss,,....,,s
,dP . i-ight.. this month was pretty slow... i guess 4
. . summers starting to effect all of us, as we are actually i
+. . leaving the computer room shame and doing stuff.. :
.++.j . .
well, this is the breakdown :
. Econochrist decided to pack his bags... due to dual grouping
. conflicts, or something..
. Misc
. hmm yah well with people going to their cabins, and
. graduations, people werent on irc much this month.. so that
. attributes to the lack of captures and dumb shit this month:
. sorry guys..
b. cidica has decided to release some of his artwork with us,
as well as serving us with his pseudo-canuck skills...
. Regulator/Bamboozler have been demoted to inactive members,
. as they seem to have disappeared. If you guys wake up, and
. wanna release again, just contact us and well work it out..
. 0h and werd, we finally got to release mSds 500 liner, even
. tho hes still waiting for his payment from BLATZ FUCK.
,s. k well my mommys calling me so im gonna pass it on to
. 4. jestOre ...
. .d
i ... and now for something we really like
4b. well y03. it seems the month has gone by fast . a lot of shit
happened this month. but its no big deal . fights here and
: there. but ive decided to let it all pass now that ive
.++. . regained my sanity.
. . . not tew much to say this month other then sorry that
+. we once again didnt release on the first . but stop asking
. . on the first when we are releasing . cuz were never on time.
. anyways. to sum it up. im owing a few people asciis. so if
. . eye am. msg me jestOr and eye will remember. i had
,+ . ascii block this month. sew not tew much happened.
. i ohya. thanks to endless nameless. why?.. cuz this is my ..
+. .- -. greet of the month. and he deserved it. aight. ::
. . . enjoy the pack. ss
.. i ... - pRIZM s0ap senior prm@autobahn.mb.ca
. ..: .. ..,d
.+ i. . - jESTOR s0ap prezident ,s+ 4
. .--- . ----- --. ---- - ---.,..d
.+,?Sa . ,?Sa ,a@S?Sa P ,?Sa
. ,a@S: ,a@S: ,a@S: i
1: 1: ,a@S 1: :
yyyyyyyyyy : 1:
y yyyyyyyy : :P? : : y
:P? :a,,,ad :? :
-- :a,,,a : :a,,,aa :P?--
? :P? ? :P? ? :P? ? ..,
? .., ? .., ? .., ?
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