this image contains text
,+Ya, ,aiS7 ,aa,. .,aSP
,d Yh +Ya, ,a7, bYPP
,i :i ,d Yh dP b, YP
i: Y,i YiP i, Y .db.
b. i: ii :i.l Y Y
Ysd b. db .d, :
i YsP YsP YP4Sia Y priz,.
..... Si@a,....,ad ba,...,s@iS Si@a,...,ad ..........:::::: YP YP g l O O m YP :::::::::
eh yo.. i did this ascii for gloom, one of our new telecom guys..
its not that great.. but im decently happy with it since ive been gimping
out lately artwise...
i think i got like post-asia art syndrome... cuz like since i got back
from the orient, my fonts have gone down hella-like... even tho i got a
surprisingly good ansi comign along.. im still gonna use dat for my excuse
for these lame asciis.. i assure you, tha priz of ole will be back son,
whiling styles for miles and miles..... dont call it a come back.
hey, and since im permabanned on ansi an omen perhaps?, i can be
found on ansiscene, so drop by sometime and entertain us refugees.....
slugboy ,+ Ya, a, a,
slugboy d Yh b,. b.
slugboy SP .,sa,. .dslugboy Yb .+ T aSP .dPYb Y .,. .*Ya. .aP ,slugboy +a,. l Yh Y dYYb Yh d slugboy dP YSb : l slugboy Y .,,. Yb,.dPi Y P , Ya slugboyY P .atb 4P .d Yb,dPsSP *. Yslugboy Yb.,a4P Y ,dSta* prism.s0ap ,dSta*
again.. i would say its all good, but it aint :b
ohwell, lower-case asciis are hard, well, not really, but im use
to cheating.. so it was hard for me aight? ok ... ... nice.
,d Yh +Ya, ,a7, bYPP
,i :i ,d Yh dP b, YP
i: Y,i YiP i, Y .db.
b. i: ii :i.l Y Y
Ysd b. db .d, :
i YsP YsP YP4Sia Y priz,.
..... Si@a,....,ad ba,...,s@iS Si@a,...,ad ..........:::::: YP YP g l O O m YP :::::::::
eh yo.. i did this ascii for gloom, one of our new telecom guys..
its not that great.. but im decently happy with it since ive been gimping
out lately artwise...
i think i got like post-asia art syndrome... cuz like since i got back
from the orient, my fonts have gone down hella-like... even tho i got a
surprisingly good ansi comign along.. im still gonna use dat for my excuse
for these lame asciis.. i assure you, tha priz of ole will be back son,
whiling styles for miles and miles..... dont call it a come back.
hey, and since im permabanned on ansi an omen perhaps?, i can be
found on ansiscene, so drop by sometime and entertain us refugees.....
slugboy ,+ Ya, a, a,
slugboy d Yh b,. b.
slugboy SP .,sa,. .dslugboy Yb .+ T aSP .dPYb Y .,. .*Ya. .aP ,slugboy +a,. l Yh Y dYYb Yh d slugboy dP YSb : l slugboy Y .,,. Yb,.dPi Y P , Ya slugboyY P .atb 4P .d Yb,dPsSP *. Yslugboy Yb.,a4P Y ,dSta* prism.s0ap ,dSta*
again.. i would say its all good, but it aint :b
ohwell, lower-case asciis are hard, well, not really, but im use
to cheating.. so it was hard for me aight? ok ... ... nice.
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