this image contains text
,ss. ,sP4s. ,sP4s. ,sP4s.
SS, b. :i, b. dI b.
: s ssssss ss ss iT,4 ss s
. sss sss dP 4. +s+ sss .
.j ,s.Sb,dS,h
SSia,. s0ap information f1le .,siSmSdP
ok.. this is Prism here.. .and i got a few things to share about
soap this month.. for one thing.. we lessened our tight No Dualing rule..
Dualing is allowed in s0ap, but selectively.. as in well examine your case,
and if it sounds feasible, youll most likely be allowed to join... nice.
joining this month was Gloom and his friend DrChaos, as our new telecom
membs.. theyll be helping the group out by setting up some teleconferences
once in awhile... so our mems can talk and shit more often.. ya know..
also coming straight outta compton, was this crazy motherfucka named jaded,
who joined up to kick some asciiz with us, and hes dualing in rivalascii.
Also, our s0ap vmb is still up, at 1800-925-9999 ,, 471... so giver it a
call, so we can listen to your request, and not even consider doing it..
Welp i dont know if you noticed, but a few new
all-ascii groups emerged this month, mainly .,sSSSs,.
oil, and bonus ascii... so..to deal with .aSSb .. ..
the new competition, we had to raise our PYPYTTb ii
quality.. so s0ap had to say goodbye to :Pssdb S!T ,...il
Grifter, Julian Stardawn, and Technifix.. Y:. Y.P,sST!!. Tillil
Sorry guys.. youll be missed... but it b Y,x dSST!!T! Tllll
was something we had to do.. also leavin ssSasSST!!!TP ,STTTT
due to inactivity, was that waterbury g, , dSTT!!!T ,dTTSST
creaping death. Hopefully hell get back P dST!!0 .adSTSTSTS
into it, and join back up later... YPSbsST!T! ,SSSSSSSS
welp, thats all for me, so ill pass the YP . .,pRIZS
cursor over to jester... .aSsa,. Y
.dP.Ss, Y
yo .. jes here. just wanted to give a dP lsYbY
quik waddup and write muh share in the :YSs+ ,aS
info file . Yb, P
sYSs san, Y ,a. Y
just an update on our releasing style.. we dont Y Y .Ps i
really have a set date for soap .. just becuz Y .,dh, lY,sP .d
our signals get crossed and we all just forget Y, Yi dP .d
about it for a few days or so . but in the future n Y:. .a
things should be a lot more organized .. and dY .dQa. .,:.d
i should be hearing a lot less why is the ,P ,
sOap pak out so late? . etc etc.. Y ,d
uhmmm .. basically id like to throw out a few dY
personal greetz to dr.chaos and gloom for the kick Y
ass teleconference. it roqd . cept for a few mutherfuckers who d
leaked the .nfo about it and will never be let on again. . you
know who you are... btw .. for no confusion .. im not fucking in Y
wicked .. somehow theres anotha jester ascii doodler out there. phOk. Y
i guess thats pretty much all i have to say . peace out to all .. Y
: and to all a goodnite. sOn. Y
iasssssssb,. .,dSb, + pRIZM .,a4
@ Sx, prm@cyberspc.mb.ca YPY
,sSSs. P b
dh ,db, l + jestOr : :
,dh l lgS lb .????????????????. i
Yl :hg Y, , Y dP d
. YS ,sm, ,sSa. ,a . d
hs,.,x@ l ,S sonsofasciiprophets 96 basd
@ YP Y Y 1-800-925-9999 box: 471 dPY
b,. ,d@, , .db,d
jt S@vvvv@SgggX: :: :: :::S
SS, b. :i, b. dI b.
: s ssssss ss ss iT,4 ss s
. sss sss dP 4. +s+ sss .
.j ,s.Sb,dS,h
SSia,. s0ap information f1le .,siSmSdP
ok.. this is Prism here.. .and i got a few things to share about
soap this month.. for one thing.. we lessened our tight No Dualing rule..
Dualing is allowed in s0ap, but selectively.. as in well examine your case,
and if it sounds feasible, youll most likely be allowed to join... nice.
joining this month was Gloom and his friend DrChaos, as our new telecom
membs.. theyll be helping the group out by setting up some teleconferences
once in awhile... so our mems can talk and shit more often.. ya know..
also coming straight outta compton, was this crazy motherfucka named jaded,
who joined up to kick some asciiz with us, and hes dualing in rivalascii.
Also, our s0ap vmb is still up, at 1800-925-9999 ,, 471... so giver it a
call, so we can listen to your request, and not even consider doing it..
Welp i dont know if you noticed, but a few new
all-ascii groups emerged this month, mainly .,sSSSs,.
oil, and bonus ascii... so..to deal with .aSSb .. ..
the new competition, we had to raise our PYPYTTb ii
quality.. so s0ap had to say goodbye to :Pssdb S!T ,...il
Grifter, Julian Stardawn, and Technifix.. Y:. Y.P,sST!!. Tillil
Sorry guys.. youll be missed... but it b Y,x dSST!!T! Tllll
was something we had to do.. also leavin ssSasSST!!!TP ,STTTT
due to inactivity, was that waterbury g, , dSTT!!!T ,dTTSST
creaping death. Hopefully hell get back P dST!!0 .adSTSTSTS
into it, and join back up later... YPSbsST!T! ,SSSSSSSS
welp, thats all for me, so ill pass the YP . .,pRIZS
cursor over to jester... .aSsa,. Y
.dP.Ss, Y
yo .. jes here. just wanted to give a dP lsYbY
quik waddup and write muh share in the :YSs+ ,aS
info file . Yb, P
sYSs san, Y ,a. Y
just an update on our releasing style.. we dont Y Y .Ps i
really have a set date for soap .. just becuz Y .,dh, lY,sP .d
our signals get crossed and we all just forget Y, Yi dP .d
about it for a few days or so . but in the future n Y:. .a
things should be a lot more organized .. and dY .dQa. .,:.d
i should be hearing a lot less why is the ,P ,
sOap pak out so late? . etc etc.. Y ,d
uhmmm .. basically id like to throw out a few dY
personal greetz to dr.chaos and gloom for the kick Y
ass teleconference. it roqd . cept for a few mutherfuckers who d
leaked the .nfo about it and will never be let on again. . you
know who you are... btw .. for no confusion .. im not fucking in Y
wicked .. somehow theres anotha jester ascii doodler out there. phOk. Y
i guess thats pretty much all i have to say . peace out to all .. Y
: and to all a goodnite. sOn. Y
iasssssssb,. .,dSb, + pRIZM .,a4
@ Sx, prm@cyberspc.mb.ca YPY
,sSSs. P b
dh ,db, l + jestOr : :
,dh l lgS lb .????????????????. i
Yl :hg Y, , Y dP d
. YS ,sm, ,sSa. ,a . d
hs,.,x@ l ,S sonsofasciiprophets 96 basd
@ YP Y Y 1-800-925-9999 box: 471 dPY
b,. ,d@, , .db,d
jt S@vvvv@SgggX: :: :: :::S
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