this image contains text
aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
aaa t0: All d00dl3d by: Trend Hippie
a fr0m: Trend Hippie gr0up: s0ap ascii
subj3c7: Goodbye to s0ap p4k m0n7h: April 1996
a aa
a aaa
the!soap aa Well, thats it. Im moving on to other a groups. There was one main mistake I made before aaajoining soap ascii. I didnt want to just settle in for aone group. I want to be in more, to be known more because, after all, I am new to the ascii scene. While Prism wasnt aa areally pleased about this, I hope he and the other soap mem a who helped me out and were coolio understand too. I will aaa acome back, if they decide to let me come back. Soap, thx. I owe my ascii talent to you ppl since yer the ppl who got me off
the ground. Thank yuh mucha.
a .,a Trend Hippies Leet Greet List a,.
aaa .,a In Alphabetical Order As Usual a,.
a aa
a aaa 01 Adz 05 Biogenesis 09 Chris Robin
02 Asphixia 06 Blatz 10 Blorox
03 Automaton 07 Burnt 11 Flame
04 Bambooz 08 Burps 12 Fluid
13 Fringe 17 King Cobra 21 NoTime 25 Prism
14 Hash 18 The Magpie 22 Pht Foolz 26 Shoony
15 Holocaust 19 Mort 23 Pitt 27 Soap
16 Jestor 20 Msd 24 Polaris 28 Spear
29 Totally Destroyed ,......... .. g0d, its getting a bit big. To get on Trend aa Hippies Leet List. Buy me a carton of Camel Lights, a or buy me a car! Whichever thing you decide to do, aaa mail it to me and youll be added to this nifty list! a aa a a aaa a th3 3nd?!?!
aaa aaaa
Welpz I guess this is a it with soap. Right
now I have about 4 or aa five groups that I am
planning to join, and a already accepted to
one. When you look aaaa aa in a pack and see the
tag the! you know its a a a a leet ascii. Plus
Im opening a coolio emag called fuZz.
Itll be like an Acid aa a a in the emag scene P.
Also my board, nicotine a a will be going up next
year or sooner so Im aaa aaa pretty much swamped.
Once again I thank soap.. peace.
aaa I almost forgot. The Lamer Of the Month!
a aa
a aaa 4io Lamer Supreme
Cuz hes the Mac-Dad and Im Not
Naww, hes leet0.
aa Alright, well thats it. w0o! This was fun P a Ahh well. Ill miss s0ap. Later all and thx for reading aaa this. If you actually took the time to read this and you a see me on irc with the handle thegroop heer or just the or HiPPiE then /MSG me and say Poke Smot and Ill aa a make you a FREE ascii without me telling you no, EVEN if a yer someone I EXTREMELY hate. w0o. This offer expires aaa a June 7th, muh birfday. Later ppl.
-Trend Hippie!so a .
aaa t0: All d00dl3d by: Trend Hippie
a fr0m: Trend Hippie gr0up: s0ap ascii
subj3c7: Goodbye to s0ap p4k m0n7h: April 1996
a aa
a aaa
the!soap aa Well, thats it. Im moving on to other a groups. There was one main mistake I made before aaajoining soap ascii. I didnt want to just settle in for aone group. I want to be in more, to be known more because, after all, I am new to the ascii scene. While Prism wasnt aa areally pleased about this, I hope he and the other soap mem a who helped me out and were coolio understand too. I will aaa acome back, if they decide to let me come back. Soap, thx. I owe my ascii talent to you ppl since yer the ppl who got me off
the ground. Thank yuh mucha.
a .,a Trend Hippies Leet Greet List a,.
aaa .,a In Alphabetical Order As Usual a,.
a aa
a aaa 01 Adz 05 Biogenesis 09 Chris Robin
02 Asphixia 06 Blatz 10 Blorox
03 Automaton 07 Burnt 11 Flame
04 Bambooz 08 Burps 12 Fluid
13 Fringe 17 King Cobra 21 NoTime 25 Prism
14 Hash 18 The Magpie 22 Pht Foolz 26 Shoony
15 Holocaust 19 Mort 23 Pitt 27 Soap
16 Jestor 20 Msd 24 Polaris 28 Spear
29 Totally Destroyed ,......... .. g0d, its getting a bit big. To get on Trend aa Hippies Leet List. Buy me a carton of Camel Lights, a or buy me a car! Whichever thing you decide to do, aaa mail it to me and youll be added to this nifty list! a aa a a aaa a th3 3nd?!?!
aaa aaaa
Welpz I guess this is a it with soap. Right
now I have about 4 or aa five groups that I am
planning to join, and a already accepted to
one. When you look aaaa aa in a pack and see the
tag the! you know its a a a a leet ascii. Plus
Im opening a coolio emag called fuZz.
Itll be like an Acid aa a a in the emag scene P.
Also my board, nicotine a a will be going up next
year or sooner so Im aaa aaa pretty much swamped.
Once again I thank soap.. peace.
aaa I almost forgot. The Lamer Of the Month!
a aa
a aaa 4io Lamer Supreme
Cuz hes the Mac-Dad and Im Not
Naww, hes leet0.
aa Alright, well thats it. w0o! This was fun P a Ahh well. Ill miss s0ap. Later all and thx for reading aaa this. If you actually took the time to read this and you a see me on irc with the handle thegroop heer or just the or HiPPiE then /MSG me and say Poke Smot and Ill aa a make you a FREE ascii without me telling you no, EVEN if a yer someone I EXTREMELY hate. w0o. This offer expires aaa a June 7th, muh birfday. Later ppl.
-Trend Hippie!so a .
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