this image contains text
i ,s,mSd
P ss sa 4P4P sa P4P4
i ,s s,,ssa ,s ,ss.P sa .
, ss i
. ssss . i
i i
i s 4s 4s 4sP.4ss, .
ssss sssssss.4 ss.4 bsssssssssssssssssss
P P,sdsd
ssss i
ssss s sssssss h sssssss a sssssss d sssssss o ssssss w ssS
.---,db.- ---,. nip -.db,---.
,dPs db, s4b,
.ss mSdi
P.+ 4s.4 !y
nip emag .dd ,
: P 4S,di
-o496-- -ss.dSS
-- - - - - it hurts when i pee - -- -- - --- -- - - - - - - - - -
ok well. this is shit that dont fit ... not really a colly. since
its so small. anyways. you people out there .. are probly all wondering
right now. who is this mSd guy? where does he get off doing ascii biTZ?@
and well. ive decided to take a few minutes and answer your many questions.
my gift to the little people.
i grew up on a farm out west, your regular hick, playing with the
farm animals .. sleeping under the stars .. sleeping with the farm animals..
your average mojo tractor driven farm boy. at the ripe age of eight, my
pah bought me my first computer. it was a beauty. from there, i started
experimenting with myself. err .. sfww5 4r.. i started experimenting
with ascii, tryed a few crude disignes, and came up with this:
my first ascii ever. dont laugh kids it took me a week. from there,
i moved on. tryed some new styles. and got hand plucked out of millions
of peaches to sport a fancy new soap brand affil. w3wp. but little did
i realize what lay ahead for me. yes. the war. they shipped me down to
brazil, land of the flesh eating disease, where i lived in the trenches
for, well, it seemed like forever. one day i got struck by a stray bullet,
b3wm, right in the arm. mann .. blood and gutz everywhere. they stuck me
in a dirty hospital for a week or so then flew me back to canada, 50.
when i got back, boy, were they happy too see me. the whole family would
sit around for hours and take turns playing with my stub. i got used to
it after a while. by that time i was 9 and a half years old, ready for
the big leagues. i couldnt go to school anymore. no. the doctors told me
i was crazy. so i just stayed home and drew ascii all day. all night.
for 3 months i drew ascii for soap. i got bigger. better. i got myself
on irc. got verbally molested daily by the boys in ansi you know who you
are then finally i turned 10. and people started to take me serisouly.
thats my story and im sticking to it
my possee
prism bamboozler jestOr frosty cr0w phazeone phatcap grifter
fahrenheit bibitte technifix tetanus creapingdeath lordregulator
carrotx shadowimage wh0dini nero azreal scr1bble tRip mrbigot bigd
shadowkiller eklypze hypercolor zenon jashik koobz st3Wpid grimZor
necronoumon aroma crystal ruthie creator luptin dkain virii lummox
enigmatic fractal fluor trendhippie s5 cidiCa ewheat pchan fring3
lukeskywalker defiant whoreid spear c4nnibal mindCrime cheezemunkee
meatculper kHz trypn0 cypreSs blatZ azreal clarkkent hOlocaust
nootropic annihilator wendel cain mrtwister alphaX sCribble acidjazz
cytralskunk sulphur 9l halo5 mryuck fB phazerx phantaX chexbitz
pixelpsha deyz suiCide rubberman flame nightblade hashpipe gloCk40
ummh .. well. if i know you, and your not on here, lets just
P ss sa 4P4P sa P4P4
i ,s s,,ssa ,s ,ss.P sa .
, ss i
. ssss . i
i i
i s 4s 4s 4sP.4ss, .
ssss sssssss.4 ss.4 bsssssssssssssssssss
P P,sdsd
ssss i
ssss s sssssss h sssssss a sssssss d sssssss o ssssss w ssS
.---,db.- ---,. nip -.db,---.
,dPs db, s4b,
.ss mSdi
P.+ 4s.4 !y
nip emag .dd ,
: P 4S,di
-o496-- -ss.dSS
-- - - - - it hurts when i pee - -- -- - --- -- - - - - - - - - -
ok well. this is shit that dont fit ... not really a colly. since
its so small. anyways. you people out there .. are probly all wondering
right now. who is this mSd guy? where does he get off doing ascii biTZ?@
and well. ive decided to take a few minutes and answer your many questions.
my gift to the little people.
i grew up on a farm out west, your regular hick, playing with the
farm animals .. sleeping under the stars .. sleeping with the farm animals..
your average mojo tractor driven farm boy. at the ripe age of eight, my
pah bought me my first computer. it was a beauty. from there, i started
experimenting with myself. err .. sfww5 4r.. i started experimenting
with ascii, tryed a few crude disignes, and came up with this:
my first ascii ever. dont laugh kids it took me a week. from there,
i moved on. tryed some new styles. and got hand plucked out of millions
of peaches to sport a fancy new soap brand affil. w3wp. but little did
i realize what lay ahead for me. yes. the war. they shipped me down to
brazil, land of the flesh eating disease, where i lived in the trenches
for, well, it seemed like forever. one day i got struck by a stray bullet,
b3wm, right in the arm. mann .. blood and gutz everywhere. they stuck me
in a dirty hospital for a week or so then flew me back to canada, 50.
when i got back, boy, were they happy too see me. the whole family would
sit around for hours and take turns playing with my stub. i got used to
it after a while. by that time i was 9 and a half years old, ready for
the big leagues. i couldnt go to school anymore. no. the doctors told me
i was crazy. so i just stayed home and drew ascii all day. all night.
for 3 months i drew ascii for soap. i got bigger. better. i got myself
on irc. got verbally molested daily by the boys in ansi you know who you
are then finally i turned 10. and people started to take me serisouly.
thats my story and im sticking to it
my possee
prism bamboozler jestOr frosty cr0w phazeone phatcap grifter
fahrenheit bibitte technifix tetanus creapingdeath lordregulator
carrotx shadowimage wh0dini nero azreal scr1bble tRip mrbigot bigd
shadowkiller eklypze hypercolor zenon jashik koobz st3Wpid grimZor
necronoumon aroma crystal ruthie creator luptin dkain virii lummox
enigmatic fractal fluor trendhippie s5 cidiCa ewheat pchan fring3
lukeskywalker defiant whoreid spear c4nnibal mindCrime cheezemunkee
meatculper kHz trypn0 cypreSs blatZ azreal clarkkent hOlocaust
nootropic annihilator wendel cain mrtwister alphaX sCribble acidjazz
cytralskunk sulphur 9l halo5 mryuck fB phazerx phantaX chexbitz
pixelpsha deyz suiCide rubberman flame nightblade hashpipe gloCk40
ummh .. well. if i know you, and your not on here, lets just
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