this image contains text
everyone in ,
soap looks like ,s,. .,s@@s,.
this .., .sd@s,. dY Yb
, ...:::ls,. lPVbYl ll
,sP . .s,@@s,.l !b YYs
b. . Yd Yb Y l
+. l! lSl ! s d@s,.S
,ss. ssPs l Pss
ss !l ,dP s,dl lP dY .
ss . b,. .,,.@bs,sd@.,l ::...
!b ., Y l::::.. .
we are . s ., b .,sP bs,.,sPYP .
the . ...::::ls,. lb ! d! s,..
proph3ts .::dsdY ! l !b
--------- Yl lP --- - bTs0ap -------- ..Soap.. ssP S l april pack son.. ts,.. ., ., ..bs,sdP s.st , ., . ..::::l sOap.nfO phOre o496 Sas . ,lPs sb+,. ssP P4 P4 :: hi .. this is mSd writing the nfo this time. sorry to . dissapoint you. anyways. like i said. hi. we didnt have . many new members this month. i think we had some people leave. i dunno. im a r3tard. but. we welcomed ! . trend hippie to soap, with his spiff color picsnfonts . yah. i .: but. apperently after he gave us his work for the month he : i decided to leave see the!last.asc dunno. thanks anyways : punkzter. in other news. prizm got back from china. and me .. . and him are putting the pack together ourselves since sally .:. jessy is working 24 hours a day now. hard labour. 0.50 dont kill me i and since ive always wanted to do the info, prizm goes . . do the nfo .. and im like. yah .. so .. ! hmm. anyways. were doing overtime on the quality control this month. so if it doesnt look like we have i enuf jumbo in the pack its not cuz we suck and cant . draw fast, its cuz me and priz went nuts chuckn the : shit.. dRUgZ
this sucks. nothing new happened this month. just..
go look at last months nfo. same deal. hmm. lets reflect.. . flASHBACK -- wwew
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ss, s s s s s, ss s,, s, s s, s s, ss ,s s s s s s s s s, ss , s , s , s , s, ,s ss s ss s ss s s , , s, sss ss ss s, s, ,ssSSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS - , : ,s i
i . yah. thats our premier pack nfo header. . : heh ... we used the same one in the next pack. lazy punks . i. hh333 .. we used it again in our 3rd pack. fuckers : ..i . .sSssSsSSsSsSs. isSSSsSsSs . :.sss. .sss. .sss..sfss.
bssssss. .sssssssb ..sssssss. sS + .
sP.,PsP,Ps sP,
bsssssssss.sssssssssssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssd sssss
7 ,P
b 7 sS.ssssd
7 i ahh .. better thats our 0296 : nfo header. see. in four months we like got better. . anyways. i hate tiny little short dick nfo files so .. . ill quote myself.
fucking bitch titz - mSd
. fun .. ahh. and while your on irc i know you are bitZ
: why not drop by soap and pay us to do you ascii. or just talk
or whatever.
you know. .. if i had a petting zoo in my room id never leave
. the house.
. shit. this is turning into a zine jesus christ superstar.
. speaking of which. grifter managed to whip together a nice
i little mag called sudz, it has interviews, celeberties, ummh
well check it out. its in with the pack. i prommised him
id do something for it this month but i forgot.
soap looks like ,s,. .,s@@s,.
this .., .sd@s,. dY Yb
, ...:::ls,. lPVbYl ll
,sP . .s,@@s,.l !b YYs
b. . Yd Yb Y l
+. l! lSl ! s d@s,.S
,ss. ssPs l Pss
ss !l ,dP s,dl lP dY .
ss . b,. .,,.@bs,sd@.,l ::...
!b ., Y l::::.. .
we are . s ., b .,sP bs,.,sPYP .
the . ...::::ls,. lb ! d! s,..
proph3ts .::dsdY ! l !b
--------- Yl lP --- - bTs0ap -------- ..Soap.. ssP S l april pack son.. ts,.. ., ., ..bs,sdP s.st , ., . ..::::l sOap.nfO phOre o496 Sas . ,lPs sb+,. ssP P4 P4 :: hi .. this is mSd writing the nfo this time. sorry to . dissapoint you. anyways. like i said. hi. we didnt have . many new members this month. i think we had some people leave. i dunno. im a r3tard. but. we welcomed ! . trend hippie to soap, with his spiff color picsnfonts . yah. i .: but. apperently after he gave us his work for the month he : i decided to leave see the!last.asc dunno. thanks anyways : punkzter. in other news. prizm got back from china. and me .. . and him are putting the pack together ourselves since sally .:. jessy is working 24 hours a day now. hard labour. 0.50 dont kill me i and since ive always wanted to do the info, prizm goes . . do the nfo .. and im like. yah .. so .. ! hmm. anyways. were doing overtime on the quality control this month. so if it doesnt look like we have i enuf jumbo in the pack its not cuz we suck and cant . draw fast, its cuz me and priz went nuts chuckn the : shit.. dRUgZ
this sucks. nothing new happened this month. just..
go look at last months nfo. same deal. hmm. lets reflect.. . flASHBACK -- wwew
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ss, s s s s s, ss s,, s, s s, s s, ss ,s s s s s s s s s, ss , s , s , s , s, ,s ss s ss s ss s s , , s, sss ss ss s, s, ,ssSSS i n f o a g e p h i l e SSS - , : ,s i
i . yah. thats our premier pack nfo header. . : heh ... we used the same one in the next pack. lazy punks . i. hh333 .. we used it again in our 3rd pack. fuckers : ..i . .sSssSsSSsSsSs. isSSSsSsSs . :.sss. .sss. .sss..sfss.
bssssss. .sssssssb ..sssssss. sS + .
sP.,PsP,Ps sP,
bsssssssss.sssssssssssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssd sssss
7 ,P
b 7 sS.ssssd
7 i ahh .. better thats our 0296 : nfo header. see. in four months we like got better. . anyways. i hate tiny little short dick nfo files so .. . ill quote myself.
fucking bitch titz - mSd
. fun .. ahh. and while your on irc i know you are bitZ
: why not drop by soap and pay us to do you ascii. or just talk
or whatever.
you know. .. if i had a petting zoo in my room id never leave
. the house.
. shit. this is turning into a zine jesus christ superstar.
. speaking of which. grifter managed to whip together a nice
i little mag called sudz, it has interviews, celeberties, ummh
well check it out. its in with the pack. i prommised him
id do something for it this month but i forgot.
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