this image contains text
--- spiFf cO0leCtion 2 @@!4 --- ,ssss.
.sssss ss s. s sss ,ss. .,ssb
,s s . ,i
! i ss s f ss
s : : . i ssssi ,s s s.
. . p f ,b. .d
the chuNk . s .
id .
i donUt care what you think, ,
dat seZ spiFf ... sssl .,,. gANGSTA
,ss sPIFF
well, as you can see, due too popular ssss
request, ive decided too continue ,sss. ss.
this shitty ascii to bring you another ,sss.! b
month of our fun, loveable chunky pal. 4 .
yes. belive your eyes folKSx, its here
and its 100 crap. so sit back, grab a spiff spiff hes our chunk
smoke and a tube of e-zee cheese, and o o o o o/
enjoy as spiff makes you laugh, cry, /
and jiZz yO pANts. !x*@?? go spiff.. / / / / /
this is spiff. hes a chunk.
hence. spiff the chunk.. .
. -spf
/ no spiff. put that back
/ .+,z
.+- /x, o
/ -X- /00:01,
bomb- -- ,
spiff enjoys many recreational activities. such as... .
car- /.---- ----- /
// V /
.-. .-. iT/ / o -. /
/ .-. / .-. --------- o / +---
-- -- bumper shining.. .
/ / / -lawn dart .,/
// o
--+-/ -. o ,
/ o. o , .--+ ---/
---- / 7 horse- .-
lawn darts.. / /
. . spf--. /
/ i .- /
.s- .7. .s+ ,+ V /
/ . . ----------/ o -. /
.i/ . o / +---
- horseback riding
+., kick the geek..
spf- / s .+ ,+!.
/ / spf- 0 . O
. / o/
/ / o /
- o / / -geek
/ /.7 / e
/ / o / xoo -p0rno
/ reading..
spf- ./ . o
/ Z . x sk8 board- .
/ . i o
..-. / o / o .o -spf
X/00:01/ 7 ----/
damnit spiff, -- /
theres a bomb /
on your chin / spiffs a sk8er
well. thats all for this month. /
and with it i leave you these /
words: leaf frog chair jim bug /
oh yes. musnt forget da gweEts
jestah: my voice box broke so i had to do this by hands :
prisum: soap ... :o
bamboOZler: welco a s0apee mangORz ..
phaZe: y0 v.i.p ... letZ kick it... :
griftah: yo brothAs a hacka :
tcr0w: mY bOARD iDNt lAME, iT jUZT sUCKZ :
my parents: STOP FUCKING BITCHING. chRISps ..
my beer: oh sweet bringer of life. *hug* *kiss* magical pixie juice..
how i love thee..
everyone else: greet me, i need more friends :
contact me at: bmarch@minet.gov.mb.ca or ..
sylENCe i-o4-6six7-3ate7 i sit at home and wait for people to call
so i can break into chat and ask them if
my new asciis cool or not even if the last
7 people said it was rad
.sssss ss s. s sss ,ss. .,ssb
,s s . ,i
! i ss s f ss
s : : . i ssssi ,s s s.
. . p f ,b. .d
the chuNk . s .
id .
i donUt care what you think, ,
dat seZ spiFf ... sssl .,,. gANGSTA
,ss sPIFF
well, as you can see, due too popular ssss
request, ive decided too continue ,sss. ss.
this shitty ascii to bring you another ,sss.! b
month of our fun, loveable chunky pal. 4 .
yes. belive your eyes folKSx, its here
and its 100 crap. so sit back, grab a spiff spiff hes our chunk
smoke and a tube of e-zee cheese, and o o o o o/
enjoy as spiff makes you laugh, cry, /
and jiZz yO pANts. !x*@?? go spiff.. / / / / /
this is spiff. hes a chunk.
hence. spiff the chunk.. .
. -spf
/ no spiff. put that back
/ .+,z
.+- /x, o
/ -X- /00:01,
bomb- -- ,
spiff enjoys many recreational activities. such as... .
car- /.---- ----- /
// V /
.-. .-. iT/ / o -. /
/ .-. / .-. --------- o / +---
-- -- bumper shining.. .
/ / / -lawn dart .,/
// o
--+-/ -. o ,
/ o. o , .--+ ---/
---- / 7 horse- .-
lawn darts.. / /
. . spf--. /
/ i .- /
.s- .7. .s+ ,+ V /
/ . . ----------/ o -. /
.i/ . o / +---
- horseback riding
+., kick the geek..
spf- / s .+ ,+!.
/ / spf- 0 . O
. / o/
/ / o /
- o / / -geek
/ /.7 / e
/ / o / xoo -p0rno
/ reading..
spf- ./ . o
/ Z . x sk8 board- .
/ . i o
..-. / o / o .o -spf
X/00:01/ 7 ----/
damnit spiff, -- /
theres a bomb /
on your chin / spiffs a sk8er
well. thats all for this month. /
and with it i leave you these /
words: leaf frog chair jim bug /
oh yes. musnt forget da gweEts
jestah: my voice box broke so i had to do this by hands :
prisum: soap ... :o
bamboOZler: welco a s0apee mangORz ..
phaZe: y0 v.i.p ... letZ kick it... :
griftah: yo brothAs a hacka :
tcr0w: mY bOARD iDNt lAME, iT jUZT sUCKZ :
my parents: STOP FUCKING BITCHING. chRISps ..
my beer: oh sweet bringer of life. *hug* *kiss* magical pixie juice..
how i love thee..
everyone else: greet me, i need more friends :
contact me at: bmarch@minet.gov.mb.ca or ..
sylENCe i-o4-6six7-3ate7 i sit at home and wait for people to call
so i can break into chat and ask them if
my new asciis cool or not even if the last
7 people said it was rad
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