this image contains text
P Ss,
::::::: P P :::::::
l e s c a p e n e t w o r k l
lllllll Ss,,. . . . . .,,sS lllllll
ascii by jeepees0ap
werd... thanks man for that WORD FOR WINDOZE VERSION -2.0- you rule with
yer old juareZ, theres your logo, hope you like cauz i wont do another one
i suck at ascii and i draw once every 6 months. a BIG W0rD to PRIZM muh
niggah for moving me to the inactive list G paix mon frere -j33p33
::::::: P P :::::::
l e s c a p e n e t w o r k l
lllllll Ss,,. . . . . .,,sS lllllll
ascii by jeepees0ap
werd... thanks man for that WORD FOR WINDOZE VERSION -2.0- you rule with
yer old juareZ, theres your logo, hope you like cauz i wont do another one
i suck at ascii and i draw once every 6 months. a BIG W0rD to PRIZM muh
niggah for moving me to the inactive list G paix mon frere -j33p33
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