this image contains text
.... ::: .,.,,ggya,. ::
.. ::. : fuck, this month sucked, i was busy as:
::::. :hell with school so i couldnt work on :
..:::. ., aded rIval colly :much, but this is what i did. i came :
:.::: gQ . :.up with a good non high ascii one tho :
... ::.QgQ
-------------------------- .,gQQQg. ------------ gyyyyyyy
.db,. . .
.. .db. .,g@QQa. .,g@QQa.:
b. : .gQ .gQ:
b . :
. .gQQya. . .. .
Qa..dQQ@ggggggggga. .d ..gyyyya. .d.
for mercury i believe...+-----------------------------------------------------
.gQQyy. ascii by jaded .gQgQ
.gQgQ .gQQgy .,gQQgy.. .
. .g . .
. yygQyg. ..
i . gyyyyQ .yQgygi
yQgyg .gQy.QgygQgyg .ygyyyyyyQ
QyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyQQyyyyyyyyyyyQQyyyyyyyQy gQygQ
beware of the elite powers
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listen up, this is how to get a jaded ascii
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------alright, im fucking sick of how things work. first i just did requests as theycame glad someone would actually want my work. then i devised jadedreq.exe to
have a nice lil form and shit. then i started turning down requests. ok lemme
explain this all to you. im sick and tired of being ripped off by you morons.
all you promise is lies. sure ill get it for ya..im just busy right now
bullshit you are. but im not going to go into that. now, since jadedreq.exe
wasnt working good, and taking requests on irc or mail is boring, im devising
a new innovated way to get an ascii from me. no longer is it just mail me or
shit, no no, you gotta REALLY want an ascii by me. i only want to do asciis forpeople who really want my asciis. so to do this im going to hold raffles. yesthis may sound dumb, but hey maybe i am dumb. ok. im not sure when the first
will be held. for now, ill say every saturday at 12:00 PST, in getajadedasciithe way it works is everyone joins that wants one. theres two ways i can go
about this. 1. i have a question for you first to answer it gets it. or
2. the way i will probably do it, is that you pick a number between 1 and 100
and the closest wins. since i dont do asciis as regularly as i did before ill
start off at once a week but i will speed it up. thanks for yer time
: yyQ .
.. ::. : fuck, this month sucked, i was busy as:
::::. :hell with school so i couldnt work on :
..:::. ., aded rIval colly :much, but this is what i did. i came :
:.::: gQ . :.up with a good non high ascii one tho :
... ::.QgQ
-------------------------- .,gQQQg. ------------ gyyyyyyy
.db,. . .
.. .db. .,g@QQa. .,g@QQa.:
b. : .gQ .gQ:
b . :
. .gQQya. . .. .
Qa..dQQ@ggggggggga. .d ..gyyyya. .d.
for mercury i believe...+-----------------------------------------------------
.gQQyy. ascii by jaded .gQgQ
.gQgQ .gQQgy .,gQQgy.. .
. .g . .
. yygQyg. ..
i . gyyyyQ .yQgygi
yQgyg .gQy.QgygQgyg .ygyyyyyyQ
QyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyQQyyyyyyyyyyyQQyyyyyyyQy gQygQ
beware of the elite powers
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listen up, this is how to get a jaded ascii
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------alright, im fucking sick of how things work. first i just did requests as theycame glad someone would actually want my work. then i devised jadedreq.exe to
have a nice lil form and shit. then i started turning down requests. ok lemme
explain this all to you. im sick and tired of being ripped off by you morons.
all you promise is lies. sure ill get it for ya..im just busy right now
bullshit you are. but im not going to go into that. now, since jadedreq.exe
wasnt working good, and taking requests on irc or mail is boring, im devising
a new innovated way to get an ascii from me. no longer is it just mail me or
shit, no no, you gotta REALLY want an ascii by me. i only want to do asciis forpeople who really want my asciis. so to do this im going to hold raffles. yesthis may sound dumb, but hey maybe i am dumb. ok. im not sure when the first
will be held. for now, ill say every saturday at 12:00 PST, in getajadedasciithe way it works is everyone joins that wants one. theres two ways i can go
about this. 1. i have a question for you first to answer it gets it. or
2. the way i will probably do it, is that you pick a number between 1 and 100
and the closest wins. since i dont do asciis as regularly as i did before ill
start off at once a week but i will speed it up. thanks for yer time
: yyQ .
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