this image contains text
.Senior Staff Members.
Kid Krylon ky Merlin mn Fear fr
.Public Relations.
Kid Krylon ky
.Ansi Artists.
Turmoil tl The Undead Sorcerer tus Fear fr
Dr. Meltdown dm Kid Krylon ky Weazel wz
Merlin mn Phaedrus ph Saint Sinner ss
Sultun sn Realm Dweller rd Prong pg
Hunchback hu Prince of Death pd
.Rip Artists.
Tre-Bone tb Dream Child dc
.VGA Artists.
Tre-Bone tb Dream Child dc Dr. Claw drc
Cristopher Robin cr
.Ascii Artists.
Airborn an Twisted Logic tl Dream Child dc
The Hunter tn Darkness dk Curse cu
Dream Child dc
.Internet Guy.
.The Totals.
Senior Staff Members: 3 Public Relations: 1 Ansi Artists: 14
Rip Artists: 2 Vga Artists: 4 Ascii Artists: 3
Coders: 3 Telecommunications: 1 Internet Guy: 1
Total Number of Members: 24
NOTE: Members highlighted in YELLOW are the head of their division.
.American HeadQuarters.
beyOnd! whq 9o9.473.o768 Merlin
Madness ushq 9o9.eye.wish Kid Krylon
Lokis Error ehq 8o4.272.o975 Schizosynth
AntiCapital chq 5o2.493.8425 Lifetime
Available shq ooo.ooo.oooo kys moms
Available nhq ooo.ooo.oooo kys grandmoms
.Distribution Sites.
Huma! 6i9 Lord Jazz
The Stellar Nights 6i0 The Wizard
Sushi Bar Z 6i9 Sushi-X
Evil Intentions 4o8 Betrayer
Black Sunshine 5i6 Defective Mind
.Member Boards.
Digital Drool 9o9.683.o63o Chaos
Satanic Uprising 9o9.822.o7o9 Dream Child
Fate! 9o5.666.2469 Twisted Logic
NOTE: If your board is not in the above list, then you are not a Rival
Affiliated Board. We shaved off a lot of the HQ positions, as
were restructuring our policies regarding HQs. Were sorry,
its nothing personal against you or your board.
NOTE2: All of the member boards are not listed... My bad.. -ky
NOTE3: Were not accepting distro/hq applications. Sorry.
.Senior Staff Members.
Kid Krylon ky Merlin mn Fear fr
.Public Relations.
Kid Krylon ky
.Ansi Artists.
Turmoil tl The Undead Sorcerer tus Fear fr
Dr. Meltdown dm Kid Krylon ky Weazel wz
Merlin mn Phaedrus ph Saint Sinner ss
Sultun sn Realm Dweller rd Prong pg
Hunchback hu Prince of Death pd
.Rip Artists.
Tre-Bone tb Dream Child dc
.VGA Artists.
Tre-Bone tb Dream Child dc Dr. Claw drc
Cristopher Robin cr
.Ascii Artists.
Airborn an Twisted Logic tl Dream Child dc
The Hunter tn Darkness dk Curse cu
Dream Child dc
.Internet Guy.
.The Totals.
Senior Staff Members: 3 Public Relations: 1 Ansi Artists: 14
Rip Artists: 2 Vga Artists: 4 Ascii Artists: 3
Coders: 3 Telecommunications: 1 Internet Guy: 1
Total Number of Members: 24
NOTE: Members highlighted in YELLOW are the head of their division.
.American HeadQuarters.
beyOnd! whq 9o9.473.o768 Merlin
Madness ushq 9o9.eye.wish Kid Krylon
Lokis Error ehq 8o4.272.o975 Schizosynth
AntiCapital chq 5o2.493.8425 Lifetime
Available shq ooo.ooo.oooo kys moms
Available nhq ooo.ooo.oooo kys grandmoms
.Distribution Sites.
Huma! 6i9 Lord Jazz
The Stellar Nights 6i0 The Wizard
Sushi Bar Z 6i9 Sushi-X
Evil Intentions 4o8 Betrayer
Black Sunshine 5i6 Defective Mind
.Member Boards.
Digital Drool 9o9.683.o63o Chaos
Satanic Uprising 9o9.822.o7o9 Dream Child
Fate! 9o5.666.2469 Twisted Logic
NOTE: If your board is not in the above list, then you are not a Rival
Affiliated Board. We shaved off a lot of the HQ positions, as
were restructuring our policies regarding HQs. Were sorry,
its nothing personal against you or your board.
NOTE2: All of the member boards are not listed... My bad.. -ky
NOTE3: Were not accepting distro/hq applications. Sorry.
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