this image contains text
R i V A L 1 9 9 5
HEY! Fear here doing the a last minute *.NFO file.. and here it is!!!
Well, RiVAL is finally here. Took us two months to come up with a decent
pack but we did it. Yeah yeah yeah.. your looking at the pack saying what
the fuck is Image 9o9 or deviousDVS. well that was our old name. image
9o9 was our soul name back then. but as our little minds expanded to Long
distance calling. : we found out that there were like 12 other images out
there. so we changed our name to DVSdevious but too many members hated the
name. so after a week of useless arguing. our fellow artist Tre-bone nice
job man.. couldnt put all your stuff in cuz we didnt want a 3 meg pack:
came up with the name RiVAL. Some people didnt like it, but all of us could
live with it.
Anyhow.. we are like made up of the best artists in 909 area code or we
would like to consider ourselves the best artists in 909: .. but the group
sure was lame. Why? Cuz of disorginization and internal hatred within the
group. Seniors are mainly to blame, Because we did not handle any of these
but we are a new group. so what if we made mistakes? what counts is if we
learn from those mistakes and make sure they do not happen again. Hell thats
how we gain experience, am i correct?
Well, some of our artists havent turned in one thing. or has disappeared
all of a sudden hey vandal hint hint so they will be listed as indangered
of being dropped. which means they have till next month to turn in a piece
of artwork.
Ok. so the app says image 909.. yeah well... we changed our name like 2
weeks before the deadlinevery good choice by all of us: and had no time
to make an app. Wait, we couldve finished the app if our coder didnt have to
turn in his computer for repairs.. and as for the viewer.. we would at least
of had a decent one if we didnt have a member conlfict. but hey. packs is
coming out on the first of january.. so this paragraph could be wrong.. we
might ACTUALLY have a RiVAL app and a heh image viewer..by the time i
finish this damn nfo file.
Now, What really threw us off was not having an established WHQ.. Beyond
kept on going down and had bugs in software. so software had to be changed
over and over again. until finally it got too old.. we will throw up beyond
with WHQ until Beyond is Established and has a bbs software all of us can
live with. But until then Nevarre Demonian has been kind enough to set us up
with Diabolica as WHQ. Applications tho will be sent to Blackenedsone of
our couriers Destructive Legion. Read the nfo that came with the image
app so we can get it straight. Speaking of boards, we have a hellabunch of
909 boards. Soon we will drop these boards, UNLESS the board shows improv-
ment or has the ability for improvement. If you are a distro and did not get
the pack. I apologize deeply, i said before we are totally disorganized and
are trying to get ourselves back on track.
As for people who want to apply for the group we are very honored that
you guys would like to apply to us.
OK! well i dunno what else to say, and damn.. theres probably like 100
spelling errors but what the hell this isnt a damn essay i have to turn in
for world lit is it? : .. well .. hope you guys like the pack. please tell
us your opinion on this pack. and hope to see ya next month... AND NICE JOB
People lets keep it up for next month.
HEY! Fear here doing the a last minute *.NFO file.. and here it is!!!
Well, RiVAL is finally here. Took us two months to come up with a decent
pack but we did it. Yeah yeah yeah.. your looking at the pack saying what
the fuck is Image 9o9 or deviousDVS. well that was our old name. image
9o9 was our soul name back then. but as our little minds expanded to Long
distance calling. : we found out that there were like 12 other images out
there. so we changed our name to DVSdevious but too many members hated the
name. so after a week of useless arguing. our fellow artist Tre-bone nice
job man.. couldnt put all your stuff in cuz we didnt want a 3 meg pack:
came up with the name RiVAL. Some people didnt like it, but all of us could
live with it.
Anyhow.. we are like made up of the best artists in 909 area code or we
would like to consider ourselves the best artists in 909: .. but the group
sure was lame. Why? Cuz of disorginization and internal hatred within the
group. Seniors are mainly to blame, Because we did not handle any of these
but we are a new group. so what if we made mistakes? what counts is if we
learn from those mistakes and make sure they do not happen again. Hell thats
how we gain experience, am i correct?
Well, some of our artists havent turned in one thing. or has disappeared
all of a sudden hey vandal hint hint so they will be listed as indangered
of being dropped. which means they have till next month to turn in a piece
of artwork.
Ok. so the app says image 909.. yeah well... we changed our name like 2
weeks before the deadlinevery good choice by all of us: and had no time
to make an app. Wait, we couldve finished the app if our coder didnt have to
turn in his computer for repairs.. and as for the viewer.. we would at least
of had a decent one if we didnt have a member conlfict. but hey. packs is
coming out on the first of january.. so this paragraph could be wrong.. we
might ACTUALLY have a RiVAL app and a heh image viewer..by the time i
finish this damn nfo file.
Now, What really threw us off was not having an established WHQ.. Beyond
kept on going down and had bugs in software. so software had to be changed
over and over again. until finally it got too old.. we will throw up beyond
with WHQ until Beyond is Established and has a bbs software all of us can
live with. But until then Nevarre Demonian has been kind enough to set us up
with Diabolica as WHQ. Applications tho will be sent to Blackenedsone of
our couriers Destructive Legion. Read the nfo that came with the image
app so we can get it straight. Speaking of boards, we have a hellabunch of
909 boards. Soon we will drop these boards, UNLESS the board shows improv-
ment or has the ability for improvement. If you are a distro and did not get
the pack. I apologize deeply, i said before we are totally disorganized and
are trying to get ourselves back on track.
As for people who want to apply for the group we are very honored that
you guys would like to apply to us.
OK! well i dunno what else to say, and damn.. theres probably like 100
spelling errors but what the hell this isnt a damn essay i have to turn in
for world lit is it? : .. well .. hope you guys like the pack. please tell
us your opinion on this pack. and hope to see ya next month... AND NICE JOB
People lets keep it up for next month.
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