this image contains text
..rune newsle
tter ish5..
this is going to be a short newsletter
because i am
just too tired to type out the whole thing.
. nothing much
exciting happened this month.. some of our me
mbers became more
productive while others did less so its about even.. we
do have some
killer vgas by blackehawke
in this pack so check those out.. we also
supposedly picked up a new courier kingpun
k but he disappeared and we
havent heard from him in about 3 weeks.. so who know
s whats going on..
another new member is ascii stylist mirrorman
.. he doesnt have anything
for us in this pack but look for some of his stuff in the
future.. so
i guess thats it for us this month.. if you want to apply
to rune then
call the whq istar at 714/921-1603 and select the third op
tion from the
matrix.. or you can email your app to rune@exo.com.. late
..rune newsle
tter ish5..
this is going to be a short newsletter
because i am
just too tired to type out the whole thing.
. nothing much
exciting happened this month.. some of our me
mbers became more
productive while others did less so its about even.. we
do have some
killer vgas by blackehawke
in this pack so check those out.. we also
supposedly picked up a new courier kingpun
k but he disappeared and we
havent heard from him in about 3 weeks.. so who know
s whats going on..
another new member is ascii stylist mirrorman
.. he doesnt have anything
for us in this pack but look for some of his stuff in the
future.. so
i guess thats it for us this month.. if you want to apply
to rune then
call the whq istar at 714/921-1603 and select the third op
tion from the
matrix.. or you can email your app to rune@exo.com.. late
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