this image contains text
--- gunthar logo tutorial no.01 ------------------
well this tutorial kinda happened by accident while i was working on
a logo for
my good friend neoNegro.. i got started drawing ansi in the
scene about 3 yrs
ago by doing logos and i think ive gotten pretty good at it.. and
ive never
been one to start with the basic block structure like all those tuto
rials tell
you to.. but this time i was desperate because i couldnt get a goo
d logo goin
at all.. so anyways this is how it went..
step01..basic structure
yesh i started with these ugly
lookin blocks.. and i did
expect that anythin good c
possibly come from this..
this method does work well
if yer havin trouble, try it..
step02..advanced shaping
next you have to re-shape the
ugly block
s and make it look
good.. this is probabl
y the
hardest part in my op
and also th
e most important..
dont rely on block copying and
flipping for letters like bp
that may seem inter-changable.
ansi is weird.. things that look good one way pr-
obably wont look good flipped upside-down.. in my
logo here, the bp look similar but they have enuf
differences so that it still looks good.. also do
not worry if your font is illegible.. its trendy.
this is probably the easiest
step in drawing your logo..all
you have to do is pick which
s you want to use and put
hem wherever you think theyd
look good..
there are countless different
ways you can shade an ansi.. i
think its good to exp
but always try to make a solid
light sourc
e.. the source in
my logo
here would be from the
top/left corner of the logo..
its always good to set your
logo off from the black back-
ground of the scre
en.. so try
and put in your ow
n colored
and then youre finished.. this is a pretty small logo.. usually t
he bigger
they are, the better they look.. but it can be used for a header or
and feel free to add any minor details to make it look nicer..
--- gunthar logo tutorial no.01 ---------------------------
well this tutorial kinda happened by accident while i was working on
a logo for
my good friend neoNegro.. i got started drawing ansi in the
scene about 3 yrs
ago by doing logos and i think ive gotten pretty good at it.. and
ive never
been one to start with the basic block structure like all those tuto
rials tell
you to.. but this time i was desperate because i couldnt get a goo
d logo goin
at all.. so anyways this is how it went..
step01..basic structure
yesh i started with these ugly
lookin blocks.. and i did
expect that anythin good c
possibly come from this..
this method does work well
if yer havin trouble, try it..
step02..advanced shaping
next you have to re-shape the
ugly block
s and make it look
good.. this is probabl
y the
hardest part in my op
and also th
e most important..
dont rely on block copying and
flipping for letters like bp
that may seem inter-changable.
ansi is weird.. things that look good one way pr-
obably wont look good flipped upside-down.. in my
logo here, the bp look similar but they have enuf
differences so that it still looks good.. also do
not worry if your font is illegible.. its trendy.
this is probably the easiest
step in drawing your logo..all
you have to do is pick which
s you want to use and put
hem wherever you think theyd
look good..
there are countless different
ways you can shade an ansi.. i
think its good to exp
but always try to make a solid
light sourc
e.. the source in
my logo
here would be from the
top/left corner of the logo..
its always good to set your
logo off from the black back-
ground of the scre
en.. so try
and put in your ow
n colored
and then youre finished.. this is a pretty small logo.. usually t
he bigger
they are, the better they look.. but it can be used for a header or
and feel free to add any minor details to make it look nicer..
--- gunthar logo tutorial no.01 ---------------------------
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