this image contains text
..rune member
update 1..
alright this is really only for rune me
mbers but it
isnt any top secret shit so anybody can read
it i guess..
umm basically i just wanted to let you guys know about
some of
the things going on in rune.. right now i have sketch-n
et running
in my local 714 area code.. soon as i can
get it together i will be
releasing it for anybody to setup.. this is a good way to kee
p in touch
with me and other rune members.. or even to get requests
from people or
whatever.. grashoper is also working on setting up a rune
bot for irc so
that we can have a rune channel and people will be able t
o dcc the bot
their applications or work or requests or whatever.. until the
n the best
way to get that stuff to me is to call istar
and use the third matrix opt
hit right arrow twice..not too tuff and it will let you
upload your
work/app without logging on or applying to the board.. ho
wever if you do
not have an account on istar and call like once every week
or every other
week and you do not have an internet account or access to sketc
h-net then
you will need to apply on istar and call every once in a while
so that i
can keep in touch with you and stuff.. the number is 714.921.1
603.. if
you have an internet account then you can just attach your work
to email
to grashoper ghoper@usa.pipeline.com and he will give it to m
e.. and
then sketch-net should be going soon so you c
an keep in touch that way as
well.. also make sure your work for the pack
s is uploaded to istar or
e-mailed to grashoper at least five days before
the first of each month..
i do not put any expectations or restrictions on
rune mems except for one
and that is you must release at least one thing every othe
r month.. if
you go two months straight without releasing anything i wi
ll drop you..
i really do not think that drawing one pic ev
ery 60 days is too much to
ask but if you have a problem with that then
please get in touch with me
so we can work something out.. other than th
at you can dual group and
release just about anything you want.. i do enforce a bit of q
control tho so if i feel that one of your pieces was just a qui
ckie and
you didnt really put much effort into i may not release it
.. also if you
are an ex-member of rune and would still like to be in the grou
p then
please get in touch with me on istar or send
email to grashoper.. the
only exception to this would be acidjazz whom i
would not have let into
rune originally his art is good but his attitude is
not.. omega red let
him in during my absence.. i am releasing his work
in this pack but he
will be taken off of the member list for next month along w
ith all of the
other non-active members who do not get in touch with me be
fore then..
i guess thats about it.. if you have any questions mail me
on istar or
send email to grashoper.. late..
..rune member
update 1..
alright this is really only for rune me
mbers but it
isnt any top secret shit so anybody can read
it i guess..
umm basically i just wanted to let you guys know about
some of
the things going on in rune.. right now i have sketch-n
et running
in my local 714 area code.. soon as i can
get it together i will be
releasing it for anybody to setup.. this is a good way to kee
p in touch
with me and other rune members.. or even to get requests
from people or
whatever.. grashoper is also working on setting up a rune
bot for irc so
that we can have a rune channel and people will be able t
o dcc the bot
their applications or work or requests or whatever.. until the
n the best
way to get that stuff to me is to call istar
and use the third matrix opt
hit right arrow twice..not too tuff and it will let you
upload your
work/app without logging on or applying to the board.. ho
wever if you do
not have an account on istar and call like once every week
or every other
week and you do not have an internet account or access to sketc
h-net then
you will need to apply on istar and call every once in a while
so that i
can keep in touch with you and stuff.. the number is 714.921.1
603.. if
you have an internet account then you can just attach your work
to email
to grashoper ghoper@usa.pipeline.com and he will give it to m
e.. and
then sketch-net should be going soon so you c
an keep in touch that way as
well.. also make sure your work for the pack
s is uploaded to istar or
e-mailed to grashoper at least five days before
the first of each month..
i do not put any expectations or restrictions on
rune mems except for one
and that is you must release at least one thing every othe
r month.. if
you go two months straight without releasing anything i wi
ll drop you..
i really do not think that drawing one pic ev
ery 60 days is too much to
ask but if you have a problem with that then
please get in touch with me
so we can work something out.. other than th
at you can dual group and
release just about anything you want.. i do enforce a bit of q
control tho so if i feel that one of your pieces was just a qui
ckie and
you didnt really put much effort into i may not release it
.. also if you
are an ex-member of rune and would still like to be in the grou
p then
please get in touch with me on istar or send
email to grashoper.. the
only exception to this would be acidjazz whom i
would not have let into
rune originally his art is good but his attitude is
not.. omega red let
him in during my absence.. i am releasing his work
in this pack but he
will be taken off of the member list for next month along w
ith all of the
other non-active members who do not get in touch with me be
fore then..
i guess thats about it.. if you have any questions mail me
on istar or
send email to grashoper.. late..
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