this image contains text
And now... Ron Burgundy interviews Barak Obama...
Start of LATELINE buffer: Mon Mar 24 21:48:26 2008
* Now talking in LATELINE
* Set by ronbrgnd!avg@c122-106-134-6.rivrw1.nsw.optusnet.com.au on Mon Mar 24
BObama Hi Ron!
BObama Hows it hanging? ha- ha-ha -ha ha. :
ronbrgnd Hi barack!, its hanging WELL so to speak!, just met up with a
few hotties out back, they smelt the sex panther.. they love the
big pappa ron!
ronbrgnd So, its been what.. 9 months since you were here last right?
BObama Ive actually never been on before! Ha- ha- haha- ha- jk jk lol as
the kids say right? Ha
BObama Never here before! Good Evening, world!
ronbrgnd and good evening to you!.. now.. HOW has your election campain
BObama It has been PHENOMENAL! ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL! The only problem is my
campaign manager says I really need to GRASP the YOUNG audience and
BObama :D :D SMILEY jk jk lol
ronbrgnd thats right.. you should never let the young ones go.. i remember
once, out back.. i had this 17 year old hottie.. nevermind, it was
ronbrgnd so, how was hillary clinton?
ronbrgnd i mean..
ronbrgnd how is all of that nonsense going?
BObama Its great, NAHm sayin? Shes all tripping sometimes over this and
that and Im just like hey sister you just need to keep it real for
America. Nahmean? Thats what I do.
BObama Barak Obama, Keepin it real for America.
ronbrgnd now, i noticed your wearing au de cologne toilette.. is is sex
panther by any chance?
BObama I keep it real. Thats all me, home skillet :DDD D winky : drooly
BObama Yo
ronbrgnd i dig. real... hard pappa burgundy.. HIGH FIVE!
* ronbrgnd high fives obama
BObama High five homie!
ronbrgnd now.. to the serious stuff.. for those who dont know who to vote
for.. why dont you tell these people who you are, and what you
ronbrgnd and what you will do for your country.
BObama Im black.
BObama Ill black us up.
ronbrgnd and thats all?
BObama Well
BObama That and keep the dragons at bay
BObama But thats partly because Im a black man, nahmean? :D
BObama You can find me in da club, bottle full of bub
ronbrgnd i nah wha you mean
BObama Theres too many racists out here in Washington, and Im tired of it.
BObama Elect me and inner Washington DC will look like the night sky. BLACK
AS NIGHT with a few flakes of salt here and there.
ronbrgnd that was touching, yet compelling.
BObama :P :P D droolytonguewinkysmiley
BObama My campaign manager said I need to black it up too. Apparently Im
too white.
BObama Have you met my campaign manager?
ronbrgnd no, ive been told it was don king?
BObama step in here real quick Orenthal
* OJSmpson has joined LATELINE
OJSmpson Yo.
* OJSmpson has left LATELINE xc
ronbrgnd was that?
ronbrgnd ..
BObama Thats my campaign manager, Orenthal
ronbrgnd well i must say, thats a great way to get elected.. if people dont
vote for you we might live in the fear that another rodney king
bashing may happen.
ronbrgnd well, not the bashing.. the actual retaliation.
ronbrgnd and that would be good for my news station.
BObama It will.
BObama The chickens is comin home to roost, yall.
BObama D D winkybigsmileys :--- guywithhair
ronbrgnd okay, we are about to wrap it up now.. almost out of time..
ronbrgnd i wish you the best of luck with your campaign, and HEY!.. dont let
oj get into too much trouble.
BObama Okay can I just give a quick shoutout to lefty steve from crooklyn,
mama j downtown, big odus, tiny t, terrible t, one hand ron, jimmy
homeless, dawananaya sampson, shaquilialia lexus arthur, picture
frame al-b, chocolate milk, mah man stevie wonderthief, laptop lamar,
crunk chrome, junk booty 2, and badanawanya johnson?
ronbrgnd or course you can!...its been a pleasure obama.... next up
performing is dj obama and the 4 gangstuhz of soutf centralz.
singing.. ill driveby your house, if you dont vote for me
BObama D D winky P winkytonguedrooly :--- guywithhairsmiling
ronbrgnd im ron burgundy.. go fuck yourself san diego!
End of LATELINE buffer Mon Mar 24 21:48:26 2008
Start of LATELINE buffer: Mon Mar 24 21:48:26 2008
* Now talking in LATELINE
* Set by ronbrgnd!avg@c122-106-134-6.rivrw1.nsw.optusnet.com.au on Mon Mar 24
BObama Hi Ron!
BObama Hows it hanging? ha- ha-ha -ha ha. :
ronbrgnd Hi barack!, its hanging WELL so to speak!, just met up with a
few hotties out back, they smelt the sex panther.. they love the
big pappa ron!
ronbrgnd So, its been what.. 9 months since you were here last right?
BObama Ive actually never been on before! Ha- ha- haha- ha- jk jk lol as
the kids say right? Ha
BObama Never here before! Good Evening, world!
ronbrgnd and good evening to you!.. now.. HOW has your election campain
BObama It has been PHENOMENAL! ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL! The only problem is my
campaign manager says I really need to GRASP the YOUNG audience and
BObama :D :D SMILEY jk jk lol
ronbrgnd thats right.. you should never let the young ones go.. i remember
once, out back.. i had this 17 year old hottie.. nevermind, it was
ronbrgnd so, how was hillary clinton?
ronbrgnd i mean..
ronbrgnd how is all of that nonsense going?
BObama Its great, NAHm sayin? Shes all tripping sometimes over this and
that and Im just like hey sister you just need to keep it real for
America. Nahmean? Thats what I do.
BObama Barak Obama, Keepin it real for America.
ronbrgnd now, i noticed your wearing au de cologne toilette.. is is sex
panther by any chance?
BObama I keep it real. Thats all me, home skillet :DDD D winky : drooly
BObama Yo
ronbrgnd i dig. real... hard pappa burgundy.. HIGH FIVE!
* ronbrgnd high fives obama
BObama High five homie!
ronbrgnd now.. to the serious stuff.. for those who dont know who to vote
for.. why dont you tell these people who you are, and what you
ronbrgnd and what you will do for your country.
BObama Im black.
BObama Ill black us up.
ronbrgnd and thats all?
BObama Well
BObama That and keep the dragons at bay
BObama But thats partly because Im a black man, nahmean? :D
BObama You can find me in da club, bottle full of bub
ronbrgnd i nah wha you mean
BObama Theres too many racists out here in Washington, and Im tired of it.
BObama Elect me and inner Washington DC will look like the night sky. BLACK
AS NIGHT with a few flakes of salt here and there.
ronbrgnd that was touching, yet compelling.
BObama :P :P D droolytonguewinkysmiley
BObama My campaign manager said I need to black it up too. Apparently Im
too white.
BObama Have you met my campaign manager?
ronbrgnd no, ive been told it was don king?
BObama step in here real quick Orenthal
* OJSmpson has joined LATELINE
OJSmpson Yo.
* OJSmpson has left LATELINE xc
ronbrgnd was that?
ronbrgnd ..
BObama Thats my campaign manager, Orenthal
ronbrgnd well i must say, thats a great way to get elected.. if people dont
vote for you we might live in the fear that another rodney king
bashing may happen.
ronbrgnd well, not the bashing.. the actual retaliation.
ronbrgnd and that would be good for my news station.
BObama It will.
BObama The chickens is comin home to roost, yall.
BObama D D winkybigsmileys :--- guywithhair
ronbrgnd okay, we are about to wrap it up now.. almost out of time..
ronbrgnd i wish you the best of luck with your campaign, and HEY!.. dont let
oj get into too much trouble.
BObama Okay can I just give a quick shoutout to lefty steve from crooklyn,
mama j downtown, big odus, tiny t, terrible t, one hand ron, jimmy
homeless, dawananaya sampson, shaquilialia lexus arthur, picture
frame al-b, chocolate milk, mah man stevie wonderthief, laptop lamar,
crunk chrome, junk booty 2, and badanawanya johnson?
ronbrgnd or course you can!...its been a pleasure obama.... next up
performing is dj obama and the 4 gangstuhz of soutf centralz.
singing.. ill driveby your house, if you dont vote for me
BObama D D winky P winkytonguedrooly :--- guywithhairsmiling
ronbrgnd im ron burgundy.. go fuck yourself san diego!
End of LATELINE buffer Mon Mar 24 21:48:26 2008
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