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Hey, uhm.. im not taking requests, so dont ask. i draw for who i want to draw for.. i got a buncha boards that i want to draw for already.. i might add you to that list for some cash er. am i good enough to ask for cash? naw.. oh well.
greets to: darkspawn, whitetrash, flight, necr0lyte, moleql, malformed, henniferfucks to: duke aka dark knight. ripper of the month: strikerboard back up thanks to me: illbred , call now!@!.. 819-684-6644. we own you.
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this is an attempt to beat 200 lines
Pic by Static Addiction root
I do have talent.
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this is an attempt to beat 200 lines
r h
o i o
t r y i b m . o o n a o c y m k a b
i s 9 e
s4 n s 7 e
s4 s4
space for rent.
pic by static addiction for a board called foam.. +o darkspawn.. fuck this suck
imitation of a flight font by static addiction root
Foam +o darkspawn
uhm.. wheres my inet account?
greets to: darkspawn, whitetrash, flight, necr0lyte, moleql, malformed, henniferfucks to: duke aka dark knight. ripper of the month: strikerboard back up thanks to me: illbred , call now!@!.. 819-684-6644. we own you.
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this is an attempt to beat 200 lines
Pic by Static Addiction root
I do have talent.
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this is an attempt to beat 200 lines
r h
o i o
t r y i b m . o o n a o c y m k a b
i s 9 e
s4 n s 7 e
s4 s4
space for rent.
pic by static addiction for a board called foam.. +o darkspawn.. fuck this suck
imitation of a flight font by static addiction root
Foam +o darkspawn
uhm.. wheres my inet account?
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