this image contains text
Summer 1997 infofile!
Hello everyone out there in ansi land.. Welcome to the root
pack! This
would be our 5th release - an amazing feat. Although things
are starting
to go downhill, were still alive sorta. If you *STILL* dont know
were made up of talent local to the 613/819 area codes. And
there sure
is alot of it these days... These last few months brought about lots
lots of change to the group, as well as lots of happenings.
Read on...
1/3 - new/leaving members
This month the staff really got screwed around bu people moving/leavin
etc etc. As a result, the senior staff is now basically Flight
Dark Spawn in the prez positions. The division members are ba
the same for now. Just go look at the memberlist if you cant live
without knowing where everythings at.
This month we lost several members, and well as dropping a few
due to th
fact that we havent hard from them in ages. First, and worst, is
Our former prez see above and co-founder will be on his way to Edmon
by the time this is released - making is kinda hard for him to stay.
On behalf of everyone here at root good luck man. Youll be missed.
Equally brutal is the loss of fan favourite, Moleql. This wil
l be his last
pack releasing with us, as hes more interested in the inet scene now,
will be joining irc-based groups accordingly. Good luck man.
Also in the loss dept, we have to sack one of our less productive but
impressive artists - Fractal. It seems that he got into
Ice, and these
huge groups dont allow dualing despite the fact that once people joi
n em
they just idle on irc and never draw again. g So.. To frax good lu
ck in
Ice. To ice you guys fuckING sUCK. /
Finally, we also sacked a bunch of guys due to inactivity. an
d the fact that
they never really did much when they were active Look at the membe
if you arent on it, then you had better get off your ass and
start caling
On a MUCH better note, we gained a bunch of members th
is month. First and
formost is Static Addiction. We cant say enough about this g
uy - 3 months
ago he showed up in our local scene. His work consisted of thedraw fo
and some misc. doodles. Which looked sorta like he loaded up thedraw
elbow-dropped the keyboard, and saved the results :P Today hes one
our most productive artists, and hes improved faster than any
one weve ever
seen. Werd to him.
Also, as our other local group dk folded a while ago, we also picked
two of thier musician type guys - Bios and Zeromous.
Both are excellent
musicians, and both also play around with dem dere coloured blocks, to
Werd to them.
2/3 - Boards and stuff.
Since Dislogic is moving, so is ease. Therefore its
gone. Duh. s4s
board is up Illbred as is Bioss ErrorLevel 255. Our whq, tHA sOU
will be getting a spiffy new config in a few days. Oh, and f0
am.. FOAM!*
We want the fucking f0AM!@
3/3 - The Content.
This month weve continued to introduce locals to the wonderful world
quality control. Remember, if sometihng you submitted didnt
get in, its
not becuase the seniors were drunk or because life isnt fair or becau
you are a neglected child. Its becuase we want to release the best
possible mix of quality and quantity. This means compromise, and as a
result, stuff gets cut.
4/4 - werd from the senior staff
Hi. First Id like to apologize for how goddamn late this pac
k is. Now
you know why we switched to a numbering system over the traditional xx
type thingy. Anyhow. This month was wierd as far as production goes.
We lost some very valuable members. That sucks. We gained so
me even
more valuable ones though. Werd to s4. Also, we h
ave a guest spot
this month in Darkmoon, who supplied the two VERY rough outl
ines for
both my pics in this months affair. Apart from that however, Im
impressed with the way things are right now. Lots of people
cough.. dt
and mq barely scraped together a couple of logos this month. necroly
put together lots of work, but in the last two weeks no one has seen h
Ah well.. this is what summer does to us doodleb0ys. I would
have put
the pack out sooner myslef, but I like to give priority to thi
ngs like
dates/work/sports/etc/etc/etc over coloured blocks. Im fUCKING sORRY
One last time I feel that I should have a say on losing members. Im
at all impressed with this month. Our marquee artists have all but go
completely. We lost two of our best guys in Moleql and Fractal. Othe
just arent around anymore. Someone will have to step up and make a b
decision on roots future soon - Necrolyte and I wont be able to hold
the group together forever. Hell, we may even have to go inet or merg
or something.. I dont know exactly what yet, but something will have
be done, or we wont survive the summer. Period. It looks like the g
is moving closer and closer to going inet. Oh well.
Anyhow, the quality is still fair, and everyones getting better just
every other month. THIS is a good thing. Keep drawing boys.
:: Flight - Root Prez
Well, here we are at yet another release of a r00talicious pack. A whol
lot of things have happend group wise in this last month and a half so
lets get
on with making your life complete by informing you of everythin
g. I guess the
biggest news of the month would have to be the unfortunate loss of one
of our
founding members. It seems Dislogic has to move to Edmonton, t
his will be his
last pack with us while he is local. He will remain in the group while
he move
but this will obviously make it more difficult for him to maintain cont
act with
the group. This will be a great loss to our group but Im sure we can
make it
through this little problem. Anyways, sad to see you go buddy, keep in
man. With this I officialy dedicate the Root!05 pack to him and
what he did for
our group. Now that the shitty part is over there are obviously going t
o be a
few minor changes in the way the group has been run. For our last relea
se there
was only Dislogic as president with a larger senior-staff. With Dislog
departure there was an obvious need for change. With this we are pleas
ed to
announce that Flight and DarkSpawn have been promoted t
o share the president
position with Dislogic. This change should go over very easily due to t
he fact
that Flight has been pretty much running the group for the last
2-3 months. As for myself DarkSpawn, I havent realy
done much in the scene in my 4 years
so I guess its time I started doing something. hey, Im doing
this damn info
In other group news, there was an ATTEMPT made at trying to get a
going but this never happend due mostly to the fact that the only perso
n who
voluntered to let us use their house lived an hour outside of town. I
say we
thank Gree anyways, its not his fault his parents are cattle molestors
and like
to live so far away. Im sure that in the last month and a half weve
to lose a member or two, but I dont know who the hell they are so look
in the
memberlist. As for getting new members, I believe there is only one, w
would be static addiction aka cereal killer. The HUGE improv
ements made by
this young artist over the last month are unbelieveable and should make
phear how well this guy will be in another 2-3 months.
In BBS related news Ease has been taken down if you dont know why
, go
back to the top and read all that shit over again and wont be back up
Dislogic decides to make it telnet. ErrorLevel has finally bee
n put up after
months of trash-talking by Bios about how good the config will
be, give it a
call, judge for yourself. Tha Source has seen new life as of l
ate with the
addition of a WOMAN to the board. Its posts have more than dou
bled of late, so
I say you give the board a call and get your rocks off. She is quite in
and apparantly likes to be spanked. As for the greatly anticipated deb
eut of
the most hyped board in 613 history, f0am, its still being ant
icipated damnit
I bitch at Necrolyte to get the config done, his reply is do you have
I get him more art, he says its enough to finish the config, and a few
later its back to me asking where it is, and him saying I need more ar
t! this
realy sucks. Keep your fingers crossed, or dewdleing for f0am, and mayb
e it wil
be up before August 1.
:: Dark Spawn - Root Prez
Last words
Before Darkmoon, 50 posts/day. After, 300. Whaaaaaat?
How about we meet and fuck like rabid animals?!
Alright, lets settle this. Slap em out on the table and compare.
your PCRs.. damn perverts
Grees 32 cattle penetration. w0ah.
Thats it for the month. the presentation sucks, but the art doesnt.
enjoy it - thats what its for.
- e o f
Hello everyone out there in ansi land.. Welcome to the root
pack! This
would be our 5th release - an amazing feat. Although things
are starting
to go downhill, were still alive sorta. If you *STILL* dont know
were made up of talent local to the 613/819 area codes. And
there sure
is alot of it these days... These last few months brought about lots
lots of change to the group, as well as lots of happenings.
Read on...
1/3 - new/leaving members
This month the staff really got screwed around bu people moving/leavin
etc etc. As a result, the senior staff is now basically Flight
Dark Spawn in the prez positions. The division members are ba
the same for now. Just go look at the memberlist if you cant live
without knowing where everythings at.
This month we lost several members, and well as dropping a few
due to th
fact that we havent hard from them in ages. First, and worst, is
Our former prez see above and co-founder will be on his way to Edmon
by the time this is released - making is kinda hard for him to stay.
On behalf of everyone here at root good luck man. Youll be missed.
Equally brutal is the loss of fan favourite, Moleql. This wil
l be his last
pack releasing with us, as hes more interested in the inet scene now,
will be joining irc-based groups accordingly. Good luck man.
Also in the loss dept, we have to sack one of our less productive but
impressive artists - Fractal. It seems that he got into
Ice, and these
huge groups dont allow dualing despite the fact that once people joi
n em
they just idle on irc and never draw again. g So.. To frax good lu
ck in
Ice. To ice you guys fuckING sUCK. /
Finally, we also sacked a bunch of guys due to inactivity. an
d the fact that
they never really did much when they were active Look at the membe
if you arent on it, then you had better get off your ass and
start caling
On a MUCH better note, we gained a bunch of members th
is month. First and
formost is Static Addiction. We cant say enough about this g
uy - 3 months
ago he showed up in our local scene. His work consisted of thedraw fo
and some misc. doodles. Which looked sorta like he loaded up thedraw
elbow-dropped the keyboard, and saved the results :P Today hes one
our most productive artists, and hes improved faster than any
one weve ever
seen. Werd to him.
Also, as our other local group dk folded a while ago, we also picked
two of thier musician type guys - Bios and Zeromous.
Both are excellent
musicians, and both also play around with dem dere coloured blocks, to
Werd to them.
2/3 - Boards and stuff.
Since Dislogic is moving, so is ease. Therefore its
gone. Duh. s4s
board is up Illbred as is Bioss ErrorLevel 255. Our whq, tHA sOU
will be getting a spiffy new config in a few days. Oh, and f0
am.. FOAM!*
We want the fucking f0AM!@
3/3 - The Content.
This month weve continued to introduce locals to the wonderful world
quality control. Remember, if sometihng you submitted didnt
get in, its
not becuase the seniors were drunk or because life isnt fair or becau
you are a neglected child. Its becuase we want to release the best
possible mix of quality and quantity. This means compromise, and as a
result, stuff gets cut.
4/4 - werd from the senior staff
Hi. First Id like to apologize for how goddamn late this pac
k is. Now
you know why we switched to a numbering system over the traditional xx
type thingy. Anyhow. This month was wierd as far as production goes.
We lost some very valuable members. That sucks. We gained so
me even
more valuable ones though. Werd to s4. Also, we h
ave a guest spot
this month in Darkmoon, who supplied the two VERY rough outl
ines for
both my pics in this months affair. Apart from that however, Im
impressed with the way things are right now. Lots of people
cough.. dt
and mq barely scraped together a couple of logos this month. necroly
put together lots of work, but in the last two weeks no one has seen h
Ah well.. this is what summer does to us doodleb0ys. I would
have put
the pack out sooner myslef, but I like to give priority to thi
ngs like
dates/work/sports/etc/etc/etc over coloured blocks. Im fUCKING sORRY
One last time I feel that I should have a say on losing members. Im
at all impressed with this month. Our marquee artists have all but go
completely. We lost two of our best guys in Moleql and Fractal. Othe
just arent around anymore. Someone will have to step up and make a b
decision on roots future soon - Necrolyte and I wont be able to hold
the group together forever. Hell, we may even have to go inet or merg
or something.. I dont know exactly what yet, but something will have
be done, or we wont survive the summer. Period. It looks like the g
is moving closer and closer to going inet. Oh well.
Anyhow, the quality is still fair, and everyones getting better just
every other month. THIS is a good thing. Keep drawing boys.
:: Flight - Root Prez
Well, here we are at yet another release of a r00talicious pack. A whol
lot of things have happend group wise in this last month and a half so
lets get
on with making your life complete by informing you of everythin
g. I guess the
biggest news of the month would have to be the unfortunate loss of one
of our
founding members. It seems Dislogic has to move to Edmonton, t
his will be his
last pack with us while he is local. He will remain in the group while
he move
but this will obviously make it more difficult for him to maintain cont
act with
the group. This will be a great loss to our group but Im sure we can
make it
through this little problem. Anyways, sad to see you go buddy, keep in
man. With this I officialy dedicate the Root!05 pack to him and
what he did for
our group. Now that the shitty part is over there are obviously going t
o be a
few minor changes in the way the group has been run. For our last relea
se there
was only Dislogic as president with a larger senior-staff. With Dislog
departure there was an obvious need for change. With this we are pleas
ed to
announce that Flight and DarkSpawn have been promoted t
o share the president
position with Dislogic. This change should go over very easily due to t
he fact
that Flight has been pretty much running the group for the last
2-3 months. As for myself DarkSpawn, I havent realy
done much in the scene in my 4 years
so I guess its time I started doing something. hey, Im doing
this damn info
In other group news, there was an ATTEMPT made at trying to get a
going but this never happend due mostly to the fact that the only perso
n who
voluntered to let us use their house lived an hour outside of town. I
say we
thank Gree anyways, its not his fault his parents are cattle molestors
and like
to live so far away. Im sure that in the last month and a half weve
to lose a member or two, but I dont know who the hell they are so look
in the
memberlist. As for getting new members, I believe there is only one, w
would be static addiction aka cereal killer. The HUGE improv
ements made by
this young artist over the last month are unbelieveable and should make
phear how well this guy will be in another 2-3 months.
In BBS related news Ease has been taken down if you dont know why
, go
back to the top and read all that shit over again and wont be back up
Dislogic decides to make it telnet. ErrorLevel has finally bee
n put up after
months of trash-talking by Bios about how good the config will
be, give it a
call, judge for yourself. Tha Source has seen new life as of l
ate with the
addition of a WOMAN to the board. Its posts have more than dou
bled of late, so
I say you give the board a call and get your rocks off. She is quite in
and apparantly likes to be spanked. As for the greatly anticipated deb
eut of
the most hyped board in 613 history, f0am, its still being ant
icipated damnit
I bitch at Necrolyte to get the config done, his reply is do you have
I get him more art, he says its enough to finish the config, and a few
later its back to me asking where it is, and him saying I need more ar
t! this
realy sucks. Keep your fingers crossed, or dewdleing for f0am, and mayb
e it wil
be up before August 1.
:: Dark Spawn - Root Prez
Last words
Before Darkmoon, 50 posts/day. After, 300. Whaaaaaat?
How about we meet and fuck like rabid animals?!
Alright, lets settle this. Slap em out on the table and compare.
your PCRs.. damn perverts
Grees 32 cattle penetration. w0ah.
Thats it for the month. the presentation sucks, but the art doesnt.
enjoy it - thats what its for.
- e o f
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