this image contains text
... Flight root
Dont you just wanna jump right into this ansi?
... original pic, font, and economy size hooters by
flight of root ...
.. 110 lines.
This is the last pic that I do for my board.
yeah, right
Woo. *finally done.* I hate shading hair. And my characters boobs a
getting any smaller... and my shading is getting more inconsistant. an
d Im
hungry. And tired. And everything of mine in this pack is mostly for
one of
two local boards. And my monitor is starting to die. And the snow out
side is
only just starting to melt. FUCK! Im having a great week. g
Anyhow, my full pics cost 10 and up from now on. Im not greedy, but t
hey take
time, and Im low on and stuff... Greets.. mq, nc, dt, etc.
uhm, and call
the board that all this stuff has been done for. its nifty. 613-741-
Youll have to find me there if you want to make a request... I dont u
se irc.
Dont you just wanna jump right into this ansi?
... original pic, font, and economy size hooters by
flight of root ...
.. 110 lines.
This is the last pic that I do for my board.
yeah, right
Woo. *finally done.* I hate shading hair. And my characters boobs a
getting any smaller... and my shading is getting more inconsistant. an
d Im
hungry. And tired. And everything of mine in this pack is mostly for
one of
two local boards. And my monitor is starting to die. And the snow out
side is
only just starting to melt. FUCK! Im having a great week. g
Anyhow, my full pics cost 10 and up from now on. Im not greedy, but t
hey take
time, and Im low on and stuff... Greets.. mq, nc, dt, etc.
uhm, and call
the board that all this stuff has been done for. its nifty. 613-741-
Youll have to find me there if you want to make a request... I dont u
se irc.
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