this image contains text
r o o t 0 4 9 7 - i n f o a n d n e w s f i l e
Well, this is our third pack, and things still pretty much rock
. Even though
none of our artists produced half as much as last month, the quality ha
gone WAY up. again.. haha we rule Lots of other coo
l stuff happened this
month, so read on...
n e w / l e a v i n g m e m b e r s
- Zeldagiss joined the VGA department this month. Ther
e should be some of his
stuff in the pack, assuming we got it in time.
- AcidSnow joined the VGA department this month also,
his quality vga will be
a definate asset to the groups quality.
- No members left this month. w00!
a c k ! n e w m a n a g e m e n t
- Dislogics pooter like, spontaniously combusted and stuff, an
d hes going
to take the time to upgrade, get a second line and stuff. Either way
, he
wont be around, so Flight will be basically ruinning most pa
rts of the
group in his place for now.
b o a r d n e w s
- Flights board The Source went up as planned, and is doing
reasonably well.
Call it if you havent already.
- Malformeds board Spilled Entrails got its new config. Ca
ll it too.
- Ease is down for now. Dislogic is upgrading and stuff.
- pHEAR the f0am!!@**!@!! The best and most o
riginal RG config ever put
together anywhere is making progress. Be afraid or something...
g e n e r a l n e w s
- We received several merger offers this month over irc. We tu
rned them down.
- We are thinking of allowing long distance artists to join. Sorta
. Some long
distance artists were interested in joining, which got us thinking.
The only
catch is that theyd have to call our boards. Remember, we are stric
tly a
local group. We started to bring 613 back to life, and we do
nt plan to
endanger our progress by going to the inet. If you are a long distan
ce artist to 613/819 and youre interested, you better be wil
ling to call long distance regularly.
p r o j e c t s
- Necrolyte and Flight wil be launching an emag
soon. They will hopefully
be releasing concurrently with the packs. Look for issue 01 next mon
- Artnet still isnt up. Go Dislogic. Apparently all the memb
ers are going
to beat him into it. Or threaten him with vulgar typing. Or
- THE ROOT VIEWER IS ALIVE!*@@?!!! Necrolyte has pu
t together a package that will beat acidview by th
e next couple of versions. It supports just about every t
ext format you can think of ans/ascii/bin/xbin/adf/etc etc
and will hopefully have vga and rip support soon. There shou
ld be a beta
version in next months pack.
r u m o u r s
- The Scheme, Dislogics new board, should be going up some day
. maybe. Two
nodes are becoming reality along with Dislogics new part-time job.
actually getting paid for it this time guys The few donations Dislo
gic has
received will also go a long way in helping pay for the new phone lin
- Dzaster wont have much in this months pack, something about
him running
a cheap imitation spoofer program for irc called WINSPOOF.
In running it,
his hard drive was immediately formatted. Dzaster mentioned somethin
g about
not being about to see the dozens of deltree notices that were scroll
ing down his screen.
- Deadkrew is dead. Their boards arent up, and noone has hear
d from any of their seniors in the last month or so, we thi
nk this is kind of funny, because our hypothesis that warez tur
ned art guys have small attention spans has now
proved to be true. Sorry DK, its not our fault you guys cou
ldnt hack it in
the real world. but either can acid .. dont ask me what im
getting at
- Flights claim to have a 300 liner in the current root pack i
s undoubtably
the greatest showing of commitment any root member has shown. Flight
mentioned this to me on Sunday night, 4 days before t
he pack was to be released. My response was, you bett
er not be kidding, or your out of the group. Well just h
ave to see what happens now wont we. g
Flights notes
Hi. Well, were still going strong after 3 months. Uhm, I am
a little bit
disapointed with the amount of work we received this month. th
e overall sorta quality of this months ansi is better,
but we didnt even come close to the
sheer numbers of our last release. Oh well.. Anyhow, on a be
tter note, the
trend that started last month where artists were happy to do dual effor
ts seems
to have sorta continued.. and the quality of the pics is better
too, though
there arent near as many. I personally dont have as much in this pac
k as I
would like, since two hellish weeks at school and the fact I was never
over the break kinda left half my ansiwork for this month u
nfinished. I dont
know what everyone elses excuses are. Either way, we seem to be getti
better each month heck, most members are improving at a di
sturbing rate and
Im really liking the way the group is shaping up. Try to draw some mo
re boys,
but, other than that, you guys rule. Root rules.. Yer momma rules..
Im tired. Uhm.. later.
Flight ansi co-ordinatior
Dislogics notes
In releasing this months pack, Root has finally reached a mile
stone in 613/819
art scene history. We are now the first local group th
at has lasted an extendedamount of time without attaining AN
Y long distance members. Our quality is alsosomething to be
very proud of, we are not a meager wannabe group of ind
ividuals,but in fact, we are the foundation of what is t
o come. Everything that has comefrom Root, has derived
from hard work, and a desire to improve, to be the best we can
be, at any costs. Our group is a representation of how something
good can come from basically nothing. After the 613/819
scene had died, our hard
work and determination is what brought it back to life, and WE
are the reason
for its rise. 613/819 is no longer an area code that has noth
ing but 1 node
warez boards, but is now a place where a major art force in the
scene derives
from. Our work compares with that of internet based groups, wi
th the exception
that we are all from one place, that we are one, and not many s
cattered all overa continent, or even the world. This is what m
akes us better than groups with
much more talented artists that are gathered from across the earth. We
are the the best at what we do, where were from. This, is an
accomplishment on its own. oh, by the way, uhhh.. WE RU
LE. Root Forever.
Dislogic co-prez
Defiants notes
Third pack, and we still alive. W00o0.. Sorry if i have been a
bad group
president this month, ive been mAD buZY with stuff. I might
resign from
my position if i dont do my job. Anyway, enjoy the pack.
Defiant co-prez
Moleqls notes
Ahem... after reading all that tripe its now my turn. Just f
the record... i have a 319 liner in this pack. .. yes, im being child
about it... i want recognition too. Anyways, aside from all that stuff,
personally am quite impressed with root. As it has been said be
fore... we rule.
Thanx to Gree.. for that lovely diarhea pic.. that was
nice. Defiant, i feel,
as im sure others do to, should get off his ASS and draw a pic! ... a
ll in
all in all, i like it, and think that things are cozy the way they are.
distribution, no prob... LD members.. i dunno. Anyways, enjoy t
he pack and make
sure to let us know what you think of it.
...HEY!... why do i get the last space?!@@@
Moleql senior staff
Dark Spawns notes
Woah, sorry to dissapoint Moleql but it looks like I get to be
the last one to
add to the nfo file! Youre probably asking wtf Im doing writing in t
his and
well the answer is simple, Dislogic asked me to. : I guess th
e only thing I
want to say is how amazed/impressed I am by the work be
ing put together by this
group of artists. When I first heard of the idea to start a new 100 l
group I expected the quality to be half decent, but nothing amazing. D
amn was
I surprised to see our first pack. Our second pack reaffirm
ed my thoughts that
this group realy was something to be impressed by. Being a member of t
he scene who does not actualy draw himself, I am only here becau
se of the work of others,I dont get the satisfaction of seeing
something I had drawn being release. So,for giving me something
worth looking at I thank all the Root members, and thin
kthat you all deserve a pat on the back for bringing life into t
his ac. again.
OH, one last thing. To anyone and everyone who has hel
ped out by drawing for
my board foam, I want to give an extra big hug kiss..
anyways, lat0rz
Dark Spawn Root pimp
... Thats all for this month. Were strong, proud, and only lazy unti
a week before release day g Now go look at the pack*!@!!!
r o o t 0 4 9 7 - i n f o a n d n e w s f i l e
Well, this is our third pack, and things still pretty much rock
. Even though
none of our artists produced half as much as last month, the quality ha
gone WAY up. again.. haha we rule Lots of other coo
l stuff happened this
month, so read on...
n e w / l e a v i n g m e m b e r s
- Zeldagiss joined the VGA department this month. Ther
e should be some of his
stuff in the pack, assuming we got it in time.
- AcidSnow joined the VGA department this month also,
his quality vga will be
a definate asset to the groups quality.
- No members left this month. w00!
a c k ! n e w m a n a g e m e n t
- Dislogics pooter like, spontaniously combusted and stuff, an
d hes going
to take the time to upgrade, get a second line and stuff. Either way
, he
wont be around, so Flight will be basically ruinning most pa
rts of the
group in his place for now.
b o a r d n e w s
- Flights board The Source went up as planned, and is doing
reasonably well.
Call it if you havent already.
- Malformeds board Spilled Entrails got its new config. Ca
ll it too.
- Ease is down for now. Dislogic is upgrading and stuff.
- pHEAR the f0am!!@**!@!! The best and most o
riginal RG config ever put
together anywhere is making progress. Be afraid or something...
g e n e r a l n e w s
- We received several merger offers this month over irc. We tu
rned them down.
- We are thinking of allowing long distance artists to join. Sorta
. Some long
distance artists were interested in joining, which got us thinking.
The only
catch is that theyd have to call our boards. Remember, we are stric
tly a
local group. We started to bring 613 back to life, and we do
nt plan to
endanger our progress by going to the inet. If you are a long distan
ce artist to 613/819 and youre interested, you better be wil
ling to call long distance regularly.
p r o j e c t s
- Necrolyte and Flight wil be launching an emag
soon. They will hopefully
be releasing concurrently with the packs. Look for issue 01 next mon
- Artnet still isnt up. Go Dislogic. Apparently all the memb
ers are going
to beat him into it. Or threaten him with vulgar typing. Or
- THE ROOT VIEWER IS ALIVE!*@@?!!! Necrolyte has pu
t together a package that will beat acidview by th
e next couple of versions. It supports just about every t
ext format you can think of ans/ascii/bin/xbin/adf/etc etc
and will hopefully have vga and rip support soon. There shou
ld be a beta
version in next months pack.
r u m o u r s
- The Scheme, Dislogics new board, should be going up some day
. maybe. Two
nodes are becoming reality along with Dislogics new part-time job.
actually getting paid for it this time guys The few donations Dislo
gic has
received will also go a long way in helping pay for the new phone lin
- Dzaster wont have much in this months pack, something about
him running
a cheap imitation spoofer program for irc called WINSPOOF.
In running it,
his hard drive was immediately formatted. Dzaster mentioned somethin
g about
not being about to see the dozens of deltree notices that were scroll
ing down his screen.
- Deadkrew is dead. Their boards arent up, and noone has hear
d from any of their seniors in the last month or so, we thi
nk this is kind of funny, because our hypothesis that warez tur
ned art guys have small attention spans has now
proved to be true. Sorry DK, its not our fault you guys cou
ldnt hack it in
the real world. but either can acid .. dont ask me what im
getting at
- Flights claim to have a 300 liner in the current root pack i
s undoubtably
the greatest showing of commitment any root member has shown. Flight
mentioned this to me on Sunday night, 4 days before t
he pack was to be released. My response was, you bett
er not be kidding, or your out of the group. Well just h
ave to see what happens now wont we. g
Flights notes
Hi. Well, were still going strong after 3 months. Uhm, I am
a little bit
disapointed with the amount of work we received this month. th
e overall sorta quality of this months ansi is better,
but we didnt even come close to the
sheer numbers of our last release. Oh well.. Anyhow, on a be
tter note, the
trend that started last month where artists were happy to do dual effor
ts seems
to have sorta continued.. and the quality of the pics is better
too, though
there arent near as many. I personally dont have as much in this pac
k as I
would like, since two hellish weeks at school and the fact I was never
over the break kinda left half my ansiwork for this month u
nfinished. I dont
know what everyone elses excuses are. Either way, we seem to be getti
better each month heck, most members are improving at a di
sturbing rate and
Im really liking the way the group is shaping up. Try to draw some mo
re boys,
but, other than that, you guys rule. Root rules.. Yer momma rules..
Im tired. Uhm.. later.
Flight ansi co-ordinatior
Dislogics notes
In releasing this months pack, Root has finally reached a mile
stone in 613/819
art scene history. We are now the first local group th
at has lasted an extendedamount of time without attaining AN
Y long distance members. Our quality is alsosomething to be
very proud of, we are not a meager wannabe group of ind
ividuals,but in fact, we are the foundation of what is t
o come. Everything that has comefrom Root, has derived
from hard work, and a desire to improve, to be the best we can
be, at any costs. Our group is a representation of how something
good can come from basically nothing. After the 613/819
scene had died, our hard
work and determination is what brought it back to life, and WE
are the reason
for its rise. 613/819 is no longer an area code that has noth
ing but 1 node
warez boards, but is now a place where a major art force in the
scene derives
from. Our work compares with that of internet based groups, wi
th the exception
that we are all from one place, that we are one, and not many s
cattered all overa continent, or even the world. This is what m
akes us better than groups with
much more talented artists that are gathered from across the earth. We
are the the best at what we do, where were from. This, is an
accomplishment on its own. oh, by the way, uhhh.. WE RU
LE. Root Forever.
Dislogic co-prez
Defiants notes
Third pack, and we still alive. W00o0.. Sorry if i have been a
bad group
president this month, ive been mAD buZY with stuff. I might
resign from
my position if i dont do my job. Anyway, enjoy the pack.
Defiant co-prez
Moleqls notes
Ahem... after reading all that tripe its now my turn. Just f
the record... i have a 319 liner in this pack. .. yes, im being child
about it... i want recognition too. Anyways, aside from all that stuff,
personally am quite impressed with root. As it has been said be
fore... we rule.
Thanx to Gree.. for that lovely diarhea pic.. that was
nice. Defiant, i feel,
as im sure others do to, should get off his ASS and draw a pic! ... a
ll in
all in all, i like it, and think that things are cozy the way they are.
distribution, no prob... LD members.. i dunno. Anyways, enjoy t
he pack and make
sure to let us know what you think of it.
...HEY!... why do i get the last space?!@@@
Moleql senior staff
Dark Spawns notes
Woah, sorry to dissapoint Moleql but it looks like I get to be
the last one to
add to the nfo file! Youre probably asking wtf Im doing writing in t
his and
well the answer is simple, Dislogic asked me to. : I guess th
e only thing I
want to say is how amazed/impressed I am by the work be
ing put together by this
group of artists. When I first heard of the idea to start a new 100 l
group I expected the quality to be half decent, but nothing amazing. D
amn was
I surprised to see our first pack. Our second pack reaffirm
ed my thoughts that
this group realy was something to be impressed by. Being a member of t
he scene who does not actualy draw himself, I am only here becau
se of the work of others,I dont get the satisfaction of seeing
something I had drawn being release. So,for giving me something
worth looking at I thank all the Root members, and thin
kthat you all deserve a pat on the back for bringing life into t
his ac. again.
OH, one last thing. To anyone and everyone who has hel
ped out by drawing for
my board foam, I want to give an extra big hug kiss..
anyways, lat0rz
Dark Spawn Root pimp
... Thats all for this month. Were strong, proud, and only lazy unti
a week before release day g Now go look at the pack*!@!!!
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