this image contains text
0 5 / 9 7 i n f o r m a t i o n a n d n
e w s f i l e
welcome to anot
her month!
Welcome to the 4th root pack. As always, we try to bring out
the best in
art scene talent that 613 has to offer, and this month was another suc
Yes, the pack is late as hell, but thats ok. Were including in this
editon all the work gathered in april and the first bit of may
. Our next
release will most likely be early july. This is basically becuase sch
ool is
coming to an end for another year woo!!@* and everyone is short o
n time.
So, well release 2 packs over 3 months to ease the strain. This pack
is a
bit smaller, but the quality is much higher as usual so plea
se enjoy it.
new/leaving mem
bers and changes
to the root staff
We gained a few new members in the last little while. First i
s Spriggan, a
gifted pure asm/c/pas coder who just happens to be good with ansi as w
Second is Kogg, a musician and hires artist who definately sho
ws promise. We
also took on Cyric as a coder.
This month we also cut a few members for the first time
ever. No one actually
left, but we had to eliminate some members due to inactivity. So, we
will say
bye for now to Jet and Midnight Judge, as they seem to have fallen off
the face of the earth.
Finally, the senior staff has been shifted around some as well. F
light and
Dislogic will continue as Roots only seniors, since D
efiant and Moleql have
both left the senior staff. Both will remain with us phew! as artis
this months ne
ws and cool stuff
The Root viewer has a name. Powder. Phear it. The actual pr
ogram is now
at the beta stage, and we should have a phully phunktional phearsome v
in the next pack. NECROLYTE IS A GOD!
The emag that Flight and Necrolyte are putting together is almost as r
as well. F0cus 01 should be hitting local art boards within a month.
Dislogic was hit by a bus and flattened. Erm, actually, hes
prefectly fine, but he seems to be like, dead. Either way, he
IS still around. Sorta. Yeah.
We have music in the pack!!!!@* It doesnt happen much, b
ut hey.
Finally, we have to say hi to duke. This guy is just way too
cool. Sending
around trojans under the guise of something coded by Root members. No
t cool.
Everyone has heard way too much about the guy, so there is no need to
elaborate on him in this file. As a group, however, wed like to make
official. Duke, you have been fucklisted. Period.
notes from the
flights notes
Woah. Im the only senior with anything to say. g Id lik
e to apologize
for how late the pack is, but hey. Im the only one who ever puts the
se damn
things together. Excuse me for having a fucking social life. Bleah,
This month was pretty quiet in the end, since all of our members are
so damn
inconsiderate when it comes to dropping their social lives for root.
g As
a result, the pack is only average sized, though were still improving
. The
quality is up again of course and weve got some new, and ve
ry enthusiastic
members. Werd to spriggan Anyhow, Personally I dont have much in t
his pack
as a direct result of a hectic real life, but Im trying to lead by ex
ample by only releasing work Im happy with. Looks like Im a
bad example. g But
really.. The group is still moving right along, and gaining popularit
y. Im
happy with what i see this month, as always. So werd to everyone who
s making
root the best combination of success and fun that 613
s ever experienced.
Well, thats it. No more. This months infofile is really short, but
doesnt matter since the packs quality is probably our best yet. We
are far
from dead or dying, in fact were getting better each month. so remem
were the best. Anyhow, stop reading, bitz. There isnt anything
See? You cant scroll down no more. Go look at the artwork, damn
0 5 / 9 7 i n f o r m a t i o n a n d n
e w s f i l e
welcome to anot
her month!
Welcome to the 4th root pack. As always, we try to bring out
the best in
art scene talent that 613 has to offer, and this month was another suc
Yes, the pack is late as hell, but thats ok. Were including in this
editon all the work gathered in april and the first bit of may
. Our next
release will most likely be early july. This is basically becuase sch
ool is
coming to an end for another year woo!!@* and everyone is short o
n time.
So, well release 2 packs over 3 months to ease the strain. This pack
is a
bit smaller, but the quality is much higher as usual so plea
se enjoy it.
new/leaving mem
bers and changes
to the root staff
We gained a few new members in the last little while. First i
s Spriggan, a
gifted pure asm/c/pas coder who just happens to be good with ansi as w
Second is Kogg, a musician and hires artist who definately sho
ws promise. We
also took on Cyric as a coder.
This month we also cut a few members for the first time
ever. No one actually
left, but we had to eliminate some members due to inactivity. So, we
will say
bye for now to Jet and Midnight Judge, as they seem to have fallen off
the face of the earth.
Finally, the senior staff has been shifted around some as well. F
light and
Dislogic will continue as Roots only seniors, since D
efiant and Moleql have
both left the senior staff. Both will remain with us phew! as artis
this months ne
ws and cool stuff
The Root viewer has a name. Powder. Phear it. The actual pr
ogram is now
at the beta stage, and we should have a phully phunktional phearsome v
in the next pack. NECROLYTE IS A GOD!
The emag that Flight and Necrolyte are putting together is almost as r
as well. F0cus 01 should be hitting local art boards within a month.
Dislogic was hit by a bus and flattened. Erm, actually, hes
prefectly fine, but he seems to be like, dead. Either way, he
IS still around. Sorta. Yeah.
We have music in the pack!!!!@* It doesnt happen much, b
ut hey.
Finally, we have to say hi to duke. This guy is just way too
cool. Sending
around trojans under the guise of something coded by Root members. No
t cool.
Everyone has heard way too much about the guy, so there is no need to
elaborate on him in this file. As a group, however, wed like to make
official. Duke, you have been fucklisted. Period.
notes from the
flights notes
Woah. Im the only senior with anything to say. g Id lik
e to apologize
for how late the pack is, but hey. Im the only one who ever puts the
se damn
things together. Excuse me for having a fucking social life. Bleah,
This month was pretty quiet in the end, since all of our members are
so damn
inconsiderate when it comes to dropping their social lives for root.
g As
a result, the pack is only average sized, though were still improving
. The
quality is up again of course and weve got some new, and ve
ry enthusiastic
members. Werd to spriggan Anyhow, Personally I dont have much in t
his pack
as a direct result of a hectic real life, but Im trying to lead by ex
ample by only releasing work Im happy with. Looks like Im a
bad example. g But
really.. The group is still moving right along, and gaining popularit
y. Im
happy with what i see this month, as always. So werd to everyone who
s making
root the best combination of success and fun that 613
s ever experienced.
Well, thats it. No more. This months infofile is really short, but
doesnt matter since the packs quality is probably our best yet. We
are far
from dead or dying, in fact were getting better each month. so remem
were the best. Anyhow, stop reading, bitz. There isnt anything
See? You cant scroll down no more. Go look at the artwork, damn
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