this image contains text
... Flight and Defiant root
I am the one in ten
Im an anomoly
I am the one in ten
even though I dont exist.
Nobody knows me
but Im always there
Statistical reminder
of a world that doesnt care.
f l i g h t s
t h a s o u
r c e
613741-8236. all art. all
root. all phat.
outline, font, background and stuff by f
shading, touch-ups, coolness and stuff by de
This pic turned out much better than I expected it to - it star
ted out well,
but I ran into a block. It would never have been finished if D
efiant hadnt
done all that work with shading. So for the record, he rules
and stuff.
Though I still maintain that he shouldnt have shrunk the boob
Anyhow, the board this pic is intended for should be up and run
ning by the
time you ansi geeks read this, so give er a call or whatever.
Did I mention
Defiant rules yet?
For requests Ill only take on another huge pic for , but I
ll gladly do
fonts for trade/free if yer cool. find me on Tha Source or Eas
Greets only a few Dislogic, D E F I A N T !, fusion, m
oleql, necrolyte.
until next month.
I am the one in ten
Im an anomoly
I am the one in ten
even though I dont exist.
Nobody knows me
but Im always there
Statistical reminder
of a world that doesnt care.
f l i g h t s
t h a s o u
r c e
613741-8236. all art. all
root. all phat.
outline, font, background and stuff by f
shading, touch-ups, coolness and stuff by de
This pic turned out much better than I expected it to - it star
ted out well,
but I ran into a block. It would never have been finished if D
efiant hadnt
done all that work with shading. So for the record, he rules
and stuff.
Though I still maintain that he shouldnt have shrunk the boob
Anyhow, the board this pic is intended for should be up and run
ning by the
time you ansi geeks read this, so give er a call or whatever.
Did I mention
Defiant rules yet?
For requests Ill only take on another huge pic for , but I
ll gladly do
fonts for trade/free if yer cool. find me on Tha Source or Eas
Greets only a few Dislogic, D E F I A N T !, fusion, m
oleql, necrolyte.
until next month.
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