this image contains text
r o o t
t h e 0 3 / 9 7 i n f o f i l e !
n e w Z !
a new members...
Flight joins on with us as the head of the ansi department.
Midnight Judge is gonna release some asciis with us, even though hes dualing
with some other groups
Zelgadiss joins us as vga artist.
Jet joins as ascii artist.
Deathhead joins as a coder.
Moleql aka Piston of Shiver, oldschool guy. Joins on with us as Senior Staff.
b boards...
Flights board, Tha Source, should be up by the time you read this. Its
a nifty setup - Oldschool Oblivion/2 software with newschool art. The
telephone number is 613741-8236.
Spilled Entrails, a memberboard run by Malformed Earthborn is getting a
spiffy new setup too, courtesy of Flight that guy who has had WAY too
much free time lately.
Defiants board, Spinal Gamma is temporaraly down, getting a new config,
and giving our ansi god a break from the duties of sysop.
c Root vs Dk?...
The war is settled. We apologize for the dk disses in the last packs info file.
d Projects...
We have several projects in the works right now, joll is almost done the app
generator, expect it in the next pack. A viewer might also be released in the
next pack but the coder hasnt been decided yet.
e Rumours...
many rumours have arised this month, here are some of them.
- on release day, malformed earthborn was said to have been soo excited, that
when he walked in the kitchen and saw his mom, he actually jumped OVER her to
go by, instead of getting smushed by her gigantic stomach.
- flight, that funky ansi co-ordinator, is said to have been discussing his
board and if it was up, AT SCHOOL. one question flight, GEEK?
- it was said that defiant had quit the scene, because he was away for approx.
8-10 days. if you guys notice that, then you must be gay.
flights notes
Hi.. remember me? The guy who said hed never do ansi again? Well, uhm,
I take that back. I had given up on the scene since 613 died, since I
think irc sucksZZ. But after seeing the first pack this great group of
local talent put out, I just had to come back to the scene.
This months pack from my coolio ansi co-ordinator guys point of view
just plain and simply rocks. At least twice the amount of quality work has been submitted by most of our dedicated members - in fact, I had to build logo stacks out of the smaller fonts just to keep the pack below 50 files!
This is really cool. Even better, basically every artist in the group has
improved by leaps and bounds except for Defiant, whos always been this
good?!*@ and it really shows.
Another thing that I really love about this group is the amount of help
everyone is wiling to give to everyone else. Duals are common, and many
of the solo releases in the pack got help somewhere along the line. The
bottom line is, that with root, you can always get help with your art.
it doesnt matter if its getting a font for your pic, getting help with
your shading, or really anything at all. Chances are that if you ask,
someone will be helping you out very soon. Everyone in the group benefits
from this, and I really want to encourage this trend to continue and grow
as the group progresses.
Anyhow, this pack has gone way beyond my expectations, and I think I
speak for the rest of the staff here at root, too. Good job doodleboyZ,
keep it up for many more to come.
Flight - Ansi head
Dislogics notes
Were late, not REALLY my fault, but in actual fact, it is.. maybe if you guys
yelled at me a bit more than i would actually get motivated to work. anyhow,
in looking at this months pack, something was brought to my attention, we have
no music in the pack, which sucks. we have some fruity vga, and also some
kickass ansi and ascii. this month was a growing month for the root members,
in addition to adding our ansi coordinator, flight, and our fellow senior staff
member, moleql, the group has changed dramatically since last pack, and in my
opinion, it has been for the better. i feel that our groups has grown much
stronger, not only in the quality section, but also the leadership, and
comradority sp?. many guys are working together to finish ansis, and all
this does is improve the content of the pack. i would like to say thanks to
everyone involved who contributed to the pack, and also to everyone who is
currently yelling at me to release ie, flight/moleql/everyone on my board..
two words to all of you, FUCK YOU. and happy march break.
Dislogic - Root Founder/Prez
Defiants notes
Wazzup yall.. First of all, im sorry for the low quality art from me
lately, ive been rushing my art a lot dont ask why, too lazy i guess.
Hahaha anyway, roots still a stable group and were improving like fuck.
Malformed Earthborns work 2 months ago was half-decent, but Id say hes
rated above-average in 613 right now. Fusion is still drawin a shitload of
stuff, props to him . Dislogic is still drawin phat logos, still waiting
for him to draw pics! Flight is drawin again, woohoO! and uh, fuck this
I dont feel like writing anymore. To the rest of the root crew, keep it up.
Peace ..
Defiant - Root Founder/Prez
Moleqls notes
Hey kids... god I hate these things. Ah well.. umm
Dislogic suggested that I should probably write one
of these things seeing as how Im a senior and all,
so here it goes.
Alot of you may be wondering who the hell I moleql
am. Well... its a long story, so get cumfy. Ready?...
My life in this art all started about 4 years ago now,
I guess. I downloaded my first art pack. I think it
iCE... anyways, I loved ansi, so i started drawing it.
Hmmm.. this story is shaping up to be a little too long.
Ok well, i was in 613s first group as far as i know
headed up by Nailz.. it was called iON :. That didnt
last. I started a group Destiny, with what today would
seem to be a pretty impressive staff, but back then, we
all stunk. I got fed up with that... we all sort of more
or less went our own ways, and left the scene for a
while. I returned about a year later and was in SHiVER,
but only ever released in one pack. I think it was the
September 94 pack, under the alias of PiSTON. I got
bored again, and left... 2 years this time. Anyhow, Ive
returned again for a third showing, and hopefully i
might stick around long enough to make some friends this
time :. Decided to play with Root and well, thats me.
Hey.. these things arent so bad to write afterall...
Yeah so, I draw ansi.. mq would be my files. If you
want a screen for me, you can get me on ease. Bring
your checkbook, or have a bribe though... Im too busy
to do freebees, unless i really like you. Thats about
all there is too say on me, so enjoy the art as much as
we enjoy making it, and thanks for helping make Root
as succesfull as we are... cause afterall... without
viewers, whats the point in making it? :
Moleql - Senior Staff
Thats all for this month. Were really damn proud of this pack. So go
and look at it for yourself!*@!! Until next month...
end transmission -
t h e 0 3 / 9 7 i n f o f i l e !
n e w Z !
a new members...
Flight joins on with us as the head of the ansi department.
Midnight Judge is gonna release some asciis with us, even though hes dualing
with some other groups
Zelgadiss joins us as vga artist.
Jet joins as ascii artist.
Deathhead joins as a coder.
Moleql aka Piston of Shiver, oldschool guy. Joins on with us as Senior Staff.
b boards...
Flights board, Tha Source, should be up by the time you read this. Its
a nifty setup - Oldschool Oblivion/2 software with newschool art. The
telephone number is 613741-8236.
Spilled Entrails, a memberboard run by Malformed Earthborn is getting a
spiffy new setup too, courtesy of Flight that guy who has had WAY too
much free time lately.
Defiants board, Spinal Gamma is temporaraly down, getting a new config,
and giving our ansi god a break from the duties of sysop.
c Root vs Dk?...
The war is settled. We apologize for the dk disses in the last packs info file.
d Projects...
We have several projects in the works right now, joll is almost done the app
generator, expect it in the next pack. A viewer might also be released in the
next pack but the coder hasnt been decided yet.
e Rumours...
many rumours have arised this month, here are some of them.
- on release day, malformed earthborn was said to have been soo excited, that
when he walked in the kitchen and saw his mom, he actually jumped OVER her to
go by, instead of getting smushed by her gigantic stomach.
- flight, that funky ansi co-ordinator, is said to have been discussing his
board and if it was up, AT SCHOOL. one question flight, GEEK?
- it was said that defiant had quit the scene, because he was away for approx.
8-10 days. if you guys notice that, then you must be gay.
flights notes
Hi.. remember me? The guy who said hed never do ansi again? Well, uhm,
I take that back. I had given up on the scene since 613 died, since I
think irc sucksZZ. But after seeing the first pack this great group of
local talent put out, I just had to come back to the scene.
This months pack from my coolio ansi co-ordinator guys point of view
just plain and simply rocks. At least twice the amount of quality work has been submitted by most of our dedicated members - in fact, I had to build logo stacks out of the smaller fonts just to keep the pack below 50 files!
This is really cool. Even better, basically every artist in the group has
improved by leaps and bounds except for Defiant, whos always been this
good?!*@ and it really shows.
Another thing that I really love about this group is the amount of help
everyone is wiling to give to everyone else. Duals are common, and many
of the solo releases in the pack got help somewhere along the line. The
bottom line is, that with root, you can always get help with your art.
it doesnt matter if its getting a font for your pic, getting help with
your shading, or really anything at all. Chances are that if you ask,
someone will be helping you out very soon. Everyone in the group benefits
from this, and I really want to encourage this trend to continue and grow
as the group progresses.
Anyhow, this pack has gone way beyond my expectations, and I think I
speak for the rest of the staff here at root, too. Good job doodleboyZ,
keep it up for many more to come.
Flight - Ansi head
Dislogics notes
Were late, not REALLY my fault, but in actual fact, it is.. maybe if you guys
yelled at me a bit more than i would actually get motivated to work. anyhow,
in looking at this months pack, something was brought to my attention, we have
no music in the pack, which sucks. we have some fruity vga, and also some
kickass ansi and ascii. this month was a growing month for the root members,
in addition to adding our ansi coordinator, flight, and our fellow senior staff
member, moleql, the group has changed dramatically since last pack, and in my
opinion, it has been for the better. i feel that our groups has grown much
stronger, not only in the quality section, but also the leadership, and
comradority sp?. many guys are working together to finish ansis, and all
this does is improve the content of the pack. i would like to say thanks to
everyone involved who contributed to the pack, and also to everyone who is
currently yelling at me to release ie, flight/moleql/everyone on my board..
two words to all of you, FUCK YOU. and happy march break.
Dislogic - Root Founder/Prez
Defiants notes
Wazzup yall.. First of all, im sorry for the low quality art from me
lately, ive been rushing my art a lot dont ask why, too lazy i guess.
Hahaha anyway, roots still a stable group and were improving like fuck.
Malformed Earthborns work 2 months ago was half-decent, but Id say hes
rated above-average in 613 right now. Fusion is still drawin a shitload of
stuff, props to him . Dislogic is still drawin phat logos, still waiting
for him to draw pics! Flight is drawin again, woohoO! and uh, fuck this
I dont feel like writing anymore. To the rest of the root crew, keep it up.
Peace ..
Defiant - Root Founder/Prez
Moleqls notes
Hey kids... god I hate these things. Ah well.. umm
Dislogic suggested that I should probably write one
of these things seeing as how Im a senior and all,
so here it goes.
Alot of you may be wondering who the hell I moleql
am. Well... its a long story, so get cumfy. Ready?...
My life in this art all started about 4 years ago now,
I guess. I downloaded my first art pack. I think it
iCE... anyways, I loved ansi, so i started drawing it.
Hmmm.. this story is shaping up to be a little too long.
Ok well, i was in 613s first group as far as i know
headed up by Nailz.. it was called iON :. That didnt
last. I started a group Destiny, with what today would
seem to be a pretty impressive staff, but back then, we
all stunk. I got fed up with that... we all sort of more
or less went our own ways, and left the scene for a
while. I returned about a year later and was in SHiVER,
but only ever released in one pack. I think it was the
September 94 pack, under the alias of PiSTON. I got
bored again, and left... 2 years this time. Anyhow, Ive
returned again for a third showing, and hopefully i
might stick around long enough to make some friends this
time :. Decided to play with Root and well, thats me.
Hey.. these things arent so bad to write afterall...
Yeah so, I draw ansi.. mq would be my files. If you
want a screen for me, you can get me on ease. Bring
your checkbook, or have a bribe though... Im too busy
to do freebees, unless i really like you. Thats about
all there is too say on me, so enjoy the art as much as
we enjoy making it, and thanks for helping make Root
as succesfull as we are... cause afterall... without
viewers, whats the point in making it? :
Moleql - Senior Staff
Thats all for this month. Were really damn proud of this pack. So go
and look at it for yourself!*@!! Until next month...
end transmission -
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