this image contains text
root graphics info file
Hey wassup yall, this has been a rather important month for the 613
scene. Root graphics is an all-around 613 area only art group, to livin shit
up. Lemme tell ya it really worked. A lot of local artists are really improving
and finally developping a style in their artwork. I never knew this project
would actually work out, and suddenly we discovered all the talent our area
code has. Really amazing if you ask me.. Hopefully the group will continue to
produce a lot of work monthly and shit, so greets to everyone in the group and
prisoner 1, dieznyik and mca for the inspiration ever since i started drawing.
To tell you the truth, i wasnt sure if the Local group idea we were playin with was gonna work. It was just sort of something we were going to do,
sometime, but we werent planning to do it right away, but here we are. I have
to say that im very impressed by the quality of the work produced by all the members this month. Special thanks goes out to all the fuckers on irc, who made
me want to leave the shitty internet scene, and go local. Without them, there
would be no root. Anyways, on a more serious note, id just like to say that im very proud to be running a group,with so much talent and dedication. Greets
go out to defiant, the only voice of reason that i listen to.
Today we celebrate the first release of what we hope to be many. other
groups have come and gone, but were pretty sure were here to stay. Rumours of
other local groups, mainly deadkrew, going to the internet scene, just proves to us, how dumb those warez guys turned artists really are. But experience must
come first, before you can make the right decision all the time, and after they
get shot down in the internet scene, theyll come crying back, now knowing how
dumb they really were. this is here to say that we warned you guys, and not to
try and knock how much better we are than you, after your egos get a good kick
in the nose. ex-con and synthetic death are actually pretty cool guys, but with
that french accent ex-con has when he asks me why i steal members from deadkrew
i just say, we dont steal members,they come TO US or its cause were better
or when he makes a vga that says root is second to deadkrew in 613, well thats
it. we are no longer rejecting applications from deadkrew members, apply if you want. Oh, and a message to a new group in the scene hypercrew, we await the
time when you can join us as powerful force in our local scene. Congratulations
This month our pack contains mainly ansi and ascii. packs in the future will contain vga, music, loaders, and rip. If you specialize in any of these many
categories than please apply, everyone has a chance.
To apply as a root member,two steps must be taken. You must call either
spinal gamma 613/744/2765 or ease 613/834/0292, and mail either defiant or
myself about membership.
As of today, i officialy resign as ice telecom head, and twilights one and only artist who doesnt release check for our packs the first day of every
month. local greets go out to exclamation, and advanced modding, and to all the people in the scene who actually are contributing to its success.
i congratulate you all.
---------------------- root graphicstm official info file. included in the first root pack 02/97
root graphics info file
Hey wassup yall, this has been a rather important month for the 613
scene. Root graphics is an all-around 613 area only art group, to livin shit
up. Lemme tell ya it really worked. A lot of local artists are really improving
and finally developping a style in their artwork. I never knew this project
would actually work out, and suddenly we discovered all the talent our area
code has. Really amazing if you ask me.. Hopefully the group will continue to
produce a lot of work monthly and shit, so greets to everyone in the group and
prisoner 1, dieznyik and mca for the inspiration ever since i started drawing.
To tell you the truth, i wasnt sure if the Local group idea we were playin with was gonna work. It was just sort of something we were going to do,
sometime, but we werent planning to do it right away, but here we are. I have
to say that im very impressed by the quality of the work produced by all the members this month. Special thanks goes out to all the fuckers on irc, who made
me want to leave the shitty internet scene, and go local. Without them, there
would be no root. Anyways, on a more serious note, id just like to say that im very proud to be running a group,with so much talent and dedication. Greets
go out to defiant, the only voice of reason that i listen to.
Today we celebrate the first release of what we hope to be many. other
groups have come and gone, but were pretty sure were here to stay. Rumours of
other local groups, mainly deadkrew, going to the internet scene, just proves to us, how dumb those warez guys turned artists really are. But experience must
come first, before you can make the right decision all the time, and after they
get shot down in the internet scene, theyll come crying back, now knowing how
dumb they really were. this is here to say that we warned you guys, and not to
try and knock how much better we are than you, after your egos get a good kick
in the nose. ex-con and synthetic death are actually pretty cool guys, but with
that french accent ex-con has when he asks me why i steal members from deadkrew
i just say, we dont steal members,they come TO US or its cause were better
or when he makes a vga that says root is second to deadkrew in 613, well thats
it. we are no longer rejecting applications from deadkrew members, apply if you want. Oh, and a message to a new group in the scene hypercrew, we await the
time when you can join us as powerful force in our local scene. Congratulations
This month our pack contains mainly ansi and ascii. packs in the future will contain vga, music, loaders, and rip. If you specialize in any of these many
categories than please apply, everyone has a chance.
To apply as a root member,two steps must be taken. You must call either
spinal gamma 613/744/2765 or ease 613/834/0292, and mail either defiant or
myself about membership.
As of today, i officialy resign as ice telecom head, and twilights one and only artist who doesnt release check for our packs the first day of every
month. local greets go out to exclamation, and advanced modding, and to all the people in the scene who actually are contributing to its success.
i congratulate you all.
---------------------- root graphicstm official info file. included in the first root pack 02/97
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