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Rulers of Chaos
The Best of ROC
Compiled by: Silver Rat
Released: August 16, 1998
The begining of 1996 was a slow season
for the 703/301/202 art scene, where most
of ROC called home. Things just didnt
seem to get rolling since ROC so joyfully
celebrated its 1-year anniversary in the
fall of 1995.
Seeing as how I was ROC President from the
end of 1995 to its death in early 1996,
I was the ROC member most directly
responcible for gathering members artwork
and releasing packs. I apologize, ROC.
I created this compilation to remind
people who were around then of all the
great times we had, and to introduce
ROC to a scene that often overlooks the
small-time groups of the past.
ROC was a fountain of raw talent. It was
the spawning grounds of such remarkable
artists as Black Guard ACiD/iCE, Galahad
Union, The Rza Samsara/Disco/ACiD,
Samuari Function/Awe, Panacea Fire,
and Fire From Heaven Fire/Mistigris.
ROC alumni 703/301/202 sceners:
please contact me through email
silverrat@usa.net. I love talking
with people from my scene past.
I may put up a website where all ROC
packs can be downloaded. Check my
website, http://www.glue.umd.edu/soren
for more updates.
Good luck ROC alumni! Keep the spirit
alive in your hearts!
- Silver Rat my real name is Soren Powell
Rulers of Chaos
The Best of ROC
Compiled by: Silver Rat
Released: August 16, 1998
The begining of 1996 was a slow season
for the 703/301/202 art scene, where most
of ROC called home. Things just didnt
seem to get rolling since ROC so joyfully
celebrated its 1-year anniversary in the
fall of 1995.
Seeing as how I was ROC President from the
end of 1995 to its death in early 1996,
I was the ROC member most directly
responcible for gathering members artwork
and releasing packs. I apologize, ROC.
I created this compilation to remind
people who were around then of all the
great times we had, and to introduce
ROC to a scene that often overlooks the
small-time groups of the past.
ROC was a fountain of raw talent. It was
the spawning grounds of such remarkable
artists as Black Guard ACiD/iCE, Galahad
Union, The Rza Samsara/Disco/ACiD,
Samuari Function/Awe, Panacea Fire,
and Fire From Heaven Fire/Mistigris.
ROC alumni 703/301/202 sceners:
please contact me through email
silverrat@usa.net. I love talking
with people from my scene past.
I may put up a website where all ROC
packs can be downloaded. Check my
website, http://www.glue.umd.edu/soren
for more updates.
Good luck ROC alumni! Keep the spirit
alive in your hearts!
- Silver Rat my real name is Soren Powell
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