this image contains text
December 1995 Edition
Editor: Silver Rat
Writer: Blood Priest
Photographer: Blood Priest
Gardener: Blood Priest
Blood Priest here, doing the newsletter for pack 15. Silver
Rat was too busy to do it, and seeing as how important this this pack
is, I decided to do it.
Why is this pack so important, you
ask? Well, Ive been with ROC since
the first pack, and at first ROC
advanced rapidly. Eventually, we got
in a rut we couldnt advance beyond
the point we were at because the
areas member supply was exhausted.
This pack is an attempt to get us
unstuck. If youre interested in
joining, fill out an app and upload
it to any roc board, or get in contact
with Silver Rat or Black Guard on irc. Srat BG look for new members
Rza, who was in Saga and now ACiD,
has left ROC because of their no
dual groupers policy. We all wish
him a slow asphyxiated death. Er,
make that we all wish him well. :
rZA is the Buddha guru, trust his
actions to contribute to the cosmic
order of things! When hes named the
Rza says goodbye to ROC dali-lama, youll see who has the last
But until rZA returns with his tears of joy, we have bestowed upon
him the honorary duty of Super-Secret ACiD Spy, our own private dick,
if you will. The names Za... R. Za - Double afrO seven
Speaking of the inital R., did you know that minus the R.,
Silver can be rearranged to spell out Elvis? Facinating, no? But
thats not all! Rat becomes Art. And Elvis turns into Lives!
Dont you get it? ELVIS LIVES: Silver Rat is the reincarnation of
Elvis Presley! I was born the same year that Elvis died!!! It all
makes perfect sense to me now!!! Hey baby, youre my queen! -srat
Lithium3 has changed his alias to
Ghost Face and put up a new board
called 36 Chambers. Ackman has taken
his board, Alpha 1 Studio down to do
vga its beyond me why he didnt do
any for this month. Spear, formally
a roc ascii artist, has quit and
rejoined as an ansi artist.
Much rejoicing occurs at this happy
note. Kudos to the brainyact who took Various other shit
his area-record-setting board down
because he wanted to contribute more
to the scene. Fool. -srat
December 1995 Edition
Editor: Silver Rat
Writer: Blood Priest
Photographer: Blood Priest
Gardener: Blood Priest
Blood Priest here, doing the newsletter for pack 15. Silver
Rat was too busy to do it, and seeing as how important this this pack
is, I decided to do it.
Why is this pack so important, you
ask? Well, Ive been with ROC since
the first pack, and at first ROC
advanced rapidly. Eventually, we got
in a rut we couldnt advance beyond
the point we were at because the
areas member supply was exhausted.
This pack is an attempt to get us
unstuck. If youre interested in
joining, fill out an app and upload
it to any roc board, or get in contact
with Silver Rat or Black Guard on irc. Srat BG look for new members
Rza, who was in Saga and now ACiD,
has left ROC because of their no
dual groupers policy. We all wish
him a slow asphyxiated death. Er,
make that we all wish him well. :
rZA is the Buddha guru, trust his
actions to contribute to the cosmic
order of things! When hes named the
Rza says goodbye to ROC dali-lama, youll see who has the last
But until rZA returns with his tears of joy, we have bestowed upon
him the honorary duty of Super-Secret ACiD Spy, our own private dick,
if you will. The names Za... R. Za - Double afrO seven
Speaking of the inital R., did you know that minus the R.,
Silver can be rearranged to spell out Elvis? Facinating, no? But
thats not all! Rat becomes Art. And Elvis turns into Lives!
Dont you get it? ELVIS LIVES: Silver Rat is the reincarnation of
Elvis Presley! I was born the same year that Elvis died!!! It all
makes perfect sense to me now!!! Hey baby, youre my queen! -srat
Lithium3 has changed his alias to
Ghost Face and put up a new board
called 36 Chambers. Ackman has taken
his board, Alpha 1 Studio down to do
vga its beyond me why he didnt do
any for this month. Spear, formally
a roc ascii artist, has quit and
rejoined as an ansi artist.
Much rejoicing occurs at this happy
note. Kudos to the brainyact who took Various other shit
his area-record-setting board down
because he wanted to contribute more
to the scene. Fool. -srat
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