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r u l e r s o f c h a o s
february collection
Hi. This month has been boring. Nothing new has happened. Just another
month of creating art. Hope you like the pack. I do.
iCE Breaker from CIA has joined us this month. We are happy he made the
switch, and also we picked up another member for our Telcom department,
his name is DarkPawn.
There is to be a music disk released soon. I am looking forward to it.
We will try to put a sample of the best work in each of the regular packs
so you can get a taste of how our music sounds. Well try anyways.
Things are overall going well for ROC. I suppose the hardest thing is
trying to get members to stay loyal. Oh well, I guess every group has
this problem, but its lame anyway you look at it.
r u l e r s o f c h a o s
february collection
Hi. This month has been boring. Nothing new has happened. Just another
month of creating art. Hope you like the pack. I do.
iCE Breaker from CIA has joined us this month. We are happy he made the
switch, and also we picked up another member for our Telcom department,
his name is DarkPawn.
There is to be a music disk released soon. I am looking forward to it.
We will try to put a sample of the best work in each of the regular packs
so you can get a taste of how our music sounds. Well try anyways.
Things are overall going well for ROC. I suppose the hardest thing is
trying to get members to stay loyal. Oh well, I guess every group has
this problem, but its lame anyway you look at it.
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