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merry chrismas !!!
rigamortiz presents you the RMTZ no 4 pack.
----- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------
In the last month, we thougth to make a xmas pack and everyone !
of us agreed with the idea. So dynamite have composed some xmas
songs, spitfire done some ansiwork, fear made some Lyrics and i tried to make some ansis and a gif.
But finally there was not much xmas related files and so we decide
to call it pack no 4 with a little xmas special .
----- wow, our own Ansiviewer -------------------------------------------
I also spend some time in coding an ansiviewer not the best but
it works . Some features are :
- screensaver after
- smooth scrolling
- 400 lines maximum :
- small only 10k
- commandline start rmtzview.exe anisname
- on my PC it works perfect but some bugreports still arrived :
it has to many bugs to release it. sorry. wait for the next pack.
----- Memberlist --------------------------------------------------------
if ya wanna join rmtz write one of these peoples
Handle age he do some how to contact
sf spitfire 15 ansi/ascii fido 2:2426/2300.4
fr fear 18 ansi/lyric fido 2:2426/2300.21
dn! dynamite 15 music fido 2:2426/2300.8383
email dynamite.tlp@t-online.de
nvz nvz 18 ansi/code fido 2:2426/2300
email bmarthen@mertonet.de
----- Distsites ---------------------------------------------------------
Name Nr. Sysop online status
bc-bokz 49-4405-49204 nvz me 24h WHQ
Stonefield Castle 49-4955-997171 piing 24h Distsite
Schizos Inn 49-7031-730857 bonewood 18h-23h Distsite
----- signoff - nvz -----------------------------------------------------
rigamortiz presents you the RMTZ no 4 pack.
----- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------
In the last month, we thougth to make a xmas pack and everyone !
of us agreed with the idea. So dynamite have composed some xmas
songs, spitfire done some ansiwork, fear made some Lyrics and i tried to make some ansis and a gif.
But finally there was not much xmas related files and so we decide
to call it pack no 4 with a little xmas special .
----- wow, our own Ansiviewer -------------------------------------------
I also spend some time in coding an ansiviewer not the best but
it works . Some features are :
- screensaver after
- smooth scrolling
- 400 lines maximum :
- small only 10k
- commandline start rmtzview.exe anisname
- on my PC it works perfect but some bugreports still arrived :
it has to many bugs to release it. sorry. wait for the next pack.
----- Memberlist --------------------------------------------------------
if ya wanna join rmtz write one of these peoples
Handle age he do some how to contact
sf spitfire 15 ansi/ascii fido 2:2426/2300.4
fr fear 18 ansi/lyric fido 2:2426/2300.21
dn! dynamite 15 music fido 2:2426/2300.8383
email dynamite.tlp@t-online.de
nvz nvz 18 ansi/code fido 2:2426/2300
email bmarthen@mertonet.de
----- Distsites ---------------------------------------------------------
Name Nr. Sysop online status
bc-bokz 49-4405-49204 nvz me 24h WHQ
Stonefield Castle 49-4955-997171 piing 24h Distsite
Schizos Inn 49-7031-730857 bonewood 18h-23h Distsite
----- signoff - nvz -----------------------------------------------------
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