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rmtz feels fresh to release PACK 3 ... yes ... only one new Member ....... Now you can hear someof Dynamites S3Ms, and view the ANSIs/ASCIIs of SpitfiFear and nvz me. Fear wrote also some lyrics ... nvz nvz FIDO : 2:2426/2300 EMAIL:bmarthen@metronet.de sp! Spitfire FIDO : 2:2426/2300.4
fr Fear FIDO : 2:2426/2300.21
dn! Dynamite FIDO : 2:2426/2300.8383EMAIL : dynamite.tlp@t-online.de
some galaxy Distsites
Bc-Bokz 49-4405-49204 WHQ 24h .
Stonefield Castle 49-4955-997171 Dist-Site 24h
. Execbase 49-441 -592048 Dist-Site 24h
Extreme Castle . 49-6695-1731 Dist-Site 24h
. schizos inn 49-7031-730857 Dist-Site 18h-23h
fr Fear FIDO : 2:2426/2300.21
dn! Dynamite FIDO : 2:2426/2300.8383EMAIL : dynamite.tlp@t-online.de
some galaxy Distsites
Bc-Bokz 49-4405-49204 WHQ 24h .
Stonefield Castle 49-4955-997171 Dist-Site 24h
. Execbase 49-441 -592048 Dist-Site 24h
Extreme Castle . 49-6695-1731 Dist-Site 24h
. schizos inn 49-7031-730857 Dist-Site 18h-23h
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