this image contains text
Always lurking...
Damn, you hear that?
What the fuck is that?
sp!81 // /
C O U G H ! /
C O U G H !
yo man, you okay?
yeah, its just...
/ cough //
dVN r81 /
: m i a s m a :
- o f -
/ : / : / : / : / : / : / :Mi!r81
. . . P R E S E N T S . . .
:::: : o / :
----/ / / ---- !nT81// ---------
/ / After too long a silence,
/ / / its time to drop science.
/ / / I N T R O D U C T I O N
Sup, mOTHERfUCKAZ!? Thats right, the original wheezing asthmatic
has woken from his slumber to show you youngins what it means to be a
doodleboy. After a seven year hiatus, its time to bitchslap some lame
fucks and invoke the powers of the ascii gods.
Now, some people arent big fans of the oldschool stylings. The main
criticism being that its the same font a billion times over. They say
theres no originality. The Rabbi Miasmas here to prove those fuckers
So if you dont mind me waxing poetic for a bit, let me splain. The
oldschool style is where my hearts at. ASCII lovers of all sorts enjoy
the medium because of the limits it places upon you and the ability to
overcome and excel beyond those limits. The oldschool/Amiga style is the
strictest of all. That makes it quite possibly the hardest to master.
So, what Ive proposed, and what youll find in this colly, is an
experiment a challenge. This is a mechanism to force innovation.
Innovation by restricting myself even further.
Youll certainly see a whole slew of amazing fucking asciis. But whats
different here from all other collys is the request is the same. A
single word: miasma.
Scenesters of the underground art persuasion, I present //
to you: Vanity. /
Greetz and respect: / /
Spinsane, devin/hiro, fah, haliphax, whodini, omi,
blindman, ewheat, erupt, the remorse of the past and / /
the remorse of the present. This ones for all those / /
ancient motherfuckas. / / /
// T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
1 miasma I 6 miasma VI 11 miasma XI
2 miasma II 7 miasma VII 12 miasma XII
3 miasma III 8 miasma VIII 13 miasma XIII
4 miasma IV 9 miasma IX 14 miasma XIV
5 miasma V 10 miasma X 15 miasma XV
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma I :
: : Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma II :
Y / :/: :/: /
Y : / / : : / / :/ /
:/ / / :Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma III :
O / / / / / // /X/ O
O X / T / /: / T / / /X/ O
/ TT : // / :Mi! : / //
O // -:// / / / /X/ O
m i a s m a
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma IV :
I // / / / / / / I
::::: M I A S M A :: / ::::::::::::::: :
/ Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma V :
T / T .
/ Mi!.
-:-----/ M I A / S M A
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma VI :
. / . T / / T /
/--/Mi! .
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma VII :
-------/---------------/- : :. . --------/------------/Mi!/
// // // /. ::iii:::. // // /
// : :iliii:.// //
/ / / :: :illli:/ /
// ::. ::ili:
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma VIII :
// // Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma IX :
/ / / / /Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma X :
::::::::::::::::::::: M I A S M A :::::::::::::::::::::
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XI :
!@7? @7?+7 @@@!4 !*@@5!* @:Mi!:!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XII :
/ / / / Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XIII :
/ Mi! /
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XIV :
/ ! / / Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XV :
// / // / // // Mi!
:::::::::::::: M I A S M A ::::::::::::::
T H A N K S //
spinsane -- cough cough ascii
devin/hiro -- miasma intro ascii
nightrain -- vanity logo
EOF@775lines Game Over / EOF@775lines
Always lurking...
Damn, you hear that?
What the fuck is that?
sp!81 // /
C O U G H ! /
C O U G H !
yo man, you okay?
yeah, its just...
/ cough //
dVN r81 /
: m i a s m a :
- o f -
/ : / : / : / : / : / : / :Mi!r81
. . . P R E S E N T S . . .
:::: : o / :
----/ / / ---- !nT81// ---------
/ / After too long a silence,
/ / / its time to drop science.
/ / / I N T R O D U C T I O N
Sup, mOTHERfUCKAZ!? Thats right, the original wheezing asthmatic
has woken from his slumber to show you youngins what it means to be a
doodleboy. After a seven year hiatus, its time to bitchslap some lame
fucks and invoke the powers of the ascii gods.
Now, some people arent big fans of the oldschool stylings. The main
criticism being that its the same font a billion times over. They say
theres no originality. The Rabbi Miasmas here to prove those fuckers
So if you dont mind me waxing poetic for a bit, let me splain. The
oldschool style is where my hearts at. ASCII lovers of all sorts enjoy
the medium because of the limits it places upon you and the ability to
overcome and excel beyond those limits. The oldschool/Amiga style is the
strictest of all. That makes it quite possibly the hardest to master.
So, what Ive proposed, and what youll find in this colly, is an
experiment a challenge. This is a mechanism to force innovation.
Innovation by restricting myself even further.
Youll certainly see a whole slew of amazing fucking asciis. But whats
different here from all other collys is the request is the same. A
single word: miasma.
Scenesters of the underground art persuasion, I present //
to you: Vanity. /
Greetz and respect: / /
Spinsane, devin/hiro, fah, haliphax, whodini, omi,
blindman, ewheat, erupt, the remorse of the past and / /
the remorse of the present. This ones for all those / /
ancient motherfuckas. / / /
// T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
1 miasma I 6 miasma VI 11 miasma XI
2 miasma II 7 miasma VII 12 miasma XII
3 miasma III 8 miasma VIII 13 miasma XIII
4 miasma IV 9 miasma IX 14 miasma XIV
5 miasma V 10 miasma X 15 miasma XV
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma I :
: : Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma II :
Y / :/: :/: /
Y : / / : : / / :/ /
:/ / / :Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma III :
O / / / / / // /X/ O
O X / T / /: / T / / /X/ O
/ TT : // / :Mi! : / //
O // -:// / / / /X/ O
m i a s m a
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma IV :
I // / / / / / / I
::::: M I A S M A :: / ::::::::::::::: :
/ Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma V :
T / T .
/ Mi!.
-:-----/ M I A / S M A
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma VI :
. / . T / / T /
/--/Mi! .
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma VII :
-------/---------------/- : :. . --------/------------/Mi!/
// // // /. ::iii:::. // // /
// : :iliii:.// //
/ / / :: :illli:/ /
// ::. ::ili:
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma VIII :
// // Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma IX :
/ / / / /Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma X :
::::::::::::::::::::: M I A S M A :::::::::::::::::::::
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XI :
!@7? @7?+7 @@@!4 !*@@5!* @:Mi!:!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XII :
/ / / / Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XIII :
/ Mi! /
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XIV :
/ ! / / Mi!
/ T
Mi!/ / //
: miasma XV :
// / // / // // Mi!
:::::::::::::: M I A S M A ::::::::::::::
T H A N K S //
spinsane -- cough cough ascii
devin/hiro -- miasma intro ascii
nightrain -- vanity logo
EOF@775lines Game Over / EOF@775lines
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