this image contains text
flowers in , . Y@ remembrance
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .--. ,-. @@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@P .: , @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@P ,. @@P@@@@@
@@@@@@@P , . , . , Y@@@
@@P ,- dXP., .-.,, @@@
P .- . ,. : , , @
. ,.odb .,.,, , ,
o. . ., . . , -,dX@P ,
@@, ., o@ @ . ., ,
@@@b. ,. .d@@@ l @b . ,, , @
Y@@@@@o. l ,.d@@@@@ : @@@. -.. - ,dP
: .. l o,
l / hP!
: .@/. :
. t e n y e a r s l o n g t e n . y e a r s : s t r o n g
Pack: RMRS-55.ZIP Size: 1,023 KB Released: September 24th, 2004
:: :::::::::::: N E W S ::::::::::::::: :
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the fifty-fifth release of ACiDs
ascii division, Remorse!
This pack sees the members of the Almighty Remorse Crew in high
spirits. The price of gas is rising. Old Uncle Moneybags aka
Radman has seen his futures investments skyrocket! The domesti-
cation of the dog continues unabated.
I, Spinsane not to be confused with I, Robot would really
like to heartily welcome our viewing audience to the newest Remorse
senior staffer: The Illustrious and Elegant Scour also known as S!
On another note, longtime Remorse senior Nightrain also returns from
a stint in the local jail for being a wifebeater! Welcome back NT!
Your prison tattoo was very well done.
I stop for a moment. I focus my telepathic abilities on Scour.
A 1 GB mental connection is established. We lack ratios.
*Tap Tap Tap* ..*clears throat*
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Scour! We need information to entertain and
enlighten the masses! Who are you? What is your purpose here?
Are you made of carbon, or plastic?
ELITETOTHENTHSCOUR: Am I made of carbon or plastic? Who the fuck
seriously is asking that question. No one but Joltin Joe thats for
sure. Anyway, Im taking over the artscene one group at a time, so
watch the fuck out Mimic, youre next.
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Thats for Sure? Incidentally, thats my
prefered brand on deoderant. Im sure. Others are un-sure. Get
what Im talking about? If not, feel free to discuss how a simple
Pablodraw NFO file writing session has gone so horribly, horribly
ELITETOTHENTHSCOUR: For sure, my friend, for sure. This is a new
generation of ascii group nfo files, which Im not sure is a good
thing or not. What the fuck are we babbling about? Lets get to
business. Remorse is undergoing a complete turnaround, from being the
biggest art-scene group to becoming the top piracy go-to group for
all the elite CD Cover Group nfos and Recipe eBooks. ChocolateChip
Cookies-GRANDMASkITChEN is certainly one to look out for soon. May
even find it in this pack, hell if I know. Spinsane probably drew for
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Excellent. Pause while I drum my fingers
together and dream greedily about what the future may bring. From
a simple group of artists drawing semi-useless BBS intro screens...
to the kings of the Recipe eBooks NFO files and CD Covers. Scour,
I would think under your added leadership these things and more are
definately possible. Do you have any other plans for the Almighty
Remorse? Such as domination of the Kiddie ISO scene? Perhaps we
will one day be the giants of the MUD login screen world?
Evidentally, the world is our oyster.
ELITETOTHENTHSCOUR: The Kiddie ISO scene is on lock. Not exactly
sure what a MUD login is. Anyway, as our readers may or may not know,
I, Scour not to be confused with I, Spinsane nor I, Robot also run
the powerful scene art group, Superior Art Creations SAC, which has
interestingly enough made an odd comeback recently. Together, SAC and
Remorse should easily dominate the scene -- both of these legendary
groups have been around since 1994. What other art groups can claim
to that? The strongest always survive. You feelin me?
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Im feeling you like a goat at a petting zoo. I
dont wanna talk too much about SAC though... since... well, that
should be obvious :. Luckily though Skizzour, you have maintained
a level of bi-partisonship that would astonish a compassionate
conservative. Whats the dealio then, about what is going on with
you, and Remorses current state of affairs... cough/garble/buzz
Telepathic link between Scour and Spinsane ended. Spinsanes
blood level alcohol makes him start telepathically contacting a
myriad of random strippers. Scour resorts to actually doing an NFO
file. The domestication of the dog continues unabated.
Scour goes solo:
Remorse has acquired two new talented artists since we last saw you
in pack 54. Joining among the ranks of the scenes top block
artists read: Scour is Creature of Hell cH!. Also joining since
the last pack is Cru, a talented oldschool and block artist. Editors
Note: KICK-ASS!. Were trying the best we can to be modest here, but
really, theres no comparison anymore. Remorse has grabbed the latest
and greatest artists, and more are sure to come. Warm welcome to cRu
and cH.
Spinsane wakes up, wipes the vomit from his chin:
Indeed. Remorse has come a long way, baby. There is nothing Scour
and I are more proud of then the recent undertakings of the group.
First of all, besides all the general badassedness of check Websters
for the definition of this word the Remorse legion, our crew rep-
restented solidly at the North American demo party Pilgrimage.
Besides the fact that our illustrious leader Rad Man was instrumental
in the organization of party, two of our members Polygon Breasts and
Haliphax dominated the Textmode ascii compo. While the competition
stocked up on Depends c undergarments, Polygon Breasts wound up in
first place with his masterful block picture, here after refered to
as pb-chlaz.asc. Coming in a close second, Haliphax offered up his
block submission, a mighty big rendering of our sacred name in block.
Check it as hx-compo.asc in the pack. Congratulations to both of
you. Undoubtably, if 3 or more of our artists had been there, wed
have run the table. :
Be sure to check http://www.acid.org/radio for the ARTS 8, which
Im sure will include a full report on the party.
Secondly, as we said before in this NFO, I cant be happier then
to welcome back Nightrain to the fold. Perhaps he will pop up here
to share his story with you, the loyal viewer. If not, his art will
once again speak for itself. But that is not all! Oh no! It is not!
What more is there you ask us?
NighTrain rejoins the freeworld:
Nightrain here, I just stepped out of the cell block, while i was
down I had to represent 2 sets, my prison gang, and my Remorse
homies. I decided I could go down all nerdy like Kevin Mitnick
and have you guys putting up free nightrain stickers everywhere,
or I could just slap around convicts like bitches and represent
1981 like a true ascii artist
Im really glad to be back with Remorse, It seems that group interest
is at an all time high, and things are looking better than ever,
big ups to Spinsane and Scour, who have kept Remorse on top of the
ascii scene.
Scour Speaks Again:
AGAIN THE OLDSCHOOL SCENE! One of the greatest artists of all time is
BACK! Thats right, that guy who inspired us all in the oldschool
medium has awakened and *GASP* is taking requests! Who doesnt want
some chP art? BUT WAIT, just like a cheesy infomercial.. THERES
Spinsane Just Returned From Driving Drunk:
Theres more! Yes indeed! So much more infact, that for a limited
time only, you can not ONLY access Hiro Protagonists request list
but also speak with all of our new members on www.acid.org/forums !
Thats right, for a limited time only before we get www.remorse.org
up and operating - check next pack, trust us!, all of your favorite
old and returning ASCII SUPERSTARS c are available for chat on
these forums. This isnt limited to the old stalwarts you know and
love, but also recently returned members like Pesho check his colly
in this pack!, Zerohour, and Ricky Martin! Its the hot place to
be! In addition, if you login in the next 15 minutes, you could
hypothetically speak to the people who make Remorse even greater:
Our Guest Artists!
Thats right, this pack features guests from our friends Aesthetic,
Fourth, and molo. As well it has extra-special Bi-Yearly appearances
from ok Remorse favorites: Whodini and Windrider. Get your wallets
open and your credit cards ready and order now...
Contact us at the newly opened public channel Remorse @ EFNet.
All your heros are there, waiting for your girlfriends to message us.
We hope youll enjoy the fresh artowrk assembled into Remorses latest
pack, we know we enjoyed putting it together. Dont fret, for there
will be another incredible Remorse release soon EDITORS NOTE: even
more incredible then this one! You didnt think it possible? Silly
mortal. Scours upcoming 2-year-in-the-making oldschool collection
will prove to be one of the oldschool scenes most memorable with his
uncomparable design and backgrounding skills. Also look forward to
Ansichrists oldschool collection coming soon. Hiro Protagonist plans
to knock everyone flat once again with a collection of his own.
The domestication of the dog continues unabated...
P.S. ---
On a more serious note, wed like to send shoutouts to all of those
who lost loved ones on the tragic events of 9/11. This pack is
dedicated to them, their families, and everyone affected by the
tragedy that occured a little over 3 years ago to this date. The
scene doesnt stop, and neither did they. R.I.P. to everyone also
lost in the scene. Our hearts go out to you.
- Love,
:: ::::::::: M E M B E R S :::::::::::: :
Radman rm radman@acid.org
Spinsane sp spinsane@acid.org
Senior Staff:
Nightrain nt nightrain@netpimpz.org
Scour S! sCrmrs@gmail.com
Member Artists:
Alla Xul Alpha AnsiChrist Asphyx Barium Bornholme
Creature Of Hell Cru Deadbrain Devil Angel Erupt Fost
Haliphax Hiro Protagonist Icedevil Jrr Kayozz Noches
Peps Pesho Polygon Breasts Pix Polymorph Raster Burn
Reevolution Ricky Martin Sharque Speed Devil Talo
Tribal Villeret Yce Zerohour Zooyork
Guest Artists:
Aesthetic Fourth Whodini Windrider
Other Members:
Anthem Kyr Psykoz
Arrogance Axel Barebones Cannibal Cannabis Computerman
Cypher Hex Enigmatic Ewheat Fahrenheit J. Hale Asphixia
Kaleidas Killa Hertz Megga Hertz Miasma Mister Kite
Mister Self Destruct Mjolnir Necromancer Necronite Ogre
Omicron Palmore Poskgubbe Terminator 2 The Messiah
The Upright Man Tinyz Tzeentch Whodini
Miscellaneous Information:
BBS telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ
Member Sites:
ACiDiC MODDiNG http://acidic.acid.org
The A.R.T.S. http://www.acid.org/radio/
ANSICHRIST http://ansichrist.senseimagery.com
ASPHYX http://asphyx.planet-d.net/
AXEL BAREBONES http://www.iaxb.com
ERUPT http://www.ruptbot.com
FLAMES http://flames.oldschool.ru
F0ST http://www.uncreation.net
KAYOZZ http://www.theinfamous.org
KILLAHERTZ http://www.megarad.com
PSYKOZ http://www.psykoz.net
RASTER BURN http://www.panospria.com
REEVOLUTION http://www.soundclick.com/reevolution
SCOUR http://www.compleks.com
Infofile design by Hiro Protagonist and Scour
This release is dedicated to the memory of all those souls
who died three years ago in New York City.
. Rest In Peace.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .--. ,-. @@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@P .: , @@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@P ,. @@P@@@@@
@@@@@@@P , . , . , Y@@@
@@P ,- dXP., .-.,, @@@
P .- . ,. : , , @
. ,.odb .,.,, , ,
o. . ., . . , -,dX@P ,
@@, ., o@ @ . ., ,
@@@b. ,. .d@@@ l @b . ,, , @
Y@@@@@o. l ,.d@@@@@ : @@@. -.. - ,dP
: .. l o,
l / hP!
: .@/. :
. t e n y e a r s l o n g t e n . y e a r s : s t r o n g
Pack: RMRS-55.ZIP Size: 1,023 KB Released: September 24th, 2004
:: :::::::::::: N E W S ::::::::::::::: :
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the fifty-fifth release of ACiDs
ascii division, Remorse!
This pack sees the members of the Almighty Remorse Crew in high
spirits. The price of gas is rising. Old Uncle Moneybags aka
Radman has seen his futures investments skyrocket! The domesti-
cation of the dog continues unabated.
I, Spinsane not to be confused with I, Robot would really
like to heartily welcome our viewing audience to the newest Remorse
senior staffer: The Illustrious and Elegant Scour also known as S!
On another note, longtime Remorse senior Nightrain also returns from
a stint in the local jail for being a wifebeater! Welcome back NT!
Your prison tattoo was very well done.
I stop for a moment. I focus my telepathic abilities on Scour.
A 1 GB mental connection is established. We lack ratios.
*Tap Tap Tap* ..*clears throat*
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Scour! We need information to entertain and
enlighten the masses! Who are you? What is your purpose here?
Are you made of carbon, or plastic?
ELITETOTHENTHSCOUR: Am I made of carbon or plastic? Who the fuck
seriously is asking that question. No one but Joltin Joe thats for
sure. Anyway, Im taking over the artscene one group at a time, so
watch the fuck out Mimic, youre next.
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Thats for Sure? Incidentally, thats my
prefered brand on deoderant. Im sure. Others are un-sure. Get
what Im talking about? If not, feel free to discuss how a simple
Pablodraw NFO file writing session has gone so horribly, horribly
ELITETOTHENTHSCOUR: For sure, my friend, for sure. This is a new
generation of ascii group nfo files, which Im not sure is a good
thing or not. What the fuck are we babbling about? Lets get to
business. Remorse is undergoing a complete turnaround, from being the
biggest art-scene group to becoming the top piracy go-to group for
all the elite CD Cover Group nfos and Recipe eBooks. ChocolateChip
Cookies-GRANDMASkITChEN is certainly one to look out for soon. May
even find it in this pack, hell if I know. Spinsane probably drew for
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Excellent. Pause while I drum my fingers
together and dream greedily about what the future may bring. From
a simple group of artists drawing semi-useless BBS intro screens...
to the kings of the Recipe eBooks NFO files and CD Covers. Scour,
I would think under your added leadership these things and more are
definately possible. Do you have any other plans for the Almighty
Remorse? Such as domination of the Kiddie ISO scene? Perhaps we
will one day be the giants of the MUD login screen world?
Evidentally, the world is our oyster.
ELITETOTHENTHSCOUR: The Kiddie ISO scene is on lock. Not exactly
sure what a MUD login is. Anyway, as our readers may or may not know,
I, Scour not to be confused with I, Spinsane nor I, Robot also run
the powerful scene art group, Superior Art Creations SAC, which has
interestingly enough made an odd comeback recently. Together, SAC and
Remorse should easily dominate the scene -- both of these legendary
groups have been around since 1994. What other art groups can claim
to that? The strongest always survive. You feelin me?
JOLTINJOENORATIO: Im feeling you like a goat at a petting zoo. I
dont wanna talk too much about SAC though... since... well, that
should be obvious :. Luckily though Skizzour, you have maintained
a level of bi-partisonship that would astonish a compassionate
conservative. Whats the dealio then, about what is going on with
you, and Remorses current state of affairs... cough/garble/buzz
Telepathic link between Scour and Spinsane ended. Spinsanes
blood level alcohol makes him start telepathically contacting a
myriad of random strippers. Scour resorts to actually doing an NFO
file. The domestication of the dog continues unabated.
Scour goes solo:
Remorse has acquired two new talented artists since we last saw you
in pack 54. Joining among the ranks of the scenes top block
artists read: Scour is Creature of Hell cH!. Also joining since
the last pack is Cru, a talented oldschool and block artist. Editors
Note: KICK-ASS!. Were trying the best we can to be modest here, but
really, theres no comparison anymore. Remorse has grabbed the latest
and greatest artists, and more are sure to come. Warm welcome to cRu
and cH.
Spinsane wakes up, wipes the vomit from his chin:
Indeed. Remorse has come a long way, baby. There is nothing Scour
and I are more proud of then the recent undertakings of the group.
First of all, besides all the general badassedness of check Websters
for the definition of this word the Remorse legion, our crew rep-
restented solidly at the North American demo party Pilgrimage.
Besides the fact that our illustrious leader Rad Man was instrumental
in the organization of party, two of our members Polygon Breasts and
Haliphax dominated the Textmode ascii compo. While the competition
stocked up on Depends c undergarments, Polygon Breasts wound up in
first place with his masterful block picture, here after refered to
as pb-chlaz.asc. Coming in a close second, Haliphax offered up his
block submission, a mighty big rendering of our sacred name in block.
Check it as hx-compo.asc in the pack. Congratulations to both of
you. Undoubtably, if 3 or more of our artists had been there, wed
have run the table. :
Be sure to check http://www.acid.org/radio for the ARTS 8, which
Im sure will include a full report on the party.
Secondly, as we said before in this NFO, I cant be happier then
to welcome back Nightrain to the fold. Perhaps he will pop up here
to share his story with you, the loyal viewer. If not, his art will
once again speak for itself. But that is not all! Oh no! It is not!
What more is there you ask us?
NighTrain rejoins the freeworld:
Nightrain here, I just stepped out of the cell block, while i was
down I had to represent 2 sets, my prison gang, and my Remorse
homies. I decided I could go down all nerdy like Kevin Mitnick
and have you guys putting up free nightrain stickers everywhere,
or I could just slap around convicts like bitches and represent
1981 like a true ascii artist
Im really glad to be back with Remorse, It seems that group interest
is at an all time high, and things are looking better than ever,
big ups to Spinsane and Scour, who have kept Remorse on top of the
ascii scene.
Scour Speaks Again:
AGAIN THE OLDSCHOOL SCENE! One of the greatest artists of all time is
BACK! Thats right, that guy who inspired us all in the oldschool
medium has awakened and *GASP* is taking requests! Who doesnt want
some chP art? BUT WAIT, just like a cheesy infomercial.. THERES
Spinsane Just Returned From Driving Drunk:
Theres more! Yes indeed! So much more infact, that for a limited
time only, you can not ONLY access Hiro Protagonists request list
but also speak with all of our new members on www.acid.org/forums !
Thats right, for a limited time only before we get www.remorse.org
up and operating - check next pack, trust us!, all of your favorite
old and returning ASCII SUPERSTARS c are available for chat on
these forums. This isnt limited to the old stalwarts you know and
love, but also recently returned members like Pesho check his colly
in this pack!, Zerohour, and Ricky Martin! Its the hot place to
be! In addition, if you login in the next 15 minutes, you could
hypothetically speak to the people who make Remorse even greater:
Our Guest Artists!
Thats right, this pack features guests from our friends Aesthetic,
Fourth, and molo. As well it has extra-special Bi-Yearly appearances
from ok Remorse favorites: Whodini and Windrider. Get your wallets
open and your credit cards ready and order now...
Contact us at the newly opened public channel Remorse @ EFNet.
All your heros are there, waiting for your girlfriends to message us.
We hope youll enjoy the fresh artowrk assembled into Remorses latest
pack, we know we enjoyed putting it together. Dont fret, for there
will be another incredible Remorse release soon EDITORS NOTE: even
more incredible then this one! You didnt think it possible? Silly
mortal. Scours upcoming 2-year-in-the-making oldschool collection
will prove to be one of the oldschool scenes most memorable with his
uncomparable design and backgrounding skills. Also look forward to
Ansichrists oldschool collection coming soon. Hiro Protagonist plans
to knock everyone flat once again with a collection of his own.
The domestication of the dog continues unabated...
P.S. ---
On a more serious note, wed like to send shoutouts to all of those
who lost loved ones on the tragic events of 9/11. This pack is
dedicated to them, their families, and everyone affected by the
tragedy that occured a little over 3 years ago to this date. The
scene doesnt stop, and neither did they. R.I.P. to everyone also
lost in the scene. Our hearts go out to you.
- Love,
:: ::::::::: M E M B E R S :::::::::::: :
Radman rm radman@acid.org
Spinsane sp spinsane@acid.org
Senior Staff:
Nightrain nt nightrain@netpimpz.org
Scour S! sCrmrs@gmail.com
Member Artists:
Alla Xul Alpha AnsiChrist Asphyx Barium Bornholme
Creature Of Hell Cru Deadbrain Devil Angel Erupt Fost
Haliphax Hiro Protagonist Icedevil Jrr Kayozz Noches
Peps Pesho Polygon Breasts Pix Polymorph Raster Burn
Reevolution Ricky Martin Sharque Speed Devil Talo
Tribal Villeret Yce Zerohour Zooyork
Guest Artists:
Aesthetic Fourth Whodini Windrider
Other Members:
Anthem Kyr Psykoz
Arrogance Axel Barebones Cannibal Cannabis Computerman
Cypher Hex Enigmatic Ewheat Fahrenheit J. Hale Asphixia
Kaleidas Killa Hertz Megga Hertz Miasma Mister Kite
Mister Self Destruct Mjolnir Necromancer Necronite Ogre
Omicron Palmore Poskgubbe Terminator 2 The Messiah
The Upright Man Tinyz Tzeentch Whodini
Miscellaneous Information:
BBS telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ
Member Sites:
ACiDiC MODDiNG http://acidic.acid.org
The A.R.T.S. http://www.acid.org/radio/
ANSICHRIST http://ansichrist.senseimagery.com
ASPHYX http://asphyx.planet-d.net/
AXEL BAREBONES http://www.iaxb.com
ERUPT http://www.ruptbot.com
FLAMES http://flames.oldschool.ru
F0ST http://www.uncreation.net
KAYOZZ http://www.theinfamous.org
KILLAHERTZ http://www.megarad.com
PSYKOZ http://www.psykoz.net
RASTER BURN http://www.panospria.com
REEVOLUTION http://www.soundclick.com/reevolution
SCOUR http://www.compleks.com
Infofile design by Hiro Protagonist and Scour
This release is dedicated to the memory of all those souls
who died three years ago in New York City.
. Rest In Peace.
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