this image contains text
/ 2 0 0 4
: i s pr 0 u d to prEsent: / :
. ::::::::i::::: //
: :::iii:ii::::://
.:::iiii:::: / /
: :::ii::: // / dbrn/ACiD3d
: . th e :::::: / iMpure!
. titlE is : :
: given from wHat I : .
. FeeL n0w! . .
please m a ke your Selection: . ::.
1 Th e ArtS 14/04/04 . . . :.
2 GaS fac e 08/05/04 :. :. :. Its
3 N0 rthern Drag0nS 25/05/04 ::. .:: . so
4 Night C a T 01/04/04 .::: :::: . fucking
5 Caf H0 uSe 02/05/04 .:::::.::: .: hot
: 6 Televiz0r 08/04/04 ::::::::.:..:: . tonight! :
. 7 Weekt0p 08/04/04 :::::::::::::: damn... .
.: title: the Arts :
:: requested by: : .
:: RadmanACiD : //
. . . . . AMiGA FONT REQUiRED . . . . .
. ::::/ dbrnACiDimp PReSeNTS: /:::: .
.arts // .
make me feel /
all right. / :
.: title: GasFace : .
:: requested by: : :
:: N/A : //
:/ : dbrnimpacid! .
.: title: NorthernDrgns:* .
:: requested by: : :
:: NorthernDrgns: // :
north e n // .
drag o ns! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: dbrnACiDimp! :
. *fuck space :
: title: Nightcat :
: requested by: : :
: Nightcat : //
. / NightCat .
/ . dbrn / . / /. . . /
/ . . . . . . . . imprmrs! . . //
.: title: CafHouse :
:: requested by: : .
:: ??? : //
. . / W E L C O M E /
::::::::::::::::::::::::. T O / / /
// dbrn / / . / / / . /
ACiDimp! // / / /./ // / .
.CafE / / / / / / / / / / . .//
h o u s e. / /. . // : : :
: . . / T H A N K S /
:::::::::::::::::::: / / dbrnACiDimp!
:::::::::::::::::::::::::. A.N D . / . . .
*C F e* / .// ./ /
H O U S E / . /
.: title: Televizor :
:: requested by: : .
:: Nightcat? : //
: dbrnrmrs! Oo // / /
. . . . / . imp
televizor /
.: title: Televizor : :
:: requested by: : .
:: Nightcat? : //
weektop! dbrn/ACiDimp!
/ Final Words blah blah blah: . .
28/08/04 4:04 AM .
.Well i just finished putting together . . . :.
everything i am sleepy as fuck... :. :. :.
I hope you liked all my collection. ::. .:: . is this
To the evoke guys: i dunno if putting .::: :::: . really
all the unreleased works i did in the .:::::.::: .: the
: past months is illegal, so feel free ::::::::.:..:: . end?! :
. to disqualify me but i can assure you :::::::::::::: burn this.
: that taking all this stuff togheter and ::::::::: shit! :
working for a layout for this colly took :::::
me quite a lot of time
.I would like to thank my crews: 3D, impure, ACiD expecially
Skizo, las, red, Noctiva, pogue, xzippo, scour, ansichrist,
spinsane yo man!, radman then my girlfriend Chiara, my :
best friend limo, Kami and the German Guy Dressed in yellow which.
: i dont remember the name right now sorry brainlag but you rule:
. bye .
: dbrn/3dACiDimp! --- 1337 :
PS: i greet Slashzero thanking him for making me know the best person
in the world, huge kisses to you phoebe
: i s pr 0 u d to prEsent: / :
. ::::::::i::::: //
: :::iii:ii::::://
.:::iiii:::: / /
: :::ii::: // / dbrn/ACiD3d
: . th e :::::: / iMpure!
. titlE is : :
: given from wHat I : .
. FeeL n0w! . .
please m a ke your Selection: . ::.
1 Th e ArtS 14/04/04 . . . :.
2 GaS fac e 08/05/04 :. :. :. Its
3 N0 rthern Drag0nS 25/05/04 ::. .:: . so
4 Night C a T 01/04/04 .::: :::: . fucking
5 Caf H0 uSe 02/05/04 .:::::.::: .: hot
: 6 Televiz0r 08/04/04 ::::::::.:..:: . tonight! :
. 7 Weekt0p 08/04/04 :::::::::::::: damn... .
.: title: the Arts :
:: requested by: : .
:: RadmanACiD : //
. . . . . AMiGA FONT REQUiRED . . . . .
. ::::/ dbrnACiDimp PReSeNTS: /:::: .
.arts // .
make me feel /
all right. / :
.: title: GasFace : .
:: requested by: : :
:: N/A : //
:/ : dbrnimpacid! .
.: title: NorthernDrgns:* .
:: requested by: : :
:: NorthernDrgns: // :
north e n // .
drag o ns! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: dbrnACiDimp! :
. *fuck space :
: title: Nightcat :
: requested by: : :
: Nightcat : //
. / NightCat .
/ . dbrn / . / /. . . /
/ . . . . . . . . imprmrs! . . //
.: title: CafHouse :
:: requested by: : .
:: ??? : //
. . / W E L C O M E /
::::::::::::::::::::::::. T O / / /
// dbrn / / . / / / . /
ACiDimp! // / / /./ // / .
.CafE / / / / / / / / / / . .//
h o u s e. / /. . // : : :
: . . / T H A N K S /
:::::::::::::::::::: / / dbrnACiDimp!
:::::::::::::::::::::::::. A.N D . / . . .
*C F e* / .// ./ /
H O U S E / . /
.: title: Televizor :
:: requested by: : .
:: Nightcat? : //
: dbrnrmrs! Oo // / /
. . . . / . imp
televizor /
.: title: Televizor : :
:: requested by: : .
:: Nightcat? : //
weektop! dbrn/ACiDimp!
/ Final Words blah blah blah: . .
28/08/04 4:04 AM .
.Well i just finished putting together . . . :.
everything i am sleepy as fuck... :. :. :.
I hope you liked all my collection. ::. .:: . is this
To the evoke guys: i dunno if putting .::: :::: . really
all the unreleased works i did in the .:::::.::: .: the
: past months is illegal, so feel free ::::::::.:..:: . end?! :
. to disqualify me but i can assure you :::::::::::::: burn this.
: that taking all this stuff togheter and ::::::::: shit! :
working for a layout for this colly took :::::
me quite a lot of time
.I would like to thank my crews: 3D, impure, ACiD expecially
Skizo, las, red, Noctiva, pogue, xzippo, scour, ansichrist,
spinsane yo man!, radman then my girlfriend Chiara, my :
best friend limo, Kami and the German Guy Dressed in yellow which.
: i dont remember the name right now sorry brainlag but you rule:
. bye .
: dbrn/3dACiDimp! --- 1337 :
PS: i greet Slashzero thanking him for making me know the best person
in the world, huge kisses to you phoebe
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