this image contains text
::::::: ::: / Y/Y // :::::::::::::::
::::: :: / VV / ::::::::::::::
..... :::::: / / Y / Y :: ..... ::::
::::::::: Y / / / : ::::::
/ / cRu/ / / / / .
Welcome to irc.gekko.de!
xxxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxx and xxxxxxxxx
Site - Linknet irc.gekko.de, Germany
Admin - admin@seckomtek.net Admin@IRC
Server - irc.gecko.de Port: 6667 / 7000 SsL
- *NO* Excessive Connections aka Cloning
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Use of this server is a *PRIVILEDGE*.
You may be removed at any time and for any reason by the
operators on this server.
If you need help, try Linknet or help.
Have fun while connected to link-net.org!
And of course...Happy IRCing!
All the ascii work was done by courtesy of cRu!
Visit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !
::::: :: / VV / ::::::::::::::
..... :::::: / / Y / Y :: ..... ::::
::::::::: Y / / / : ::::::
/ / cRu/ / / / / .
Welcome to irc.gekko.de!
xxxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxx and xxxxxxxxx
Site - Linknet irc.gekko.de, Germany
Admin - admin@seckomtek.net Admin@IRC
Server - irc.gecko.de Port: 6667 / 7000 SsL
- *NO* Excessive Connections aka Cloning
- *NO* War Bots or War Scripts
- *NO* Mass Advertising
- *NO* Nuking or DoS Denial or Services attacks
- *NO* Harrassment of fellow users
- *NO* Child Pornography
- *NO* Flooding
Use of this server is a *PRIVILEDGE*.
You may be removed at any time and for any reason by the
operators on this server.
If you need help, try Linknet or help.
Have fun while connected to link-net.org!
And of course...Happy IRCing!
All the ascii work was done by courtesy of cRu!
Visit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !
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