this image contains text
14:32 Knighted spinsane: that reminds me of this one horrible porn vid i saw where a full-grown man in diapers emerged from a hallway that had turned into a vagina
08:00 aphA w0rd man
08:00 aphA im drunbk atm
08:00 spinsy81 haha awesome :D
08:01 aphA first time since yesterday :P
22:13 spinsane radmans such a fucking flake
22:13 spinsane i tell him im gonna be gone for an hour
22:13 spinsane calls me 3 fucking times during that hour
22:13 spinsane then i get back
22:13 spinsane and he leaves
22:13 spinsane jit
22:13 r33vtnt yeah
22:13 r33vtnt im sitting here
22:13 r33vtnt yelling and msging him
22:14 r33vtnt yo i have it yo i have it
22:14 r33vtnt so then i say
22:14 r33vtnt i have to go take my dog home youll get it when i get back
22:14 r33vtnt so he goes:
22:14 r33vtnt yo do you check your private messages i sent you on 15 minutes ago
22:14 spinsane haha
22:14 r33vtnt at least now i know rad isnt slang for intelligent
02:19 aesthetic radman - did you ever sue anyone
02:19 aesthetic i was always curious
02:20 aesthetic it always amused me the we will sue thing.. cause you could sue an artist for all theyre worth, since most of them were 13 years old and had no cash
02:20 zhixel 13 year olds know better than to fuck with acid
02:20 zhixel theyll fuckin beat you up for your lunch money
02:20 m1nistar Radman VS. Timmys Mother
02:20 aesthetic hahahha
02:20 spinsane haha
02:21 aesthetic the people vs. radman
02:21 zhixel catbones will be all out like GIMME YOUR MILK MONEY BITCH
01:11 spinsane Remorse Makes Rectums Slimy
01:15 SketchCow Aged Creators in Diapers
03:10 CatBones i been representing ACiD since nine to the fizzour. warez keeps the boat afloat. hahahahaha.
15:52 aphA fuck man, i had a messed up dream last nite
15:52 aphA radman was in it
15:52 aphA and so was spinsane
15:54 aphA it was set in this swimming pool complex, and im outside in the carpark, and radman drives up and parks in his red farrari
15:54 aphA with RADMAN number plates
15:54 aphA and these ppl run up and scream and cheer and ask for autographs
15:55 aphA lol
15:55 rm that was no dream
15:55 aphA then i meet spinsane, hes sitting fully clothed in this spa-pool
15:56 aphA and he looks at me and goes... ah so ur alpha!
15:56 aphA and he shakes my hand and hes got like freaky long nails
15:56 aphA with shaky long hair
15:56 aphA looks like a homeless guy
15:57 aphA rofl
15:57 aphA sorta looked like steve buscemi sp from big daddy
15:58 aphA rm: was still reality?
02:57 surfrock amn this guy just asked this other dude a nasty ass question
02:57 spinsane ?
02:57 surfrock would you be ricky martins underwear for a day for 100 dollars ?
02:57 spinsane hahahaha
02:57 spinsane 100 dollars?
02:57 spinsane he must be poor
02:57 surfrock fuck that
02:57 surfrock thats a trauma
02:58 spinsane for a million id lick RMs asshole
02:58 spinsane assuming its RM from remorse ascii
14:59 io haha damn
15:00 io i love lsd and the mirror
00:40 kane- what did creator do? release a ansi using gif2ansi?
00:40 kane- you know that programs been out for like 7 years and I never ever seen it at all?
00:41 * panacea- has joined ans
00:41 enzO27i milk2ansi is much better
00:42 kane- what is gif2ansi?
00:42 panacea- kane its like ansi2gif
00:42 panacea- but the other way
00:42 * kane27 has quit IRC Ping timeout: 530 seconds
00:43 * kane- is now known as kane27
00:43 spinsane im a fan of ascii2txt
00:43 panacea- spinsane dude thats cheating
00:44 spinsane what can i say
00:44 spinsane i take the easy way out
00:44 kane27 do you have the program?
00:44 spinsane its called notepad
00:44 spinsane i dont have it handy though
00:45 panacea- i can dcc you it
spinsane barium we should joint
barium spinsane, yeah, i make the gif and you convert? or the other way around? :-
19:32 spinsane i love RM
19:32 high247 im gonna fucking kill him
19:32 high247 lol
19:33 dstre haha man wtf was that all about
19:33 high247 dunno
19:33 high247 hes just a lamer
15:22 spinsane im so proud i killed a thriving conversation
15:23 * rm hugs spinsane
15:23 spinsane im leveling up in IRC the RPG
15:23 magnatop yes.
15:23 rm hmm
15:23 rm irc the rpg would be cool
15:23 * spinsane the intermediate conversation killer
15:23 magnatop you have a scroll of dispell conversation
15:23 spinsane mag - hahah
15:23 rm what do you get for /kb
15:23 rm like 1000 exp?
15:23 magnatop more like 5.
15:23 magnatop bitch.
15:23 rm oh
15:23 magnatop but you get to loot the corpse.
21:05 y2scriptu need help
21:06 y2scriptu i am seraching 4 an tool to convert html colored ascii to irc ascii
21:06 y2scriptu or directly image to irc ascii
21:06 y2scriptu can someone help me?
14:48 thegza topcod are you good at making big words and pictures out of signs, letters, and sympbols? or noe what its called ACISS or somthing pm me
15:22 defile haha dude
15:22 defile why would you put a finger or thumb in her butt but not your dick?
15:22 duhbluh when i saw full metal jacket
15:22 defile your finger or thumb are more likely to end up in your mouth
15:22 Crash2Wrk hahahhaa
15:22 defile your cock is more likely to end up in hers
13:58 magnatop hahha
13:58 magnatop i want an acid hoodie
13:58 magnatop :
13:58 bornholme acid condoms
13:59 magnatop warcraft III gets old really fast
13:59 bornholme with a picture of radman when stretched
17:08 BitStream remember me?
17:08 BitStream its been a looooong time
17:08 spinsane of course i remember you
17:09 spinsane your ascii changed my brain architecture like being exposed to hardcore pornography when i was 5
02:27 spinsane i was really impressed by everything
02:27 magnatop i was too
02:27 magnatop except for the release date
02:27 magnatop mother fucker.
18:38 ministar spin, i have a fanny pack for diapers and bottles and shit like that
08:00 aphA w0rd man
08:00 aphA im drunbk atm
08:00 spinsy81 haha awesome :D
08:01 aphA first time since yesterday :P
22:13 spinsane radmans such a fucking flake
22:13 spinsane i tell him im gonna be gone for an hour
22:13 spinsane calls me 3 fucking times during that hour
22:13 spinsane then i get back
22:13 spinsane and he leaves
22:13 spinsane jit
22:13 r33vtnt yeah
22:13 r33vtnt im sitting here
22:13 r33vtnt yelling and msging him
22:14 r33vtnt yo i have it yo i have it
22:14 r33vtnt so then i say
22:14 r33vtnt i have to go take my dog home youll get it when i get back
22:14 r33vtnt so he goes:
22:14 r33vtnt yo do you check your private messages i sent you on 15 minutes ago
22:14 spinsane haha
22:14 r33vtnt at least now i know rad isnt slang for intelligent
02:19 aesthetic radman - did you ever sue anyone
02:19 aesthetic i was always curious
02:20 aesthetic it always amused me the we will sue thing.. cause you could sue an artist for all theyre worth, since most of them were 13 years old and had no cash
02:20 zhixel 13 year olds know better than to fuck with acid
02:20 zhixel theyll fuckin beat you up for your lunch money
02:20 m1nistar Radman VS. Timmys Mother
02:20 aesthetic hahahha
02:20 spinsane haha
02:21 aesthetic the people vs. radman
02:21 zhixel catbones will be all out like GIMME YOUR MILK MONEY BITCH
01:11 spinsane Remorse Makes Rectums Slimy
01:15 SketchCow Aged Creators in Diapers
03:10 CatBones i been representing ACiD since nine to the fizzour. warez keeps the boat afloat. hahahahaha.
15:52 aphA fuck man, i had a messed up dream last nite
15:52 aphA radman was in it
15:52 aphA and so was spinsane
15:54 aphA it was set in this swimming pool complex, and im outside in the carpark, and radman drives up and parks in his red farrari
15:54 aphA with RADMAN number plates
15:54 aphA and these ppl run up and scream and cheer and ask for autographs
15:55 aphA lol
15:55 rm that was no dream
15:55 aphA then i meet spinsane, hes sitting fully clothed in this spa-pool
15:56 aphA and he looks at me and goes... ah so ur alpha!
15:56 aphA and he shakes my hand and hes got like freaky long nails
15:56 aphA with shaky long hair
15:56 aphA looks like a homeless guy
15:57 aphA rofl
15:57 aphA sorta looked like steve buscemi sp from big daddy
15:58 aphA rm: was still reality?
02:57 surfrock amn this guy just asked this other dude a nasty ass question
02:57 spinsane ?
02:57 surfrock would you be ricky martins underwear for a day for 100 dollars ?
02:57 spinsane hahahaha
02:57 spinsane 100 dollars?
02:57 spinsane he must be poor
02:57 surfrock fuck that
02:57 surfrock thats a trauma
02:58 spinsane for a million id lick RMs asshole
02:58 spinsane assuming its RM from remorse ascii
14:59 io haha damn
15:00 io i love lsd and the mirror
00:40 kane- what did creator do? release a ansi using gif2ansi?
00:40 kane- you know that programs been out for like 7 years and I never ever seen it at all?
00:41 * panacea- has joined ans
00:41 enzO27i milk2ansi is much better
00:42 kane- what is gif2ansi?
00:42 panacea- kane its like ansi2gif
00:42 panacea- but the other way
00:42 * kane27 has quit IRC Ping timeout: 530 seconds
00:43 * kane- is now known as kane27
00:43 spinsane im a fan of ascii2txt
00:43 panacea- spinsane dude thats cheating
00:44 spinsane what can i say
00:44 spinsane i take the easy way out
00:44 kane27 do you have the program?
00:44 spinsane its called notepad
00:44 spinsane i dont have it handy though
00:45 panacea- i can dcc you it
spinsane barium we should joint
barium spinsane, yeah, i make the gif and you convert? or the other way around? :-
19:32 spinsane i love RM
19:32 high247 im gonna fucking kill him
19:32 high247 lol
19:33 dstre haha man wtf was that all about
19:33 high247 dunno
19:33 high247 hes just a lamer
15:22 spinsane im so proud i killed a thriving conversation
15:23 * rm hugs spinsane
15:23 spinsane im leveling up in IRC the RPG
15:23 magnatop yes.
15:23 rm hmm
15:23 rm irc the rpg would be cool
15:23 * spinsane the intermediate conversation killer
15:23 magnatop you have a scroll of dispell conversation
15:23 spinsane mag - hahah
15:23 rm what do you get for /kb
15:23 rm like 1000 exp?
15:23 magnatop more like 5.
15:23 magnatop bitch.
15:23 rm oh
15:23 magnatop but you get to loot the corpse.
21:05 y2scriptu need help
21:06 y2scriptu i am seraching 4 an tool to convert html colored ascii to irc ascii
21:06 y2scriptu or directly image to irc ascii
21:06 y2scriptu can someone help me?
14:48 thegza topcod are you good at making big words and pictures out of signs, letters, and sympbols? or noe what its called ACISS or somthing pm me
15:22 defile haha dude
15:22 defile why would you put a finger or thumb in her butt but not your dick?
15:22 duhbluh when i saw full metal jacket
15:22 defile your finger or thumb are more likely to end up in your mouth
15:22 Crash2Wrk hahahhaa
15:22 defile your cock is more likely to end up in hers
13:58 magnatop hahha
13:58 magnatop i want an acid hoodie
13:58 magnatop :
13:58 bornholme acid condoms
13:59 magnatop warcraft III gets old really fast
13:59 bornholme with a picture of radman when stretched
17:08 BitStream remember me?
17:08 BitStream its been a looooong time
17:08 spinsane of course i remember you
17:09 spinsane your ascii changed my brain architecture like being exposed to hardcore pornography when i was 5
02:27 spinsane i was really impressed by everything
02:27 magnatop i was too
02:27 magnatop except for the release date
02:27 magnatop mother fucker.
18:38 ministar spin, i have a fanny pack for diapers and bottles and shit like that
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