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When you recognize that you really, truly
are a VOLATILE person,you will have declared
your own, personal, INDEPENDENCE DAY! So,
when you ask whats REALLY new? The
answer is: YOU ARE!!
- www.volatileusa.com -
Question: Since I started wearing my VOLATILE
shoes, people seem to treat me differently
whats up with that?
Answer: When you are shod in VOLATILE, your
whole aura changes. You become a major guy
magnet, a leader, a sex symbol, and an ins-
piration to all who know you.
Question: Can you suggest anything for really
bad acne?
Answer: Many people have reported that since
they started wearing our hot VENICE STARZ
sandal, their complexions completely cleared
up. While were not sure if it is the sandal
or their exciting new social life, we can
only suggest that you try it! Available in a
variety of colors!
Question: I have had a weight problem since
I was in the 3rd grade. What can I do?
Answer: Our ARSON sneaker with the flame on
the side seems to not only speed up the pulse
of the opposite sex, it speeds up the metabo-
lism. Between your metabolic index and your
need to run from all the boys chasing you,
your weight problem will soon become a dis-
tant memory.
When you recognize that you really, truly
are a VOLATILE person,you will have declared
your own, personal, INDEPENDENCE DAY! So,
when you ask whats REALLY new? The
answer is: YOU ARE!!
- www.volatileusa.com -
Question: Since I started wearing my VOLATILE
shoes, people seem to treat me differently
whats up with that?
Answer: When you are shod in VOLATILE, your
whole aura changes. You become a major guy
magnet, a leader, a sex symbol, and an ins-
piration to all who know you.
Question: Can you suggest anything for really
bad acne?
Answer: Many people have reported that since
they started wearing our hot VENICE STARZ
sandal, their complexions completely cleared
up. While were not sure if it is the sandal
or their exciting new social life, we can
only suggest that you try it! Available in a
variety of colors!
Question: I have had a weight problem since
I was in the 3rd grade. What can I do?
Answer: Our ARSON sneaker with the flame on
the side seems to not only speed up the pulse
of the opposite sex, it speeds up the metabo-
lism. Between your metabolic index and your
need to run from all the boys chasing you,
your weight problem will soon become a dis-
tant memory.
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