this image contains text
::: wH0
R E L E A S E 4 3
i n f o: :::
FILENAME: RMRS-43.ZIP ..................... ::: ...
SIZE: Elephant ::: ::
m e m b e r s: ::: ::
FOUNDERS: Necromancer mark@smegma.net .....::: ::
Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com ::: .....::
Whodini whodini@apt103.net ::: ::
SENIORS: Tzeentech tn@mail.acid.org :::
Wackie wackie@newmail.net :: :::
Arrogance ack@dub56.org :: :::
Spinsane spinsane@apt103.net :: :::
MEMBERS: Aesthetic daveb@phatchicks.com :: :::
Ansichrst mceedia@hotmail.com :: :::
Antik antik@junglists.com .........:::
Axb axb500@hotmail.com ::... ..
Brane brane@home.se : ::
Cleaner cleaner@ifrance.com . ::
Computer Man sam@cmang.com ::
Drax micke@frojd.com ::
Dshay dshay@freemail.com.au ....::
Erupt erupt@drinkordie.com ::
Mass Murderer ... ::......
Mj0lnir mjolnir@home.se ::
M0dium m0dium@hotmail.com ::
Nightrain ericwin@mail.ev1.net ::
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl ......:: .......
Phz phz@mail.e.pl :: :
Polygon polygoon@hotmail.com :: :
Pk NotKnown ::....................
Ricky Martin rm@popstar.com . ::
Sinse One sinseone@deaddrunkenspaniards.com : ::
Talo merlin@remorse.org : ::
Tribal tribal@mindless.com : ::
Triplogic almstedt@themarines.org :. ::
Truman 5tarr groove@malditainternet.net : ::
Tum tyagia@union.edu ..........::
2112 two11two@earthlink.net :: .
SUPPORT: Crash crash@mp3.org :.........
Radman radman@acid.org : .
Silica silica@inso.darktech.org .....:
ALUMNI: Empty jaelin1@hotmail.com :...
Enigmatic enigmo@msn.com ......:
Fahrenheit unknown :
Kaleidas kaleidas@linex.com :
Killahertz khz@megarad.com :....
Miasma miasma@mail.acid.org :
Mhz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu .......:
Mr. Kite unknown :
Omicron omi@remorse.org :
Pariah fkiper@hotmail.com :....................
Polymorph unknown :
Terminator 2 unknown .........:
The Messiah messdan@mediaone.com :.
Tinyz tinyz@prada.org .....:
Whirr whirr@apt103.net :
n e w s:
here we are with another month! the air is getting warmer in the
states, and remorse has followed suit with a hot pack featuring a
lot of good newschool and oldschool art. makes me proud to be a
founder. by the way, how do i turn on vi mode in aciddraw? it
took me a month to write this damn info file!.
NewComer, Pk, welcome back!
-- whodini remorse co-founder
// / .NFO layout and art by
whodini remorse
R E L E A S E 4 3
i n f o: :::
FILENAME: RMRS-43.ZIP ..................... ::: ...
SIZE: Elephant ::: ::
m e m b e r s: ::: ::
FOUNDERS: Necromancer mark@smegma.net .....::: ::
Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com ::: .....::
Whodini whodini@apt103.net ::: ::
SENIORS: Tzeentech tn@mail.acid.org :::
Wackie wackie@newmail.net :: :::
Arrogance ack@dub56.org :: :::
Spinsane spinsane@apt103.net :: :::
MEMBERS: Aesthetic daveb@phatchicks.com :: :::
Ansichrst mceedia@hotmail.com :: :::
Antik antik@junglists.com .........:::
Axb axb500@hotmail.com ::... ..
Brane brane@home.se : ::
Cleaner cleaner@ifrance.com . ::
Computer Man sam@cmang.com ::
Drax micke@frojd.com ::
Dshay dshay@freemail.com.au ....::
Erupt erupt@drinkordie.com ::
Mass Murderer ... ::......
Mj0lnir mjolnir@home.se ::
M0dium m0dium@hotmail.com ::
Nightrain ericwin@mail.ev1.net ::
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl ......:: .......
Phz phz@mail.e.pl :: :
Polygon polygoon@hotmail.com :: :
Pk NotKnown ::....................
Ricky Martin rm@popstar.com . ::
Sinse One sinseone@deaddrunkenspaniards.com : ::
Talo merlin@remorse.org : ::
Tribal tribal@mindless.com : ::
Triplogic almstedt@themarines.org :. ::
Truman 5tarr groove@malditainternet.net : ::
Tum tyagia@union.edu ..........::
2112 two11two@earthlink.net :: .
SUPPORT: Crash crash@mp3.org :.........
Radman radman@acid.org : .
Silica silica@inso.darktech.org .....:
ALUMNI: Empty jaelin1@hotmail.com :...
Enigmatic enigmo@msn.com ......:
Fahrenheit unknown :
Kaleidas kaleidas@linex.com :
Killahertz khz@megarad.com :....
Miasma miasma@mail.acid.org :
Mhz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu .......:
Mr. Kite unknown :
Omicron omi@remorse.org :
Pariah fkiper@hotmail.com :....................
Polymorph unknown :
Terminator 2 unknown .........:
The Messiah messdan@mediaone.com :.
Tinyz tinyz@prada.org .....:
Whirr whirr@apt103.net :
n e w s:
here we are with another month! the air is getting warmer in the
states, and remorse has followed suit with a hot pack featuring a
lot of good newschool and oldschool art. makes me proud to be a
founder. by the way, how do i turn on vi mode in aciddraw? it
took me a month to write this damn info file!.
NewComer, Pk, welcome back!
-- whodini remorse co-founder
// / .NFO layout and art by
whodini remorse
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