this image contains text
--- A full setup for Silmarillion by BRANE/REMORSE1981
--- Logo
.: :. Silmarillion .: :.
--- Ten latest releases
/ Silmarillion - Ten latest releases bne
--- General rules
/ / / /./ / Silmarillion
/ /. /. . /. General rules
--- Site stats
/ Silmarillion - Site stats bne
--- Oneliners
/ Silmarillion - Oneliners bne
--- Heaven Logo
.. . bne
l / l / l / l / /
--- Some logos and stuff... i see you later. Reqs brane@home.se
--- Logo
.: :. Silmarillion .: :.
--- Ten latest releases
/ Silmarillion - Ten latest releases bne
--- General rules
/ / / /./ / Silmarillion
/ /. /. . /. General rules
--- Site stats
/ Silmarillion - Site stats bne
--- Oneliners
/ Silmarillion - Oneliners bne
--- Heaven Logo
.. . bne
l / l / l / l / /
--- Some logos and stuff... i see you later. Reqs brane@home.se
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